Top of the big era

Chapter 2954: Spiritual attributes outweigh professional attributes

"You can't do it?" Zhou Buqi was a little angry, "If you can't do it, who can do it? Isn't this what you said just now about evading responsibility?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "It's to avoid responsibility, not because I'm afraid of taking responsibility, because I know that if I am put in charge of this project, I will definitely die!"

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi frowned, "You don't have any confidence at all?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "It's not about having confidence, it's about practice that brings true knowledge! I told you, when I told the scientists in the team about this, no one believed it, and no one agreed. This shows that I don’t have that kind of appeal to mobilize everyone’s belief in participating and giving it a try. I can’t even achieve the most basic team cohesion now.”

"They don't listen to you?"

"Using power to oppress others?"


Zhou Buqi was speechless at such a rhetorical question.

Shen Xiangyang said: "If I use my position and power, I can indeed send many technical experts to participate. But what's the point? It's nothing more than making a living. Some big projects can be pushed forward by force. You build a span Building a bridge over the sea and building a super dam can all be done. However, major projects of invention and innovation must be inspired from the inside out!”

Zhou Buqi said "hmm".

Shen Xiangyang said: "Just like many large state-owned enterprises, they have money, people and resources, and they can even serve as referees and athletes to introduce policies that are beneficial to them, but they just can't play with the Internet. Because Internet entrepreneurship is an innovative project , it cannot be from top to bottom, it must be from the inside out. This is the impulse in everyone's heart. It is a belief in striving for career, life, wealth, ideals and society, rather than accepting tasks and completing them. Task."

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant instantly and took a deep breath, "Entrepreneurial spirit! Alibaba's boss Ma is a representative figure."

"Ah?" Shen Xiangyang was startled for a moment, then laughed, "Yes, that's what it means! If I had Mr. Ma's charisma and leadership, let alone this big generative model, I believe it would be a fraud Engineering, and those great AI scientists are also willing to work with me.”

"You can pull me down. We're all in the same boat. Don't stop talking to me..." Zhou Buqi put down his chopsticks angrily and ate less than half of the bowl of noodles. "I'm going to make this universal AI generative formula." A large model will definitely succeed. This is not a scam, it is a representative product that truly symbolizes the advent of the true AI era.”

Shen Xiangyang asked again, "Yes, who believes it?"

Zhou Buqi snorted, "You don't believe it?"

"I believe it, because this is what you Zhou Buqi said!" Shen Xiangyang didn't mean to echo the compliment, he was just telling the truth, "Same thing, if you say it's valid, let me tell you... I've already told you the situation. No one in my team believes it! They are all industry experts and will not easily believe the pie I drew. "

Zhou Buqi was silent.

Shen Xiangyang said: "If it is a small scientific and technological project, it is actually very easy to manage a few people or more than a dozen people. Just appoint a scientist to be in charge. As long as his level is high enough and he can develop a certain professional prestige, that's it. Manage this team very well. However, if it is a huge project, the scientific attributes are not so important, and the professional prestige is not so convincing.”

Zhou Buqi remained silent.

Shen Xiangyang continued: "Even Einstein would not have been able to lead a scientific team of hundreds or thousands of people. What is needed to lead such a large team is not the level of science, but the level of leadership." For example, we all know that the person in charge of the Manhattan Project is Oppenheimer, but is Oppenheimer the greatest scientist in the Manhattan Project? He never won a Nobel Prize in his life, but his subordinates There are more than a dozen Nobel Prize winners. What he has is his strong charisma, and everyone is willing to obey him. And his political skills allow him to negotiate better with the White House and the Pentagon.”

Zhou Buqi had understood what he meant.

He is very experienced in this.

Just like a company, it is a real high-tech company.

If this is a small company, a scientist can be the CEO; if this is a large company, it will be difficult to convince the public just relying on the scientific skills of the scientists, and there must be a more powerful leader. People with strong energy and appeal can step forward to lead larger teams, even if they are a layman who knows nothing about technology.

Bill Gates was in charge of Microsoft in its early days.

But after Microsoft developed to a certain scale, Bill Gates realized the limitations of his abilities, so he brought over his business friend Ballmer, who he met in college-a guy who knew nothing about technology.

Then, Bill Gates handed over all the power of Microsoft to Ballmer. He was nominally chairman and CEO, but in fact he only focused on technology, which was equivalent to demoting himself to chief technology officer.

The same goes for hard-core technology giants such as Qualcomm, Sony, and Samsung Electronics. Neither the CEO nor the president understands technology.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand technology, you can lead a team, and everyone will believe you, support you, and be willing to follow you.

At this level, the role of spiritual attributes has far exceeded professional attributes.

Just like OpenAI, which brought forward general-purpose generative large models in its previous life, CEO Sam Altman is a "layman" who knows some technology, but is not an expert in artificial intelligence at all. Later, the board of directors rioted and fired him, wanting to appoint the chief scientist as CEO.

After all, this chief scientist is the real technical god of OpenAI, and he led the team to develop ChatGPT.

And then it's over.

The employees rebelled.

Not at all.

The chief scientist's technology is very powerful, and he indeed created ChatGPT... However, relying on this professional advantage alone, it is impossible to convince the public or lead a large R\u0026D team of hundreds of people.

Those technical engineers are willing to work under the chief scientist, not because of how powerful or admirable his technology is, but because of the "spiritual belief" Sam Ultraman.

Everyone believes that this big project of generative large models, which has been denied by the artificial intelligence industry, can be completed and has hope. It is not because we believe in how good the chief scientist's technology is, but because we believe in Sam Altman's speech and what he has given us. Everyone has weaved such a beautiful and longing dream!

Later, there was no other way. In order to prevent OpenAI from falling apart, the board of directors had no choice but to invite Sam Altman back, and then resign collectively in apology, thus saving the company.

Shen Xiangyang is facing the same situation now.

He has many top scientists in the field of artificial intelligence under him, and he himself is also a highly respected scientist in the industry.

However, they all lack the charm and "charming power" that only entrepreneurs have.

Now the entire artificial intelligence industry believes that general-purpose generative large models have no way out and no future. Even Google thinks this direction is absurd and hopeless. In this case, who wants to get involved?

If you get involved, aren't you wasting your precious life?

If you want to get this big project off the ground, you must have someone who can lead the community!

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment and said tentatively, "How about I come forward?"

Shen Xiangyang clapped his hands and almost burst into laughter, "This is what I've been waiting for!"

"I'll go over and talk to everyone."

Zhou Buqi was reluctant, but he could only stand up.

"Uh..." Shen Xiangyang coughed, "It might not be possible to talk about it."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Why can't it work again?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "I have known you for so many years, and my trust in you has been accumulated bit by bit. That's why I believe you when you say that this big project has a future. Those in the artificial intelligence laboratory Scientist, who has dealt with you? Everyone’s respect for you comes from the commercial level. What insights do you have in the technical field?”

"Damn! I can't convince everyone anymore?"

"You can convince the public, but you can't fish for three days and dry your nets for two days."

"What's the meaning?"

Zhou Buqi had some bad guesses.

Shen Xiangyang said: "You have to work with them for a long time. I believe that even if you don't understand technology, as long as you come into contact with them for a long time, they will be infected by your personality charm and discover that you are familiar with some details. Highlights of directional judgment in the technical field. Amid surprises one after another, these American scientists will have more and more trust in you and will unswervingly follow your footsteps to participate in this big project. "

"Are you kidding me?"

Zhou Buqi doesn't want to end up personally.

He's not free!

Too tired!

The most important thing is that it is really painful to be with some technical nerds, and I am often treated without dignity by them. Occasionally, Zhou Buqi can tolerate it and will be generous and humble. But as time goes by, there is no guarantee that he will not get angry.

Jobs's abnormal management style is probably also related to the continuous internal and external responses to ridicule of his lack of technology.

Shen Xiangyang didn't look like he was joking at all, and said in a deep voice: "To be honest, I think you are the most suitable candidate! If this big project is really launched, it will definitely be the most popular choice between Ziweixing and Ziweixing International. It is a challenging technological project. It was quite difficult to develop cloud computing before, but with this project, the difficulty is hundreds of times higher. For such a thing, a world-class entrepreneur must stand up to lead it! "

Zhou Buqi refused to accept it, "Don't bother me!"

Shen Xiangyang said: "If you don't come forward, I don't know how this matter will be done. I believe that this big project can be completed, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you have to do it yourself. Only you can do it on your own." Fight against the entire world’s artificial intelligence industry!”

"Fuck! I'm not going!"

Zhou Buqi would not jump into the fire pit.

Even if the general generative large model is successful, it will take many years to be truly developed. For everyone involved, it is no less than peeling off a layer of skin alive... He is not willing to suffer this.

And he doesn't think he has the ability to lead those American scientists who don't know the heights of the world.

Shen Xiangyang has a bit of blind worship.

Zhou Buqi is very self-aware.

You have to find a more suitable person.

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