Top of the big era

Chapter 2935 Customized Machine

"Customized machine..."

Zhou Buqi's reaction was relatively dull.

Shi Jingmei was still very excited, thinking she had found a good creative direction, "Yes, through brand cooperation, we can strengthen our own brand value. In fact, we don't need to make much money from this business, it is mainly about brand promotion. "

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, it has already been done. Esda cooperated with Manchester United to launch Manchester United's customized machine. It is still on sale in the Manchester United store!"

"What's wrong? Isn't it possible?"

Shi Jingmei also saw from his reaction that her suggestion might not be very effective.

Zhou Buqi said: "It's OK, but it's not as good as expected. Customized products are still too niche, and mobile phones are not the same as blind boxes. Mobile phones are commodities for daily use, and blind boxes are not actually sold as toys. What they sell is the happiness in the process of unboxing. There are some customized models of luxury goods that can enhance this expected happiness. However, the effect of mobile phones is very poor. The cost of customized mobile phones will increase due to their small quantity. higher."

“I saw that the iPhone someone was using was a pure gold version of the iPhone!”

"Yes, that's custom-made."

"Apple is also doing customization."

Shi Jingmei now also has a very mature business thinking.

When discussing mobile phones, just use Apple as the benchmark.

In fact, whether it is a mobile phone or any other product, the basic product logic is the same.

If you really can't make up your mind about some product decisions and don't know what to's actually very simple, just look at what the industry's number one does. Just like making a mobile phone, if there are differences in design plans when designing a mobile phone, it is very simple.

Look at what the iPhone looks like. Whichever solution looks like an iPhone, choose that one.

Mobile phone manufacturers like BlackBerry, Smartisan, and Meizu that like to be new and different and don't like to be the best in the industry... Such companies basically only have two ends.

One, become a minority and die slowly.

Second, through innovation, it has become a world-class revolutionary product, defeating the iPhone in one fell swoop and standing at the top of the mobile phone industry! Just like the iPhone defeated Nokia and Motorola, it defeated Apple with a stronger attitude and replaced Apple as the largest company in the world!

The problem is that many people are unaware of themselves.

Thinking that they are very powerful and that they can stand up to Steve Jobs, they don’t even have any basic business knowledge, so they start giving directions everywhere, wanting to punch Apple, kick Google, and point out the direction to lead the world.

Chaowan Company has recently encountered some patent lawsuits.

The other party sued, believing that the figure design of Chaowan Commune's model blind box plagiarized their creative ideas... This is really not nonsense, there are indeed some similarities in some aspects.

It is impossible for Shi Jingmei to truly create something purely original.

This is too immature.

The market risk is too great!

For a mature company, if you can't be original, don't be original.

Pure originality is only done by small companies and small teams that are "barefooted and not afraid of wearing shoes". Even if they fail, the loss will be very small, and in the worst case, they will have to start from scratch.

For a large company like Chaowan Commune, the best way is, of course, to select several hot-selling dolls from the market, analyze their styling and design, and carry out a certain degree of optimization and improvement.

In this way, the market risk will be reduced, and consumers will have a certain cognitive foundation and will be better able to extend their aesthetic habits and cognitive preferences to new "original" model blind boxes according to inertia.

Of course, Zhou Buqi has been researching Apple. He said: "I know about the pure gold iPhone. It seems that it has been very hot and popular in the market in recent years."

"Yes, I have a friend who wants to buy one, but he can't buy it!" Shi Jingmei felt very contemptuous of this, "Pure gold mobile phones are expensive, how expensive is this? Pure gold, rich gold, this How bad is the aesthetics?”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "The rich gold, don't the rich like this color? I see gold everywhere in my house. The last landlord was a rich man from the Middle East. Look at that door handle... it's not gold-plated Yes, it’s pure gold.”

Shi Jingmei curled her lips, "My aesthetics are really bad!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Customizing the iPhone has nothing to do with Apple. There are many mobile phone customization companies on the market that specialize in helping customers customize some mobile phones. For example, if you want to customize an iPhone with your name engraved on it, you can't go to Apple. , you need to find a company that specializes in mobile phone customization. "

Shi Jingmei didn't know much about this and said in surprise: "Then what should we do? They also produce mobile phones? Isn't it infringement?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "What kind of infringement is that? If you want to customize the iPhone, just buy a new iPhone and give it to the custom manufacturer. After they take the phone over, they take it apart and replace it with a customized one." Just snap the back cover on. For the pure gold iPhone, just replace it with a pure gold back cover. Because it requires disassembly, Apple’s own after-sales service is not available for this type of customized phone. There is no customized mobile phone business. Customized mobile phones are niche and complicated.”

Shi Jingmei said: "Whether there is after-sales service... I don't think it is that important? I have used mobile phones for so many years and I have never found after-sales service. However, some customized models are really good-looking and attractive."

Zhou Buqi said: "Mobile phone sales are really different from your blind box business. You are drawing blind boxes. Even if a figure is not liked by the market, you cannot return it and users have no choice. Mobile phone It's different. If a certain color or model is not recognized by the market, it will occupy a lot of inventory. For mobile phone manufacturers, the most difficult thing is inventory management, especially now that smartphones are sold directly and there is a lack of dealers. The more styles there are, the more capital is occupied, and the greater the risk. The good-looking ones will be sold out quickly, and the ones that are not easy to sell will take up a lot of funds, which will cause cash flow difficulties. "

"Oh, that's how it is."

Shi Jingmei was a little disappointed.

She thought her proposal was a good one.

Show off in vain!

Zhou Buqi understood another thing from her thoughts.

This year’s Apple conference launched the new iPhone 5S.

In addition to the traditional black and white colors, there is also a shocking color - rich gold.

This kind of gold, which is considered very low-end in traditional aesthetics, has been openly used on the iPhone, which really shocked the outside world and critics, and made mobile phone colleagues unbelievable. However, the market feedback was very good, and the gold iPhone became the best-selling version.

It turns out that Apple dared to break the rules and launch a gold iPhone. This was plagiarism from the customization market!

Because in the customization market, pure gold iPhones are very popular and have become the most popular customized iPhones in the market. Apple discovered this need in the market, copied this idea from the customization market, and launched its own gold iPhone.

Ordinary consumers cannot afford a pure gold iPhone, but they can still buy a gold iPhone.

With Apple taking the lead, many mobile phone manufacturers, including Asda, have also launched mobile phones in the rich gold color, which can be said to have broken the aesthetic shackles of traditional technological industrial products in one fell swoop.

Zhou Buqi discovered an idea.

There is still a lot of opportunity in the customized mobile phone market!

Moreover, there are huge profit margins!

If this business didn't make money, there wouldn't be a market for it.

A pure gold iPhone sells for more than 30,000 euros...the profit is at least 10,000 euros, right?

You might as well try it.

There is a big difference between the European and American markets and the domestic market.

Personalization is more valued here.

And the consumption power is stronger.

A mobile phone costs 600 US dollars, and an ordinary customized model costs 1,000 US dollars. In fact, it is not much more expensive. You can earn it after working for a week. There will not be too much financial pressure, and everyone can basically afford it.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "That's a good suggestion. I'll talk to Zhou Shaoning later and see what his thinking is. The cooperation between Asda and Manchester United is still maintained, and more than 300,000 mobile phones can be sold in a year. . The volume is actually quite large. The main reason why it is not profitable is that Manchester United has taken away the brand authorization.”

Shi Jingmei smiled and said: "Manchester United belongs to you, the left hand is the right hand."

"A luxury car version of a customized mobile phone..." Zhou Buqi felt that her proposal had reference value. "The effect will definitely not be as good as blind box cooperation with luxury goods manufacturers, but it will not be useless. Just like you said Yes, just use the popularity of these luxury cars as a brand promotion, even if you don’t make any money!”

Shi Jingmei was particularly happy, with a smile as bright as a flower, "So, is that okay?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I'll talk to them and discuss it!"

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