Top of the big era

Chapter 2947 The Secret of the Internet

Zhou Buqi had just returned from Europe and had been dealing with the EU for a long time. The third point of view Zheng Xiaoli mentioned happened to be in line with the hidden worries he learned about in the EU.

It is the dumping of high technology from the Internet.

Combined with Zheng Xiaoli's statement, this theory can be further improved.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "The European Union is busy promoting a digital single economy. Someone mentioned it to me and said they were worried about digital market dumping, but I pushed back."

“Digital dumping?”

Zheng Xiaoli was slightly startled, this was really a new word.

Zhou Buqi said: "The general logic of business is the same. The Internet is nothing more than a technology cloak. For example, if you produce socks, the socks are originally a small business in a small workshop. How can you make the socks business big? In fact, it is also a small business. It's simple, it's 'dumping + monopoly'. First, sell in large quantities at a price lower than the cost price, and then kill all the sock factories in the market, and then seek appropriate price increases. With small profits but quick turnover, a giant company that produces socks can be considered successful.”

Zheng Xiaoli smiled and said: "That's why we need anti-dumping, because dumping is often linked to monopoly."

Zhou Buqi said: "There is also Qualcomm. In the past few years, Qualcomm has almost destroyed the mobile phone chip industry in Europe. In addition to relying on intellectual property restrictions, there is also this kind of dumping behavior. Qualcomm's product quality is inherently good. If If they continue to sell products at a price lower than cost, those European competitors will not even be able to get a single order, and they will all be squeezed out within a year or two.”

Zheng Xiaoli knew that Boss Zhou was currently fighting with Qualcomm because the price of Qualcomm's products was too high. "After destroying the European mobile phone chip industry, Qualcomm will have completed a monopoly in the market. Now Qualcomm's chip prices are too expensive." It’s outrageous.”

"Yes." Zhou Buqi nodded, "However, this business logic is not limited to traditional business or the transaction of physical goods, but also includes some digital products and virtual goods, such as the Internet."

Zheng Xiaoli suddenly realized it and was a little dazed, "Are you talking about my Yahoo strategy?"

This is the third piece of experience she summarized!

Yahoo quickly created 11 apps with more than 10 million daily users in a short period of time, which is really a huge business achievement. This is no longer as simple as leading Yahoo to transform towards the mobile Internet. Yahoo is developing towards the largest product cluster of the mobile Internet.

The reason why we can achieve this is that in addition to relying on Yahoo's strong brand, Ziweixing International's strong channels and huge promotion fees, the most important point is that these Yahoo products have no advertising!

What do you mean no ads?

Just don’t make money!

Other people’s apps are all considering profit, which is to “sell products at a price higher than the cost price” and make money.

These apps owned by Yahoo are different. They don't consider making money at all. They are operating at a discount, "promoting products at a price lower than cost price", and doing business at a loss!

What is the purpose of doing business at a loss?

In fact, it is dumping!

It uses a loss-making business model without advertising to destroy all competitors in the market. After all the competitors are dead, only Yahoo's full range of products are left in the consulting category, forming a monopoly advantage in the market... At this time, you can add advertising.

You can make money comfortably!

Zhou Buqi agreed: "Yes, the third strategy you just mentioned is actually digital dumping."

Zheng Xiaoli was very worried, "Will there be restrictions?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "No, the Internet is high technology. How can those politicians and judges who don't even know how to use smartphones understand it? They couldn't understand it in the past ten years, and they will be the same in the next ten years. can't read."

Zheng Xiaoli breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "The Internet is a digital intangible asset. The choice between the App and the user is actually a digital virtual transaction. The App provides services, and users pay not money, but to watch advertisements." Time. It’s a transaction of service and time.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, when I was in the EU, several members raised such questions, but I pushed them back. This kind of virtual transaction is difficult to define as a transaction in the legal sense. It is not even a transaction, It cannot be characterized as dumping. But in fact, we all understand that from a logical and principle point of view, it is actually the same thing.”

Zheng Xiaoli said "Yeah", "It's really the same thing."

"So the so-called Internet business innovation is now very clear." Zhou Buqi now understands, "In fact, it is no different from the business model of traditional industries. Some people tell a joke that there are many ways to make a lot of money. , it’s all clearly written in the Criminal Law. What is the most profitable way to do business?”

Zheng Xiaoli took a deep breath.

This argument was a bit harsh and she didn't know how to answer it.

Zhou Buqi said: "The innovative competitive thinking of the Internet is nothing more than a layer of Internet high-tech cloak! But now, all countries around the world do not have a clear understanding of the Internet and lack accurate characterization of Internet virtual businesses. Understand. This is actually a huge legal loophole. Just like this year’s popular blockchain currency Bitcoin, as long as you make money from any business, you must pay personal income tax, even those involved in drugs and pornography. Crime syndicates are no exception, but there is one exception.”

"The high-tech exception!"

"Yes, with the exception of high-tech, the money earned from Bitcoin speculation does not need to be taxed! Doesn't this give us some inspiration?"

"It's so shocking!"

Now Zheng Xiaoli has truly experienced the power of the "Internet".

In the United States, even those desperadoes and criminal groups who are involved in drugs, pornography, and even murders who hold guns against the United States cannot escape paying taxes... There is a direction, but they can do it legally and openly. Tax, that's Bitcoin.

This is so representative!

This is probably the main reason why the Internet industry has been able to develop vigorously and rapidly in the past ten years or so. And looking at this situation, the mobile Internet industry will only further develop on a larger scale, and form the main reason why the Internet will dominate the world, right?

With the cloak of the Internet, you can use illegal business practices legally.

Zhou Buqi currently holds 1.22 million Bitcoins and is the second largest Bitcoin holder in the world, so he has always paid attention to Bitcoin. “Of course, Bitcoin will become more and more popular in the future, and even Bitcoin will become more and more popular.” It has become a transaction currency in daily life. Many countries in the United States and even Europe will also incorporate Bitcoin into the normal financial system. After making money by speculating on Bitcoin, you will need to pay taxes. However, they have not understood it yet. When they don’t understand, they can legally not pay taxes!”

Zheng Xiaoli has fallen into deep thinking, "This is the Internet."

"Yes, that's the secret of the Internet."

If Zhou Buqi only did Internet business, he wouldn't be able to see clearly. But he is not only an Internet entrepreneur, he also has many businesses in real industries, which gives him many "Internet advantages" feelings.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Now I understand the meaning of the so-called Internet era."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "So, how to do business innovation on the Internet? The third article of Yahoo's successful experience you summarized is actually dumping. What other good innovation models are there? In the "Criminal Law" of various countries, Company Law, Commercial Law, Anti-Monopoly Law, Insurance Law, etc. are actually clearly written. Look at what types of business activities are clearly prohibited, clearly illegal and illegal, and covered with the Internet. Do it in a way that no one else can understand! This is innovation!”

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