Top of the big era

Chapter 2987: Personal Investment

"Ah?" Senior Sister Zhen Yu knew the inside story, "Is this the Ultraman Sam you mentioned?"


Zhou Buqi followed Senior Sister Zhen Yu, helping her take off her gray-white coat like a little follower.

Zhen Yu turned to look at him and was surprised, "He has only been investing in YC for two months?"

Zhou Buqi said: "To be precise, less than two months."

Zhen Yu was a little helpless, "How can I not be angry?"

Recruitment comes at a cost.

Especially for senior managers, YC Investment hired Sam Altman as president, which must have paid a huge price. Not only is it a benefit, but more importantly, it takes a lot of time and energy.

Now, before he could sit firmly on his butt, he was being pushed into the corner by Zhou Buqi. This was indeed morally unjustifiable.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's not that I'm angry. I talked to that Paul Graham twice, and he said he understood. People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. Sam Altman joins Ziweixing , this is a high promotion, it cannot limit someone’s career development.”

Zhen Yu slapped away the hand that he had extended to her chest, and said angrily: "I haven't been feeling well these days. My chest is sore and swollen. Don't touch me."

Zhou Buqi stopped making trouble and said seriously: "I have some connection with that Paul Graham. In the 1990s, he was also an entrepreneur in the Internet wave. He founded an Internet company and did very well. . Later, it was acquired by Yahoo for US$50 million. After having this money, he started two businesses and failed. He realized that he was no longer keeping up with the times, so he retired from the technology industry. . I raised 15 million US dollars, founded YC Investment, and changed my career to finance.”

Zhen Yu chuckled and said, "Yahoo!"

Zhou Buqi said shamelessly: "Yes, Yahoo is my company now. From this level, I can be considered his boss!"


Senior Sister Zhen Yu rolled her eyes at him, put on her home pajamas, took his arm and walked out of the cloakroom.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "I've asked. Although YC investment is famous, it is actually not worth much. Their annual investment amount is just over US$100 million."

"Ah?" Zhen Yu blinked, "That much?"

Zhou Buqi said: "They mainly do angel rounds, so they are famous. And their requirements are very low. They only require 7% of the shares for each project. Compared with many greedy Wall Street institutions, they are more like Angel."

There are many categories of venture capital.

YC Investment mainly does angel rounds, which is seed capital.

Many entrepreneurs want to start a business when they have a good idea.

At this time, they had nothing.

No one, no team, no product, no market, no business model... just an idea.

In this case, who dares to give them money?

Not only are there too many scammers, but the probability of failure is extremely high.

If there are really some investment institutions that are willing to give money and pay for the dreams of entrepreneurs, it will really be like an angel descending to earth, so it is called an angel round. It is also like planting a seed to see if the seed dies or grows into a towering tree in the future, so it is also called the seed wheel.

Venture capital institutions that dare to play angel rounds usually have a great social reputation because they are so rare.

All beginnings are hard.

The Angel Wheel is the first step.

Because the risk is too high, there won’t be much funding in the angel round.

YC Investment is not a venture capital from Wall Street. The founder, Paul Graham, is a technology person in Silicon Valley. He has started several businesses, so he understands Silicon Valley better, so he developed a complete angel investment system for YC Investment.

Every month, YC Investment will look at 1,000 entrepreneurial projects, then "select one out of ten" and invest in 100 projects.

For each project, angel funds invested US$125,000, occupying 7% of the shares of the entrepreneurial project.

Relying on this fixed mechanism, which does not treat entrepreneurs differently, treats them fairly and equally, and does not bully entrepreneurs, YC Investment has grown rapidly and accumulated a huge social reputation. Over the years, it has become Silicon Valley's most popular venture capital firm.

However, the probability of success for this type of investment is too low.

Even if there are some successful ones, the angel round's shareholding is only 7%. After the subsequent round A, round B, round C, round D, the shares are diluted very little. Even if you have invested in some successful projects such as Uber, Airbnb, and Snapchat, you will not make much money in the end.

After all, this is not a Wall Street capital institution.

Paul Graham is a man of science and technology. He has feelings and love for technology, and pursues more of a sense of career and mission.

So for him, he has to find ways to attract investment every year.

Without the introduction of more external funds, YC investment will be exhausted, and it will no longer be able to continue to support entrepreneurial projects in Silicon Valley.

Zhou Buqi decided to help.

Give him some money.

It doesn’t take much, 100 million to 2 US dollars is enough.

This small amount of money is nothing to Zhen Yu. She chuckled and said: "It's just such a small amount of money, it's nothing. Selling Panda Mobile, it's 2 billion U.S. dollars. This time Pluto and Neptune's year-end dividend is 3 billion U.S. dollars. And there are still The dividends from Ziweixing Global, Changyou, Jieyu Media, Yuanwei Group, and Taizun Real Estate are estimated to be US$700 million to US$800 million.”

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "So many?"

Zhen Yu stretched out and took a long breath, "Now the global economy is booming and the economy has recovered. Our family has also survived the most difficult period of cash flow. From now on, we will never be short of money. With this money, we can basically solve our family’s debt pressure.”

"There's no need to rush to repay the money..." Zhou Buqi had no interest in repaying the loan in advance. He could do anything with the cash and earn back the interest on the loan. "Then it's settled. You can just work hard in the past few days." Go ahead and send the money to that Paul Graham.”

Zhen Yu nodded gently, "If we give the money, how many shares can we get?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I don't know, I guess it's about 10%. You can evaluate it then. YC Investment attracts investors every year. They have a set of algorithms, which must be well-founded. They don't dare to invest in me." Paul Graham is a Silicon Valley guy, not like those bastards on Wall Street.”

"That's okay."

"This is mainly an investment in favors. It doesn't matter whether you make money or not. However, this may also be a good opportunity to get close to the water."

"I knew it!"

Zhen Yu glanced at him angrily.

This man of my own never suffers.

To put it nicely, I wanted to give money to others in order to maintain a good relationship with each other and repair the rift that occurred after poaching Ultraman Sam. But in fact, he always reserves a backup plan in various matters and starts from a longer-term perspective.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "YC Investment doesn't have much money, and all it does is angel round investment. Even if it encounters some good projects, it doesn't have the strength to follow up and continue to provide development capital and growth capital for startups. This is a bit wasteful. resources. YC Investment has cultivated good projects, but they can’t follow up on them. You can serve as a director in YC Investment and get this information. If you encounter a particularly good project, you can follow up and pursue investment. Participate in round A, round B, round C and so on.”

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