Top of the big era

Chapter 2919 Prey

In the same bidding process, the price offered by Facebook is also very different from Cisco.

However, this is indeed the Internet style.

When making big bets on the future, Internet companies tend to appear more courageous and powerful.

"Although Facebook's asking price is much higher than Cisco, from what Fu Sheng said, I seem to be more inclined to Cisco." Zhen Yu gave some different views.

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi almost guessed something, "The acquisition conditions given by Facebook are too bundled, right? If they are all tied up, it would be meaningless. I asked Fu Sheng to sell Panda Mobile, I just want him to get out of this business.”

Senior Sister Zhen Yu said softly: "Well, not only are there binding requirements from the founding team, it seems that after the acquisition is completed, the founding team and existing management must continue to work for three years to maintain the stability of the company's business. Another point is Facebook's The proposals are mainly based on stocks.”

“Forget about stocks, we still need cash!”

Zhou Buqi once owned a large amount of Facebook stock.

However, they have all sold off in the past few years.

The line has been drawn.

If Facebook acquires Panda Mobile and acquires another Facebook stock through a stock swap, it will be difficult to explain to the outside world, and it will be too troublesome to explain to the capital market. After key mergers and acquisitions, there will be a stock lock-up period of at least three to five years, which is really long.

Cash delivery is the most convenient.

Zhen Yu asked: "Then choose Cisco?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Even if I want stocks, I want Cisco stocks!"

Zhen Yu said slowly: "But the difference between the two quotations is too big, a full 25% difference."

"Then choose Cisco!" Zhou Buqi said categorically, "Facebook's stock is too risky. When the stock ban is lifted in three to five years, Facebook's stock price will not even know how low it will fall!"

Zhen Yu said softly: "Well, Fu Sheng said the same thing. Ziweixing International and Facebook are head-on competitors. A large part of Facebook's huge revenue and cash flow now comes from PC business. In the mobile Internet In the field, there is a big gap between Facebook and Ziweixing. As time goes by, this gap is likely to become wider and wider.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, one thing is going down, the other is going up, and a rising tide lifts all boats."

"There is also Google. They are starting to integrate the resources of Twitter and YouTube." Senior Sister Zhen Yu is somewhat frightened about giants like Google. "With Google's strength, they are likely to use Twitter's industry strength to expand in the social field. Fight it out."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Don't think too much about Google. Larry Page is not at that level and is far worse than Zuckerberg. The current situation is that I judge that Facebook's stock price will continue to fall in the next few years. They have no future in business expansion. Just exchange Panda Mobile’s shares for Facebook’s shares and wait for them to depreciate!”

In contrast, the stock prices of traditional technology giants like Cisco are very stable.

It won’t be like Internet giants that can double several times in a few years.

But it is better than the stability of the business.

The stock price will not have an alarming surge or excessive decline. It can show a slow and small upward trend as the market promotes.

If you switch to Cisco stock, even if there is a lock-up period of three to five years, there is no risk of wealth shrinking due to a sharp stock fall in the future.

With Zhou Buqi's financial resources, whether it goes up or down, it's actually just small money.

But for the founding team of Panda Mobile, this is very important.

Every point of growth and decline is related to huge changes in personal wealth.

For their own benefit, they should choose Cisco.

In this life, as Ziweixing International becomes bigger and stronger in overseas markets, Facebook's market share in the social field has shrunk severely, especially in the field of mobile Internet, it has encountered huge challenges.

Zhen Yu said very worriedly: "I'm afraid that some capital shareholders will find it difficult to understand and reject Facebook's $5.5 billion offer and choose Cisco's $4.25 billion offer. Without a sufficient explanation, this may be damaged." External criticism of shareholder interests may even lead to investigations by relevant agencies.”

Zhou Buqi was very cautious about this, "Yes, you must not be careless on this point. All processes and procedures must be completed and foolproof. Hold several more shareholder meetings and board meetings, and discuss and vote on every issue clearly. ”

Zhen Yu suggested: "I think you'd better write a letter and send it to every investor in Panda Mobile to explain to them the powerful relationship here. With your explanation, everyone will be able to think better. Better unity can be achieved.”

"Uh..." Zhou Buqi was a little reluctant, "If I write this letter, it will soon spread in the circle. What will Zuckerberg do then? I will tell the shareholders of Panda Mobile , saying that you are not optimistic about the future of Facebook, and you will take huge risks by switching to Facebook stock?”

Another point is that Facebook is an Internet company and has more tricks.

For the same prey, hunting Facebook is more difficult than hunting Cisco.

It is safer to choose Cisco.

Zhen Yu said: "Even if you don't say it, he knows it."

"Then there can't be any evidence left. Doesn't that mean there is no chance to quibble?"

Zhou Buqi was unwilling to participate in the Panda Mobile case in his personal name, because this is really a not-so-glorious case and will definitely fail in the future.

Whoever buys will lose money, whoever buys will be fooled.

If this letter is sent out, it will confirm the relationship with him.

This is not a good reputation.

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment and said: "Let Fu Sheng take care of this matter. Anyway, from beginning to end, I will not participate in the Panda Mobile case, and don't use my name as an endorsement. Well... you can ask Cisco for help. Cisco's offer is so low and it has such a big advantage. They have to do some public relations and let Cisco convince every investor of Panda Mobile."

"Okay, then I will contact him later."

Sister Zhen Yu is Zhou Buqi's assistant and secretary at some times.

Not only her, among these strong women in the Zhou family, except Shi Jinglin who has a strong subjective initiative, in the actual operation of a stall, the others basically have the identity of "assistant" or "secretary".

Even Aunt Xue is equivalent to a "life secretary", and usually takes care of Zhou Buqi's daily life in an orderly manner.

Now, as Wang Yihuan has gone through the baptism from a girl to a young woman, Wang Yanan has also entered the game smoothly because of her daughter.

Before this, Wang Yanan had to live outside with her daughter.

Now it's different, she can live in the Zhou family mansion legitimately.

Zhou Buqi can't favor one over the other.

Naturally, he also has to give Wang Yanan an identity and let her be Aunt Xue's deputy.

Aunt Xue is equivalent to the chief steward of the palace, and Wang Yanan is equivalent to the deputy chief steward of the palace. She is mainly responsible for the food, clothing, housing, transportation, food, clothing, daily life, and arranging sleeping, reconciling interpersonal relationships within the family and other aspects of life for Boss Zhou.

Next, Chen Yan was jealous.

She still lived outside with her daughter, and she had never been able to integrate into the Zhou family.

If you don't work hard and make progress, you really can't do it!

The desire to compare is really deadly.

At the beginning, Chen Yan brought her daughter to the capital, an orphan and a widow, and ran a beauty salon under the arrangement of Zhou Buqi. At that time, she thought that this was all she pursued in her life, and it was enough and she was very satisfied.

But after she really owned a beauty salon and got close to the rich life of the Zhou family, her mentality gradually changed.

Just like Wang Yanan.

A mere beauty salon, she didn't take it seriously at all.

Seeing that the top upper-class life is just one step away, and she can participate in it from time to time... It's not surprising that she is jealous and unwilling to be ordinary, especially with such an outstanding role model as Aunt Xue.

All obstacles have been cleared long ago.

In the early years, Zhou Buqi would hunt everywhere. There were beauties everywhere, and everywhere was a hunting ground.

It is different now.

With his current status.

He has become the biggest prey.

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