Top of the big era

Chapter 2971: Technology People

It's almost Christmas.

My wife and children have all returned to the Bay Area from London in batches.

Boss Zhou needs to be equal in his family life, and he must have the same awareness in his career.

He is going to Los Angeles to pay attention to Ziweixing Global.

Recently, the most popular movie in the film industry is the sequel blockbuster "The Hunger Games 2" produced by MGM, a subsidiary of Ziweixing Universal.

Unprecedented success.

Especially in the North American market, one month after its release, the North American box office has reached 370 million U.S. dollars, which is even more impressive than the Disney animated masterpiece "Frozen" released in the same period. The relevant executives of MGM were very proud. When Zhou Buqi went to Los Angeles to listen to the business report, they wanted to invite him to watch the movie.

Zhou Buqi's established blockbuster series model has highlighted its market competitiveness.

The success of "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" marks the great success of the "Hunger Games" series, and this series has long-term development value.

Normally, if there are three novels, then there will only be three movies.

However, now that the movie has achieved such great success, especially in North America, it has received unimaginable popularity. It would be a pity to only make three parts... The subsequent plot can be divided into several parts!

After the main movie is finished, we can discuss it with the author of the novel, and we can also make a spin-off, a prequel, a follow-up, or even a TV series.

According to Boss Zhou’s film theory, the market is now dominated by IP-based series masterpieces.

After finally getting a good IP, you must fully tap its value and make as much money as possible!

Zhou Buqi also agreed with this idea. While watching the movie, he whispered to CEO Jason Kilar who was accompanying him to watch the movie: "IPs like 'The Hunger Games' and 'Twilight'... We must fully explore the value. This is all popular literature. In fact, it has no artistic quality. It is a short-term effect of the trend. It will be difficult to have much value in the future like "Lord of the Rings" and "Planet". War' and Marvel's superhero IP are fundamentally different. For the latter, the development of IP must be moderate and not excessive. If there is too much development and the market is too saturated, the value of the IP will be weakened. "

Jason Kilar smiled: "This year's net profit can exceed US$5 billion, and next year's plan is US$6 billion."

"10% growth?"

Zhou Buqi turned to look at him.

For ordinary companies, a 10% increase in one year is already a good performance. But when it comes to Ziweixing Global, it's a bit unsatisfactory. Boss Zhou has laid the foundation before. If you don’t show an annual growth rate of 25%, you will not be qualified as a CEO!

Kilar said quickly: "You have forgotten that next year we will transform into technology."

“Oh, streaming!”

Zhou Buqi nodded.

This was something he had planned for a long time.

For Ziweixing Global, this is a big project and a business transformation. In the short term, it requires massive investment, which will inevitably eat up a lot of profits created by other businesses.

Jason Kilar said with a smile: "It is expected to be launched before August."

Zhou Buqi said: "This is an inevitable trend, and it is also the main reason why Ziweixing Global does not engage in the TV station business. This matter must be done well, and you can do it yourself."


"What about the business model of streaming media? Has it been finalized?"

Kilar said slowly: "There are some arguments, but I still decided to adopt your plan. Use the 'advertising + membership' model. If you only adopt the membership subscription model, there will inevitably be some head-on competition with Netflix." ”

Zhou Buqi said without doubt: "Don't have any friction with Netflix."

The reason why the plan is controversial is because many senior executives of Ziweixing Global have no interest in dealings with Netflix. They don't care about Netflix's life and death. Of course, it will be in the interests of Ziweixing Global.

It won’t work without Zhou Qi.

He is Netflix’s largest shareholder!

He can't watch Netflix and MSI fighting in the field of video streaming. Isn't this a left-hand fight against a right-hand?

Therefore, when Ziweixing Global develops its streaming media business, it must try its best to stagger it with Netflix.

There are currently three streaming media models.

"Free + Advertising" model.

"Membership" model.

"Advertising + membership" model.

The “free + advertising” model definitely won’t work. Although the price of Internet advertising in the United States is very high and the income is large, copyright prices are even more expensive. That advertising fee simply cannot meet the operating expenses of streaming media.

Netflix uses a membership model.

As for Ziweixing Global, the only option left is the "advertising + membership" model.

They are some old movies, unpopular movies and low-quality film and television works. Users can watch them for free on the platform, and the platform earns revenue through advertising. If users want to see some high-quality content, they need to become a member.

This model can have more traffic, more flexible business operation strategies, and a larger audience.

Later domestic video streaming websites basically adopted this type of model.

However, domestic advertising fees and membership fees are also low, and the two incomes combined are still not enough... so many video websites have launched the "V on V" model. That is, if users want to see the best of the best, it is not enough to just become a member. After becoming a member, they must also open a super member.

Kilar said tentatively: "The film and television copyrights we authorized to Netflix must be gradually recovered."

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't rush, take your time, don't let Netflix's film and television library have a gap. You take care of this matter, let the technology people be responsible, don't let the filmmakers interfere. We need to discuss it with Netflix, Take back the copyright slowly without affecting their own development, and be careful not to cause protests at the shareholders’ meeting.”

Jason Kilar also doesn’t own Netflix stock.

But he was the CEO appointed by Zhou Buqi.

He must consider the interests of the big boss.

In this process, the interests of small shareholders will be violated to some extent.

After all, for Ziweixing Global, if it wants its own streaming media platform to develop well, the best strategy is to kill Netflix first. If all the film and television copyrights authorized by it to Netflix are withdrawn, Netflix will be half dead or half dead. Its own streaming media platform can quickly form market competitiveness by relying on its own, the world's largest film and television copyright library.

If you hesitate, you will waste your opportunity.

Boss Zhou is not willing to do this.

Kilar said with a smile: "We can't protest, we have a contract with Netflix. Moreover, MSI Global also holds some shares in Netflix, and the two parties also have a strategic cooperation agreement, so we have full potential to 'delay the fighter'." reason."

Zhou Buqi said: "Netflix and Ziweixing Global will not be competitors. Netflix's competitor is HBO. The TV industry has declined irresistibly, and the video streaming market will only get bigger and bigger. This In the market, it is not a problem to accommodate five or six large-scale video streaming platforms! We do not need to worry about the future competition crisis between Netflix and Ziweixing Global. Many people may not understand it, and they may not understand it if we explain it to them. . In this case, we might as well find some reasons to convince them, and don’t let the stupid voices in the shareholders’ meeting interfere with our judgment.”

Kilar promised: "No, I know which direction is correct. In fact, the ideas of scientific and technological people will always follow your route. This is the biggest guarantee."

He is also a technology person, born in Silicon Valley, and was an executive at Amazon in his early years.

Within Ziweixing Global, there are mainly two types of employees.

One is a Hollywood "filmmaker".

These people are a bit muddled and too profit-oriented.

I have no spiritual faith in Boss Zhou.

It's different in the technology field.

Purple Star Global is now building a video streaming platform, as well as many technological products, and has many "technical people" under its umbrella. It can be said that as long as you are a technology person, there is no one who does not have emotional faith in Boss Zhou.

Just like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs back then.

In Ziweixing Global, scientific and technological talents are Zhou Buqi’s largest support group.

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