Top of the big era

Chapter 2957 Education

Silicon Valley actually has a lot of bad habits, and there is a very common male-dominated culture hidden underneath.

This is really determined by the objective environment.

In the technology industry, it’s mostly men, men are good at it, and men dominate.

The tech industry is also recognized as one of the few areas that is unfriendly to women.

And this has become controversial, because the harassment and discrimination against women in the workplace in many offices has been repeatedly exposed in Silicon Valley.

Coupled with the rise of feminist thought in Europe and the United States in recent years, the power of natural resistance has emerged.

Many "small gangs" have emerged in Silicon Valley, all of which are led by some well-known women in Silicon Valley, and then use social platforms and other media to speak out and form their own influence. This is actually very dangerous.

Zhou Buqi has heard about it.

There was a terrible case at Nvidia. It was said that a male employee was fired by the head of human resources because he said a lot of explicit language that was disrespectful to women and was considered to be "dangerous in thought"; Google It's even more exaggerated over there. An engineer wrote on an internal message board, "The reason women are at a disadvantage in the technology industry is because they are inherently inferior to men in the field of technology and engineering." Then, he was discovered by Google and was fired. .

This may lead to a confrontation within the industry.

Many men have begun to use words like "political persecution" in private. When communicating in private, they need to lower their voices and avoid others. Especially when talking about gender, it is like discussing religion, so special care is needed. , many men have begun to call themselves "non-mainstream".

This is actually a code word.

Demonstrating their opposition to the mainstream trend towards gender equality that is now gaining ground.

Zhou Buqi is definitely "non-mainstream" personally. This kind of mess simply adds complexity to the company's management. However, one thing has to be admitted. If there was no oppression and threat brought by the opposition of women's rights, then in the male-dominated technology industry, the phenomenon of "the majority bullying the minority" would definitely occur, and workplace harassment would be commonplace.

This kind of thing is more common in Hollywood.

Not just actresses.

Many female screenwriters, directors, and assistants often need to sacrifice their looks if they want to achieve career success.

If talent is not enough, looks will make up for it.

Zhou Buqi is particularly cautious in this regard.

Fortunately, he now has aesthetic prejudices.

His sexual interest in white women has dropped sharply, and he has no interest in even Hollywood beauties such as Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson. If you have this time, you might as well get to know a Korean female trainee and teach her how to be comfortable in life.

But one thing cannot be denied.

The media trend here in Silicon Valley has already seen a clear trend in favor of women. The workplace harassment reported by many women is becoming increasingly vulgar. Many female engineers have come forward to express their opinions, saying that they have been "bullied". "Pass.

There are even female entrepreneurs.

In order to obtain funds from venture capital, female entrepreneurs also have to endure the teasing of some older men.

The employees fired by Nvidia and Google will actually cause damage to the company's interests. They were fired because they wanted to protect a greater good. They are all listed companies. If they do not handle this kind of thing well and cause external public opinion to become uncontrollable, the losses caused by the stock price plummeting in the stock market will be immeasurable.

Firing these employees whose words cross the line is actually the company's self-defense.

Ziweixing International will also be listed soon.

Zhou Buqi feels that he should build a strong self-defense system and set a certain example and make efforts in "equality between men and women." At least when women's rights charge in the future, don't rush to Ziweixing International.

But he hasn't figured out how to build a defense system yet.

It’s been a busy day.

Zhou Buqi comes home from get off work.

Also coming off work with him was Wen Zhixia.

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi saw her in the parking lot and slipped up, "Why did you get off work so early today?"

Wen Zhixia said: "Niannian has piano lessons today, and I want to accompany her."

"How long?"

Zhou Buqi wanted to avoid being noticed, so he followed Teacher Wen and got into her car.

Wen Zhixia said softly: "In one and a half hours, I'll be home before dark."

Zhou Buqi thought for a moment and said, "I'll go too. As a father, I have never attended class with my daughter."

"Don't leave." Wen Zhixia was startled, "My piano teacher is very young, and he might recognize you right away."

Zhou Buqi said: "Isn't that the case? I'll put on a mask."

Wen Zhixia rolled her eyes at him, "My piano teacher's fees are very expensive, 2,400 US dollars an hour. The families who come to her to learn piano are all rich or noble, and she is very sensitive to rich people. I have talked with her several times, She knows a lot of rich people."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Are you afraid that others will take a fancy to me?"

"Nervous!" Wen Zhixia had no time to talk nonsense with him, "Hurry up, I'm going to pick up Nian Nian from school."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "My daughter is really hard-working. She has to go to tutoring classes after school."

Wen Zhixia chuckled and said: "This is not a tutoring class, it is a hobby class. My baby likes piano. As for Xinxin, I hear what Yaxian means, and it seems that I want to find an after-school tutoring class for her. If you feel distressed, you can go home. Talk to her. Find out whether it is more important for a child to be happy or to be excellent. "

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi was immediately stunned by such a big proposition.

In the domestic educational environment, everyone is pursuing excellence.

The social atmosphere here in the United States is that the happiness of children's childhood is the most important.

It was really inconvenient for Zhou Buqi to take his daughter to piano lessons, so he went home from get off work.

When I got home, I happened to see Ning Yaxian who was picking up her daughter Xinxin home from school.

Yaxian is communicating with Aunt Xue about her child's education.

Just like Wen Zhixia said.

Do you want to enroll Xinxin in extracurricular tutoring classes?

Ning Yaxian didn't like the education system in the United States at all, and said unhappily: "The education in the United States is too backward. Children are already in the third grade. They don't even know basic addition and subtraction, let alone multiplication and division." I can’t do it. I just play every day in school and I won’t learn anything at all.”

Aunt Xue is also very concerned about this topic. There are many children in the family, and education is the number one problem!

However, Aunt Xue also didn’t understand. “Isn’t it all about happy education in the United States?”

Ning Yaxian said: "It is happiness education that lags behind! It is far behind the country!"

"No way?" Aunt Xue was a little unbelievable, "Isn't the educational power of the United States number one in the world?"

"That's a university. The atmosphere in elementary school is really..." Ning Yaxian sighed, then got a little angry, "Those elites who dominate the American education structure are so bad. They deliberately divide people into groups from an early age. Wait a minute! Huh? The master is back?"

Zhou Buqi came to the living room.

Ning Yaxian and Aunt Xue stood up at the same time, walked over together, one on each side, and took off his coat for him.

Aunt Xue was relatively weak in opinions and liked to listen to men, so she couldn't help but said: "You are the head of the family, you have to talk about the children's education. You can't just focus on work and leave everything at home to us. Woman. This is a big deal, and you have to make the decision."

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