Top of the big era

Chapter 293 Even though there are thousands of people, I will go

Being a micro-point security guard is very stressful.

Zhou Buqi had already expected it.

Dongfang Weidian has already received 7 subpoenas from the court, and there will be more in the future.

However, it is almost impossible to resort to the law for such a matter.

It is clear at a glance who is right and who is evil.

In the Xiaonei forum, led by the editor-in-chief and chief moderator, Ms. Guan Ting, she posted a post "Where the Tao is, even though there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there", which was highlighted in red and put on the top of each section.

It describes the unfair treatment received by Weidian security guards and the legal risk of being sued.

As soon as the post was sent out, there were more than 10,000 followers.

"Support Xiaonei! Support Weidian!"

"Xiaonei is good, let's fight to the death with rogue software!"

"Justice may be late, but it will never be absent. Xiaonei and Dongfang Weidian, stick to it!"

"Evil does not suppress justice!"





Good product, just vote with your feet.

Not only that, in the IT circle, there are not only many rogue merchants, but also people with lofty ideals.

The first to respond to the call was the Penguin Company.

In the mini-news page that pops up on QQ, the headline on the front page is the statement of Penguin, which has made an anti-rogue software signature, and said that the Internet needs more people to stand up against rogue software, so that the industry will be cleaner and the industry will be healthy in the future. develop. Otherwise, if the environment does not change for new Internet companies in the future, it will be difficult to get out of the mud and not to be polluted.

Such a statement is not surprising.

Penguin should be the biggest victim of domestic rogue software today.

As a national-level product, QQ is the foundation of Penguin. As a result, the computer teacher at BIT wrote a coral polyp QQ, playing hooligans with a brutal attitude.

I had already sued once, and the other party also compromised.

The result was good, not long after, Coral QQ was updated again, and continued to play hooligans.

No way, Penguin must resort to legal means.

This kind of person doesn't have a long memory if he doesn't spend a few years in prison.

Sitting in the office, Zhou Buqi looked at the open letter in front of the computer screen, but he didn't believe it.

What are you kidding?

This is a penguin!

Its means of development are not much stronger than rogue software.

Will such a company contribute selflessly to the Internet landscape? If you really have this thought, then open the QQ port, and benefit the Internet companies across the country?

However, I can't figure out the context.

At this time, Zhou Buqi called, and it turned out to be Lei Jun from Jinshan.

"Boss Lei?"

"I didn't expect you to have such determination and courage. Xiao Zhou, I admire you very much in this matter."

Jinshan can be called the cleanest software company in China.

In order to prevent bad money from driving out good money, Lei Jun certainly hopes that the Internet environment will be positive and healthy, and all hooligan games are prohibited.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "You mean a little security guard? Hehe, this is what we should do, and it is our duty."

"What a duty!" Lei Jun gave a big praise, and then asked very concerned, "You are under a lot of pressure, right?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, and exaggeratedly said: "Not only is there a lot of pressure, but I am almost overwhelmed by those rogue software manufacturers. Not to mention threats and intimidation, just received seven or eight subpoenas, it is difficult!"

Lei Jun encouraged: "Those who achieve great things must work hard and starve their bodies. Xiao Zhou, you are still young, this is the test of the market for you."

Zhou Buqi pouted.

My heart said that you won't have a backache while standing and talking!

Afterwards, Lei Jun sighed, and said solemnly: "Purifying the Internet and opposing rogue software is a good thing that benefits the country and the people. Such a great pressure cannot always be carried on your shoulders alone. My brother and I My brain is not as active as yours, but there will still be responsibilities that should be borne."

Zhou Buqi's heart trembled slightly, and he had a bad premonition, "Brother Lei, what... do you mean by that?"

Lei Jun said: "I have already ordered the establishment of a research and development team for Security Guard. Presumably, within a month or two, Jinshan Security Guard will be launched on the market. You cannot bear such a huge pressure alone. Jinshan is willing to fight side by side with you !"


Zhou Buqi almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Do you want to be so shameless?

Plagiarizing other people's products, and talking so high-soundingly, it seems that I have to do it... These Internet bosses are really not good at it.

Obviously trying to cheat you, when you talk, it seems to be helping you.

That is to say, Zhou Buqi has been a human being in two lifetimes, with a maturity beyond his age.

If it was another sophomore, I would have to thank you again and again.

At this time, Zhou Buqi's eyes fell on the Tencent open letter displayed on the computer screen, and the doubts just now were all resolved.

Even a company with a relatively clean foundation like Jinshan intentionally plagiarized, let alone the king of plagiarism?

Needless to say, Penguin must have secretly set up a research and development team.

Micropoint Security Guard has opened up a new territory of the Internet. In the initial stage, powerful software companies want to enter early and seize the market.

Zhou Buqi knew something was wrong.

After finishing the call, I contacted Ji Zian.

He was asked to urge manpower to accelerate the development of Micropoint Security Guard 2.0, adding the function of detecting and killing Trojan horses.

Version 1.0 does not have the function of detecting and killing Trojan horses. Even if companies such as Jinshan and QQ imitate it, they will definitely not add this function.

After all, killing Trojan horses is the domain of antivirus software.

Don't rush around recklessly.

One or two months later, Kingsoft and QQ's security guards were launched, and Dongfang Micropoint released the version 2.0 of Micropoint Security Guard, sweeping away these follow-up opponents with a crushing attitude.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, using your heart to calculate without your heart, under the two advantages, there is no reason for failure.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Two reporters from CCTV came here just now, one is from the "News Network" program group, and the other is from the "Oriental Time and Space" program group."


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback.

Ji Zi'an said: "They said that the matter of Weidian's security guards has become the hottest topic on the Internet recently, and the leaders concerned attach great importance to it. There is also the unfair treatment that Dongfang Weidian suffered this summer. Some big leaders also want to comfort them."

Zhou Buqi was very pleasantly surprised, "So, Weidian security guards are going to be on the news broadcast?"

Ji Zian said in a worried tone: "Not only that, the day after tomorrow, the big leaders will come to Dongfang Weidian for inspection, and then CCTV reporters will accompany them to film, and then they will be on the news broadcast that night."

This time the bull broke.

This is to use the most powerful official media power to speak for Dongfang Weidian!

On the one hand, it appeases the illegal sanction imposed on Dongfang Micropoint by official power this summer; on the other hand, it recognizes the positioning and market significance of Micropoint Security Guard.

As soon as this kind of weather vane comes out, all the seven or eight court summons will be invalidated.

"What happened to "Oriental Time and Space"?"

"It's an exclusive interview with a column called "Children of the East", mainly to comment on the messiness of the current Internet environment. Young people are addicted to online games and don't want to make progress. Young people like us in the new era have the courage to take responsibility and must Set an example."

"Oh!" Zhou Buqi laughed immediately, and teased: "Ji Zian, you can do it, I didn't expect that among our group, you were the first to go out, and the official media would all promote you as a role model Already!"

Ji Zian was a little baffled, and said amusedly, "Boss Zhou, what are you talking about? The interviewee must be you! People named you Zhou Buqi."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's because they didn't understand the situation. You have graduated, no problem. I'm still a college student, how can I set an example? Let college students all over the country learn from me every day and skip class to start a business? Besides, you are the Oriental The chairman and CEO of Micropoint, you must be in the interview."

"Ah? This..."

Ji Zi'an's heart tightened.

That is the most influential column "Son of the East" under "Oriental Time and Space", and it is the most authoritative high-end interview column in the country.

In my hometown, all relatives and friends will watch it.

So nervous, so excited!

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Don't be nervous. That kind of talk show is not a live broadcast, especially CCTV's blockbuster programs. They all have scripts. It's like an exam. They give you the questions and you give the answers. Then, the TV station Your answers will be reviewed and revised, and you will be given standard answers in the end. When recording, you can just recite the standard answers. There is a teleprompter on site, so you can just follow along. It doesn’t matter if you don’t perform well. It can be recorded several times, and post-editing can be used to cut out some shots that did not perform well and replace them with other scenes.”

Ji Zian's enthusiasm cooled down by most.

It's obviously a high-ranking column, but he said it like this, it's like a fake.

"Then the morning after tomorrow, you have to come over. The big leader came over and said he wanted to see you."

"Uh... okay."

Zhou Buqi sighed.

Hey, there is no way.

It's too good to be low-key.

At this time, Guan Ting knocked on the door, with a mysterious look on her face, pointed at the phone, and mouthed: "Your phone! Cai Wensheng!"

Zhou Buqi said loudly: "Just say I'm not here!"

Then, continue to communicate with Ji Zian about the leader coming to inspect and visit the day after tomorrow.

Guan Ting had a strange expression on her face. She looked at him intently, and she was not confused. She immediately explained to her phone in an orderly manner, "Mr. Cai, our boss is out...well, I don't know, he's very busy...he's really not here, Did you hear it wrong? He has to deal with many rogue software companies now, and we can't see him...Really, you must have heard it wrong..."

Coincidentally, Shi Jinglin also came over at this time.

She didn't behave very well and didn't knock on the door. She walked in and said loudly, "Boss, the group buying electric mosquito swatter event should end, and we'll start selling mobile phones tomorrow, okay?"

With her in charge of this business, group buying activities began to tighten.

In the past, group buying was a bit of a hammer in the east and a stick in the west.

Often ten days and a half months are not carried out.

Shi Jinglin wants to standardize operations, and plans to gradually cancel the intermission period of group buying activities, and will carry out wave after wave of activities.

First, they sold computers, looting the pockets of a wave of college students.

Then sell a slightly cheaper electric mosquito swatter, give college students a breath of relief, and echo blood from parents.

Next, is the blockbuster group buying mobile phones.

"Oh? How's the sales?" Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up. He had already paid attention to it. This time, the group buying electric mosquito swatter activity was extremely successful.

"It must be better than when you directed it." Shi Jinglin snorted, with a proud face, "A total of 784,000 electric mosquito swatters were sold, and the sales volume was close to 43 million. Excluding freight, channel fees, costs and other expenses, Xiaonei made a net profit of 10 million!"

"well done!"

"Is there a reward?"

"what do you want?"

Shi Jinglin glanced at Guan Ting who hastily hung up the phone, a little absent-minded, and hinted vaguely: "You just ask Wu Yu to invite have a meal."

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