Top of the big era

Chapter 2981: One rises while the other falls

Twenty minutes later, Lei Jun really came.

Wearing a pair of jeans and a gray-green down jacket.

He really doesn't look like a big boss at all, just like those technical engineers dressed up. Dressing like this makes it easy to hide oneself in Silicon Valley.

"Oh, here it comes!"

Zhou Buqi raised his head and glanced at him, but didn't say much. They were all old friends and there was no need for those vain people.

Lei Jun was also at ease. He took off his coat and hung it on the hanger. He smiled and said to Zhang Zetian: "Secretary Zhang, bring me a cup of hot coffee. Thank you."

"You came just in time to help me with my advice."

Zhou Buqi stood up from the executive chair behind his desk, holding a stack of more than a dozen documents in his hand. He walked over, placed them on the coffee table, and invited Lei Jun to look at them together.

"What's the matter?" Lei Jun was not polite. He picked up a document and found that it was in English. He had a headache when he read it. He flipped through it and found a Chinese material, ""The Necessity of Merging LinkedIn", Paper Ah, author...Tang Binchen? You want to acquire LinkedIn?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It hasn't been decided yet. It's an internal discussion. These are the opinions given by senior executives. You should also take a look."

Lei Jun was very surprised and said: "Is LinkedIn a big company? Its market value exceeds 10 billion US dollars, right?"

Zhou Buqi said: "That's right, so we need to discuss it. If it's a small company and just buy it casually, why is there any need to discuss it?"

Lei Jun took a deep breath, briefly read this advice from Tang Binchen, and read: "The value of professional information owned by LinkedIn is far greater than the social information owned by social networking sites. Our social products cover the user's All kinds of information, but due to the lack of real-name policy requirements, we can only focus on fluid information such as thoughts, interests, uploaded pictures, places visited, etc. However, in the professional field, what defines a person is standardized. A set of multiple criteria: residence, age, workplace, position, school, major and GPA. For customers, this kind of data is easier to understand and use, and the delivery based on this data will be more accurate..."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, that is a commercial benefit. Richer career information can make our recommended ads more accurate and create more advertising value... By the way, do you have data?"

"This data is really amazing. On average, each user who stays on Facebook for one hour can generate 5.4 cents of advertising revenue; if he stays on Yahoo for one hour, he can generate 3.7 cents of advertising revenue; if he stays on Twitter for one hour, he can generate 3.7 cents of advertising revenue. hour, the revenue when creating is only 1.9 cents, but staying on LinkedIn for one hour can generate 1.3 US dollars in advertising fees.”

Although Lei Jun is currently in the mobile phone business, he is a real Internet person.

And what he is best at is marketing.

I am deeply surprised that I am so sensitive to such commercial data from traffic conversion. Precisely delivered Internet advertising is changing the inherent logic of the media advertising market, and is adopting a new advertising concept that focuses on transaction rates.

Such reports are actually somewhat related to business secrets.

However, Boss Zhou didn't care, and Lei Jun would not miss this opportunity to take a peek. Then he looked at Tang Binchen's report: "I'll go... This passage is really powerful. Social trends are controlled by social elites. A Products that are generally recognized by social elites tend to be more competitive.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It is indeed a bit arbitrary, but the logic is correct."

Lei Jun then took a deep breath and understood Boss Zhou's layout in the Internet industry. He read this report: "Ziweixing has a school network in China. One of the great values ​​of the school network is that you can follow it during school. College students across the country have established good relationships. When college students enter the society after graduation, they will still have such an emotional bond, including data ties and information ties, which will help Ziweixing control the domestic social elite. Information dynamics. This group not only has stronger consumption power, but their data, information, preferences and other data are often at the forefront of social needs and the front line of product innovation.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "It is written like a paper, but the meaning is very clear. Ziweixing International does not have a campus network in overseas markets, so it lacks key indicators for the key social elite group."

“LinkedIn can fill this strategic and business gap.”

Lei Jun quickly understood the theme of this "paper".

Zhou Buqi pointed at the dozen report documents, "There are 13 in total here, 6 of which are very supportive, 3 of which are supportive, and 2 of which are optional or not. Only 1 is clearly opposed."

Lei Jun was very surprised, "Objection? Which document?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't read it, it's of no value. It's written by a female executive and it's too petty. She doesn't deny LinkedIn, but thinks LinkedIn is too expensive. If you really want to acquire LinkedIn, you may have to pay a premium of at least 25 %-30%, it’s too expensive. She thought we should make a similar product ourselves.”

Lei Jun shook his head, "This is not easy."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, there are actually two options in front of us now. Should Ziweixing International become a business social networking market, or not. If it does, then the only way to do it is to acquire LinkedIn. "

He has a very decisive and resolute attitude.

Because in my previous life, in the field of business social networking, I had never heard of any other companies besides LinkedIn, neither Google nor Facebook.

Lei Jun is the big boss. He understands the essentials of mergers and acquisitions very well. He said: "The key to this matter is whether LinkedIn is willing to sell. If they are not willing to sell, it is useless to say anything. For a company, except The pursuit of capital and the pursuit of power are not necessarily willing to give up power.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is really not an obstacle. This is the big boss of LinkedIn, Hoffman, who came to me and wanted to merge."

"That's okay!"

"Look at it again...well, this report is quite good!"

"English... Kurian?"

"Well, the president of Ziweiyun is an Indian and the best executive under me. He went on vacation and hasn't come back yet. This was written during the vacation and is also valuable." Zhou Buqi handed over the material Passed it to him, "It's in English, can you understand it?"

Lei Jun nodded, "I can get a rough idea."

Being able to read English literature is a basic quality.

Especially in the IT industry, if you want to get ahead in this industry, you don’t have to be bad at speaking, but you must be able to read.

Looking at it, it’s really amazing!

The key is that Kurian may also know that Boss Zhou’s English is not his native language, so the words he uses are very simple and clear.

A total of ten items were proposed.

First, the B2B value of the Internet continues to grow, and the acquisition field can further promote Ziweiyun to reach corporate users to expand the scale of the B2B market;

Second, it can change the competitive situation of the CRM software industry. By injecting rich B2C and B2B data sets (including registered mobile users), Ziweiyun's outsourced digital advertising business can have better growth;

Third, it can integrate the world's leading professional cloud with the world's leading professional network, thereby providing true one-stop contact for business users and enterprise users.

Fourth, Ziweiyun's collaborative office software, multi-person online video software, network cloud disk, online ledger, financial management system and other products are connected to professional networks, thereby developing more new methods to improve the productivity of professionals, and at the same time Reinvent sales, marketing and talent management business processes;

5. LinkedIn has been changing the way global professionals find employment opportunities for more than ten years, and Ziweixing International’s acquisition of LinkedIn will provide a new opportunity to truly realize this commonality on a larger scale. Goal: To strengthen individuals and businesses.

Sixth, it can open up a new track outside the toC social market, thereby resisting the attack from B-end social products, and consolidating its dominant position in the social field...

After reading it, Lei Jun nodded repeatedly, "Every one of them speaks to my heart."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Do you think we should launch an acquisition of LinkedIn?"

"I don't have to say that." Lei Jun was a little funny, and he had already seen his attitude, "Didn't you make your decision a long time ago?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Can you give me some advice?"

"Me?" Lei Jun waved his hand, "I don't know that much about your business, so I can't explain it in detail. But, I just need to grasp a little bit. You said it was LinkedIn's big boss, Hoffman, who asked you You want to take the initiative to merge with Ziweixing International? This explains the problem. If he can find you, he can definitely find someone else. If you don't buy it, your competitors will definitely reject it. This is a big taboo.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, this time when we go to negotiate with Qualcomm, we will adopt such a strategy, so that Qualcomm will have to worry about the ebb and flow of the situation."

Lei Jun immediately understood what he meant, "Threat from competitors?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I have received very definite news that Qualcomm's structural crisis has endangered the business level. The 4G chips released by Qualcomm this year may be very poor in quality."

The human heart is made of flesh.

In the past year, Qualcomm has encountered a lot of troubles. There have been crises both internally and externally. Even the CEO has been replaced.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to allow those chip experts to concentrate on R\u0026D and design. In particular, some antitrust pressures will put a layer of moral constraints on them... In this case, their research and development results will definitely be affected.

Now the negative effects are occurring internally.

Boss Zhou has heard some rumors that Qualcomm’s upcoming 4G chip may encounter many technical problems. However, they couldn't make it public. This was related to Qualcomm's orders, profits and stock price, so they could only pretend not to know and bite the bullet.

Lei Jun frowned slightly, "Qualcomm's chip is bad?"

Zhou Buqi said: "That's not possible. Even if this year's chips are not very good, they still have advantages over chips from Samsung, MediaTek, and Intel. At best, the advantages are not that big, and the price/performance ratio is too low. They must know this situation internally. . This is an entry point for Xiaomi to reach strategic cooperation with Qualcomm. Signing a large order and strategic long-term cooperation will give Qualcomm a sense of taking advantage of Xiaomi, and the greater the opportunity for promotion. ”


"Coupled with your 1 billion bet, Qualcomm has seen Xiaomi's belief and prospects; there is also the ebb and flow of competitive threats. If Qualcomm does not cooperate, you will go to MediaTek or Samsung, and they will definitely have to give in."

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