Top of the big era

Chapter 296 Male secretary is not good, you have to pick a woman

The internet is changing so fast.

If you are not careful, you may fall behind. Therefore, when working in an Internet company, the most important thing is often not the current working ability, but the learning ability and continuous learning ability.

Zhou Buqi's entrepreneurial team is relatively young as a whole.

But looking at the entire Internet circle, it is not uncommon.

Today's Internet entrepreneurs are all young people born in the 1980s. People born in the 60s and 70s no longer start businesses, but start to be investors. A new generation is stepping onto the big stage and becoming the backbone of society.

Very worthy of attention!

It is of symbolic significance that the big leaders of the publicity mouth come to inspect Dongfang Weidian.

Zhou Buqi also went, and made some interpretations of the rogue software——

"The Internet environment is like a mud pit, and no one is clean. Company A makes rogue software, and company B thinks it will suffer if it doesn't do it. So in the end, everyone is making rogue software or using rogue software. This kind of development Trends will bring extreme trends to this industry, hurting netizens, and then hurting the environment on which everyone lives, and finally the Internet must be hurt.”

"There are too many companies that use methods that are not friendly to netizens to compete for their resources and coerce them to help them achieve their business goals. But I think the most abominable ones are some small and medium-sized companies that are black sheep. I believe that some of the larger ones Internet companies get involved because they are facing such a complicated market environment, and if they don’t use some abnormal methods, they will suffer losses in the market, so they are forced to adopt some methods.”

"Dongfang Micropoint stands out against rogue software with a clear banner. I hope to take the lead. Although I know that there will be many doubts and pressure, and there will be big manufacturers to deal with us, but I think someone must do this first. , It is difficult to form everything at the beginning. Only when more people stand up against rogue software and make this industry cleaner can the industry develop healthily in the future. Otherwise, it will be difficult for new Internet companies to emerge from the mud if the environment does not change. dye."

"A lot of rogue software can't be solved by simply losing your temper and swearing at people. It is necessary to provide ordinary people with a technical means, a tool like Weidian Security Guard, so that they can easily uninstall unwanted software. Let the common people have the choice and the right to know, so that the rogue software will not be so rampant. They will not earn money after being hit, and they will not be able to survive. When the rats cross the street and everyone shouts, the rogue software will withdraw from the market.”

"We launched Micropoint Security Guard, and the market feedback far exceeded our expectations. In just one week since its launch, the installed capacity has exceeded 6.5 million. Market feedback is the best answer. Micropoint Security Guard is a public welfare software. , has been widely supported by the industry.”

It may be because of nervousness, when Zhou Buqi said this, he was a little repetitive, and his words were not precise enough.

Some rhetoric about going online and serving the country and the people has been prepared, but when the words come to their lips, they can't say anything.

Then, the big leader talked about technological innovation, affirmed that Dongfang Micropoint has independent property rights and the world's leading active defense technology, and humbly asked about the most popular web2.0 technology at present.

Wu Hanqing came over and replied: "The spring breeze of web2.0 has blown into the country. Generally speaking, it is technological innovation, product innovation and model innovation. All these innovations have a mainstream line, which is to use the idea of ​​Web2.0 to let more netizens Only by combining the strengths of netizens can a very strong vitality be erupted to promote the growth of the Internet industry. Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, which is to provide netizens with a safe, clean and healthy Internet environment. At this point Come on, Dongfang Weidian is duty bound."

After a few words, what he said was even more beautiful than Zhou Buqi.

The big leader smiled and nodded, also very satisfied.

Finally, the big leader made a concluding speech, and everyone paid close attention to it.

These remarks are not nonsense. The news broadcast at the meeting will be guided by relevant departments as a policy guide and actively promoted.

"Running the Internet in a civilized way and surfing the Internet in a civilized manner are important measures to implement the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, a practical step to implement the important instructions of the central government to promote the style of network civilization, and an important part of vigorously promoting the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. The concept of development and the actual needs of building a harmonious socialist society reflect the strong demands of the broad masses of the people."

"All regions, departments, and websites must fully understand the significance of running the Internet in a civilized manner and surfing the Internet in a civilized manner, fully understand the expectations of the broad masses of the people for Internet publicity and management work, enhance their sense of responsibility and mission, and earnestly implement the civilized operation of the Internet and civilization. Internet activities should be done well and achieved results.”

"It is necessary to strengthen the training of website practitioners, enhance their political quality and sense of social responsibility, keep in mind the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, familiarize themselves with my country's Internet laws and regulations, clarify the importance of running a network in a civilized manner, and advocate a healthy and progressive Internet fashion, and consciously assume responsibility for society. responsibility……"

A leader is a leader, and the level is extremely high. A casual speech is like a strictly prohibited and orderly article.

The flash light "clicked" and the attendants wrote "swipe".

The employees of Dongfang Micropoint blinked their eyes.

Secretly startled.

It feels like I have a new understanding of government officials.

Finally, in the applause of everyone, the leader was sent away.

This inspection has come to a successful conclusion.


Leaving from Dongfangwei, Zhou Buqi went straight to

Not informed.

After going there, I found Zhang Yiming writing code.

"You still write code?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

Zhang Yiming smiled and rubbed his eyes, "I just finished two meetings, write some code, and relax."

The corner of Zhou Buqi's mouth twitched.

Writing code is relaxing?

If the programmers at the outside stations heard this, they would probably vomit blood.

"How do you arrange your working hours this day?" Zhou Buqi asked him curiously.

Zhang Yiming said slowly: "40% of the time is in meetings, 30% of the time is in interviews, 20% of the time is studying, and 10% of the time is writing code."

"What are you studying?"



"Well, many cutting-edge technical articles are in English. I didn't feel it when I was in school, but I found out after work that English and mathematics are necessary subjects."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "How is the cooperation with Microsoft Research going?"

At this time, the secretary came in.

It's a man.

He said sternly, "Mr. Zhang, there are still five minutes left for the game group meeting. Do we need to postpone it?"

Zhang Yiming smiled at him, "Postponed it for half an hour."

Then, I answered the question just now, and said peacefully: "The basic framework is finalized, let's go in three steps. The first step is the collection technology of big data; the second step is the preprocessing technology of big data. Perform operations such as analysis, extraction, and cleaning of the data. Screen out the invalid ones and keep the useful ones. The third step is storage and management technology.”

"Are you having trouble?"

"There are too many. This is a truly world-class cutting-edge technology. Even if this data processing system is really made, it is only a very rudimentary kind. If we want to truly lead the industry, we need to invest more time and R\u0026D funds. .”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Elementary level is enough, first create one and use it, don't delay the launch of the official account."

Zhang Yiming said: "Well, this should be no problem. The data processing company I bought has a total of 6 people, 4 from Tsinghua University, and 2 from Peking University. They are all technical talents. I plan to recruit 4 more talents in the direction of data processing. , to gather a technical team of 10 people."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "You can handle these things yourself, by the way, why did you find a male secretary?"

Zhang Yiming smiled awkwardly, "Don't worry, the male secretary."

"Your girlfriend won't let me?"

"She didn't say anything, the main reason is that I don't want the employees to see a beautiful lady coming in and out of my office every day, which will have a bad influence."

"I'm afraid I'm going to mess with your own heart!"

Zhang Yiming smiled and said nothing, which was his default.

Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, shook his head and said, "It's better to change to a female secretary, it will be more beneficial."

"Ah?" Zhang Yiming looked surprised.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "A female secretary has at least three advantages. First, she is stable, so she can stay in this position for a longer time; If it is some administrative affairs, it will be more organized and careful."

Zhang Yiming was silent and deep in thought.

Zhou Buqi said again: "A male secretary wants to make a fuss when he is thirty years old. If he wants to be a big brother, ambition means instability. The bosses of big companies like to use beautiful female secretaries. In addition to the atmosphere of the working environment, it is also beneficial to the development of the enterprise."

Zhang Yiming listened to Zeming and thought it made sense, and said with a smile: "Then change it, but... I think I can choose a big sister! Especially the one with a family and children."


Zhou Buqi was taken aback.

Zhang Yiming stretched out three fingers, and said: "I also say three advantages. The eldest sister's focus is on the children and the family, she has no extra thoughts, and her ambitions are smaller; second, she does not attract envy and hatred in the company, and her interpersonal relationship It is relatively simple, and it is not easy to cause trouble; third, she can see through some things and understand the ways of the world. A few days ago, I went to see a house with my girlfriend, and I was very touched."


"I used to think that the more beautiful the girls in the sales department, the more houses they sold. Only after I got to know them actually did I know that the real sales girls with the best performance are all married people in their thirties. Ordinary-looking, slightly fat body."

Zhou Buqi stretched out a thumb, sincerely convinced, and praised: "I have an idea."

He was moved by what he said.

In his capacity, beautiful women are almost at his beck and call, and there is no need to play tricks in the position of female secretary, causing an office scandal, that is, the company is in turmoil, which greatly affects his own authority.

Finding an older sister as a secretary can control one's desires, and at the same time prevent other employees from being too jealous, making it easier for the company to unite.

Sister Bao must not be limited to the position of female secretary, she is too talented.

"By the way, I came to you this time to talk to you about the input method?"


Zhang Yiming was stunned, feeling dizzy for a while.

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