Top of the big era

Chapter 2952: shirking responsibility

Indian executives seem to be particularly good at mergers and acquisitions.

Not only Kurian.

After Nadella took office and became the CEO of Microsoft, he also relied on continuous acquisitions in the process of reviving Microsoft.

During Ballmer's period, Microsoft launched an average of one merger and acquisition per month, which was frequent enough.

After Nadella took power, it doubled directly, launching an average of two mergers and acquisitions per month.

Zhou Buqi analyzed the reasons.

He found that he was the same.

When Ziweixing was doing domestic business, he rarely went to the market for large-scale mergers and acquisitions, and killed those potential opponents through some capital means, but relied on market competition to win fairly.

Splitting out Ziweixing International and coming to the United States for development is very different. Many businesses are obtained through acquisitions.

Some of these acquisitions are benign and can benefit all parties.

For example, Yahoo, Snapchat, Rotten Tomatoes, Fandango, Twitch, Shopify, Quora, Evernote, etc., have greatly improved their business after being acquired by Ziweixing International. However, there are only a dozen successful cases.

In the past four or five years, Ziweixing International has launched more than 70 mergers and acquisitions in the North American market!

It can be said bluntly that a large number of American small businesses and start-ups with great creativity and growth potential have been killed by Zhou Buqi's capital operation strategy.

Because he is a foreigner, he has no psychological burden.

He doesn't care about the life and death of the American technology industry!

He just wants to do his own business well.

But it doesn't work in the domestic market. He really can't bear it. He has feelings and love for the industry. He will be soft-hearted to kill the "small saplings" in those industries with such means.

If he dies, it is also the survival of the fittest in fair competition in the market.

The continuous mergers and acquisitions of small and medium-sized enterprises and start-ups by large companies will definitely lead to a decline in innovation in the market. Many scholars and scientists are very opposed to this phenomenon. Many articles criticizing the lack of innovation in Silicon Valley are derived from this phenomenon.

Many Americans will be very cautious in this regard and have some patriotic feelings.

At least they will be a little embarrassed.

I feel bad.

Just like Zhou Buqi couldn't bear to destroy the "young saplings" of the industry too recklessly in China.

But foreigners are different.

Indians have no spiritual and cultural identification with the United States, and even their religious beliefs are different. They don't need to care about the God-supervised law of "man does it, God watches it", so they can do whatever they want!

Everything starts from the origin of business, and we must pursue maximum benefits!

As long as the law does not restrict it, continuous mergers and acquisitions are the best choice for super technology giants! Whether from the perspective of talent, products, industry competition, internal innovation, or from the perspective of strangling potential opponents, it is of great significance.

Choosing an Indian as CEO can really avoid many non-commercial factors.

Zhou Buqi is a little undecided now.

He is not optimistic about Lu Qi.

When his contract expires in three years, he really doesn't want to renew it with him.

If Lu Qi is not renewed, who will be chosen as the president?

Tang Binchen?

Xu Liangjie?

Zheng Xiaoli?

Zhou Buqi suddenly felt that Kurian seemed more suitable. He was a rival of Microsoft CEO Nadella, which was a huge internal motivation. Both of them were bigwigs in the Indian circle, and they could also compete to attract more outstanding Indian engineers for Ziweixing International.

There is also a more important point.

Kurian and Nadella had always been at the same level before.

Nadella has become the CEO of Microsoft. If Lu Qi is replaced and he is not promoted in the future, he will definitely be dissatisfied. Maybe he will leave Ziweixing in anger... Judging from his performance, he is fully qualified and justified to be promoted.

If there is any business dispute in Ziweixing International in the future, the person in charge needs to go to Congress to accept the questioning of the members... Letting the dark-skinned Kurian come forward is more suitable than Tang Binchen or Zheng Xiaoli.

When answering some sensitive questions, Kurian can give a response openly, unlike Tang Binchen or some other Chinese executives, who dare not respond directly. Once you evade by beating around the bush, it will give the congressmen a very bad impression, and they will think that there is really something fishy inside the company, and they will blame a company, causing the company to suffer an unwarranted disaster.

Just like the decision of TikTok to be punished by Congress, it is actually all hearsay, and there is no solid evidence at all. But at the previous hearing, the Chinese CEO of TikTok performed extremely badly when facing the questioning of congressmen.

He dared not respond to many sensitive questions at all.

The less you respond, the more you beat around the bush. In the eyes of others, this is a manifestation of guilty conscience, just like the way you whimper after making a mistake.

This makes it easy for all parties to unify their thinking and reach a consensus on punishment.

In fact, there are more serious similar incidents in the United States. Facebook is suspected of using user data to interfere with the votes in the US election, and it is not speculation, it has been found out and has been confirmed... This is extremely serious, much more serious than TikTok, which is suspected of hearsay.

Zuckerberg was almost kicked out of office, and even Sheryl Sandberg, the so-called First Lady of Facebook, resigned.

As a result, Zuckerberg bravely stood up and went to Congress to answer questions in person. He went there several times and responded to all questions openly, even answering many sensitive questions between China and the United States, completely cutting off the possibility of Facebook's development in China. He left a deep and good impression on Congress and the public, who thought he was frank and sincere enough.

Then they forgave him.

It can be said to be a reversal of the tide.

Facebook came out of the trough and recovered.

Zhou Buqi was thinking about the future.

Make the worst plan.

If he really had to answer questions from Congress one day in the future, he would definitely not go.

Once those sensitive questions were asked, he couldn't answer them. If he told the truth, his domestic business would be ruined, and even his personal safety could not be guaranteed. If he didn't tell the truth and kept going around in circles, those Americans who didn't understand the domestic situation would think that Ziweixing International must have something fishy, ​​and then his overseas business would be in trouble.

Send a foreigner like Kurian out.

Push all the responsibility onto him.

Even if he tells some truth, he can say that Indians are undisciplined to distance himself from the matter and shirk responsibility.

Tell all lies, not all truth.

If you must speak the truth openly on some sensitive issues, let the dark-skinned Indians speak.

More and more American companies are looking for a "foreigner" to be the CEO.

Zhou Buqi has a basic judgment. This is probably also the choice made by the board of directors to distance themselves from the matter and shirk responsibility under the increasingly politically correct left-wing trend in the United States. If someone is really offended and some politically incorrect decisions are made, there are reasons to maneuver.

If we only look at his ability, Kurian is fully qualified to be the president or CEO of Ziweixing International.

He is the top professional manager rarely seen in Silicon Valley.

Zhou Buqi plans to observe for a while.

Wait until Ziweixing International goes public.

Let's see how he performs after the listing.

Let's see if Ziwei Cloud can continue to develop rapidly under Kurian's leadership after Nadella becomes the CEO of Microsoft.

There are still a few years to observe slowly.

This morning, Zhou Buqi met with four executives.

They talked about the company's business and had nothing to do with Facebook.

Looking at this situation, he can't get away in the afternoon.

But it's good this way, at least he can get a comprehensive and overall understanding of Ziweixing International's business.

At noon, Shen Xiangyang also came over, and took the opportunity to take him out for dinner.

Zhou Buqi said with emotion: "I've only been on vacation for a month, and I feel like countless things have come to me."

"It's the end of the year." Shen Xiangyang smiled, "Who doesn't want to show off in front of the big boss and get a better year-end bonus?"

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "How can I make a decision? Isn't the human resources department responsible for statistics and evaluation of work performance?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "You still have to approve it? You can change their reports as you like with just a pen?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand , "I won't change it!"

"Well, it's right not to change it. If you change it, you have to take responsibility. If you don't change it..." Shen Xiangyang is also a management master. "If there is really a problem, if someone is not satisfied with the evaluation, there will be room for maneuver and the responsibility will be pushed to the Human Resources Department. If you personally revised it and there are different opinions, then there is really nothing you can do. You can only break up and resign."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, this is the importance of shirking responsibility."

The two went to a nearby Chinese noodle restaurant for dinner.

The people nearby are basically industry practitioners.

When the two discuss, they have to lower their voices.

Shen Xiangyang said: "This time I came to you to talk about a scientist shirking responsibility."

"Scientists shirking responsibility?" Zhou Buqi was very curious, "What's the matter?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "The one you have been telling me about, the super big project you have been thinking about!"

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