Top of the big era

Chapter 2914 Loyalty

Yan Guangming was very satisfied with this arrangement.

It can be said that it solved all his work troubles in the past period of time.

Just as his daughter told Zhou Buqi before, in the past year, Yan has not been very happy at work. He often goes out to drink at night and doesn't go home until two or three o'clock.

Such troubles are really not because of his lack of power in the company.

It's not because the company has been formalized and his importance has declined, which has caused the feeling of empty chattering.

On the contrary, he never minded this.

He is one of the founders of Aisda, and he just wants to do something beneficial to the company. The better the company develops, the more it will be in line with his personal interests.

The reason for the troubles...

Because he is a gangster.

He is too loyal.

Fortunately, the domestic counterfeit mobile phone industry developed very well in the past few years, and Yan Guangming's old friends all did a good job in their careers.

Some of his friends are suppliers, some are second-hand dealers between suppliers and manufacturers, some collude with the inside to transfer spare parts from the OEM factory, and some are actually engaged in the production of counterfeit mobile phones.

Because of the existence of the Shanzhai mobile phone industry, a large number of products from low-end suppliers and some gray channel products can be digested.

Now it is not possible, the situation has changed suddenly.

The Shanzhai mobile phone industry can no longer survive.

Many gray industries in the mobile phone industry have also encountered severe survival challenges.

Life is getting harder and harder.

Many people are going bankrupt.

Why are these Jianghu friends in a survival dilemma?

This is too obvious, because the smartphone industry brought up by Astar, and the industry rectification led by Astar and Xiaomi, which caused a sharp drop in smartphone prices...

This is very embarrassing.

Lao Yan has become the culprit who has caused these old friends to fall into the trough of life!

And when his friends encountered difficulties, they went to him for help, but he couldn't help at all. Astar has now developed in a formal and institutionalized manner, and its supply chain management is also digitally operated, and it communicates with the upstream supply chain in the most direct and frank way, without any Jianghu style.

This is a bit ironic.

Old Yan has become a well-known boss in the industry, with a net worth of tens of billions. He has also been on the Hurun Rich List and has become a famous rich man in China. His old friends who worked with him and drank and talked together when he was running an electronics factory have all fallen into crisis, and it was all because of him.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be fine.

The market is like this.

Survival of the fittest.

But Old Yan is a man of the world, very loyal, and he really can't let go of those old friends in the past. Even many old friends helped him in the early days of Astar's entrepreneurship and helped him build Astar's supply chain system... Now that Astar is in its heyday, the supply chain system has been institutionalized and improved, and it no longer needs the participation of some people in the world.

It's really a bit of killing the donkey after it has done its work.

This makes Old Yan feel ashamed.

I feel sorry for them.

However, from the perspective of Astar as a company, killing the donkey after it has done its work is right.

An international technology giant like Astar must operate in an upright manner and cut off ties with some underworld figures. Even if there were some gray or even black business operations in the early stage of the business, it must quickly sort out the relationship, cut off contacts, and whitewash itself.

Yan Guangming was caught in the middle and felt that he was neither a man nor a woman.

Now it's all right!

Boss Zhou pointed out a clear path for him and arranged a new mission for him, asking him to come forward to integrate the domestic copycat mobile phone industry... To put it bluntly, it is actually to integrate the underground underworld in the domestic mobile phone industry.

Integrate the underground forces in this mobile phone industry, stop doing some sneaky things, get a formal identity from the government, and then form a powerful low-end mobile phone force to plunder the overseas market.

Now Yan Guangming is at most the nominal leader of this underground underworld.

This makes him very ashamed.

Because he almost did nothing and didn't help much, but because of the success of Astar, he accelerated the demise of this underground underworld.

Now it's different.

If the domestic copycat phone manufacturers on the verge of being eliminated in the industry are really integrated into a powerful force to attack the overseas market, it means that Yan Guangming will become a real and genuine martial arts leader!

Therefore, this matter is very important to Yan Guangming.

It is not about money at all.

This is his Jianghu morality, his life belief, and the values ​​he adheres to!

The Green Gang and the Red Gang were all righteous men who "fight against the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty" in the early years.

Even the gray industry of the underground rivers and lakes is also a thief's code!

Yan Guangming's face turned red, as if he had drunk half a catty of wine, and he said excitedly: "It should be like this! Lao Zhou, this new project you mentioned is simply my lifelong dream! I don't want a penny, this thing must be done!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "You can't refuse it, this is a new company, and the founding shares must be distributed according to the rules and regulations."

"I don't want it, I don't want it, I'll give it all to you." Yan Guangming shook his head repeatedly, not looking like he was joking at all, "I'm already on the rich list. When Asda goes public, what's wrong with the stocks in my hand? There are already 10 billion US dollars! You gave me these, I can’t ask for more, this time..."

"One code, one code." Zhou Buqi waved his hand and interrupted him, "You are not responsible for this new project alone. I will send Chen Guohuan, the vice president of Ziweixing Group, who is a regular Once the way is figured out, management can be implemented. When the time comes, you will be the chairman and he will be the CEO. You should be clear about the distribution of responsibilities."

Yan Guangming laughed and said: "Of course, it should be! I am a big old man, I still know how many pounds there are. At most, I have some friendships in the domestic mobile phone industry, and I can get it through the most channels at the lowest cost. Isn’t this what it means to not rebel after getting some weapons that the officers and soldiers don’t like, but to go to foreign countries to seize territory?”

"What kind of metaphor are you talking about?" Zhou Buqi couldn't help but laugh, "But that's pretty much what it means. There are two benefits to integrating this world. It can not only manage it in a formalized manner, but also make the domestic mobile phone industry better and better. , Reduce the gray market; you can also put this part of the power that should be eliminated by the government to use, instead of causing trouble at home, go to foreign countries to play its value. "

The advantage that Yan Guangming valued more was that he could participate in the world again, have an account with his old friends, and help them tide over difficulties. He said slowly: "However, a gray product is a gray product. I think Eradication is impossible. Apart from anything else, there is nothing I can do about the notorious Huaqiangbei because of its tough background.”

"It's all a small matter and it won't affect the overall situation."

Zhou Buqi's perspective was high enough. Looking down at the earth from such a high perspective, even the high-rise buildings turned into spots, let alone those few small grains of sand.

Yan Guangming was very excited, "Lao Zhou, your new project is so exciting!"

Zhou Buqi thought of something and became angry and funny, "Hey, old Zhou, we are buddies, why did you send Ge Ge here? I am recruiting a secretary. She has not even finished high school. What kind of secretary will she be? ?”

Yan Guangming said: "As a female secretary, it's enough that she can warm the bed."

"What did you say?"

Zhou Buqi had a black line on his forehead.

I have never seen a father like this.

Feeling that she was even less popular than her biological father, her younger sister Zhou Nan had an unreliable director boyfriend. Zhou Buqi couldn't do anything with her, so he reported it to his father. The father, who had never done anything to his sister, immediately flew back from his trip to the southwest after hearing about it and threatened to beat her up.

Yan Guangming said nonchalantly: "We have agreed that Gege will be with you from now on."

"Who said yes?" Zhou Buqi didn't agree at all, "I never agreed. We are all buddies, and I regard Gege as a junior."

Yan Guangming said: "We all have different opinions about seniority! Oh, don't be polite to me. My tens of billions of wealth were all given to me by you. I'm just... "

Zhou Buqi interrupted him, "You are already worth tens of billions, and your daughter is also a super rich second generation. What kind of good man can't you find?"

"A good man?" Yan Guangming raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but sneered, "I have lived for most of my life and have seen all kinds of people in society, but there is one kind of person I have never seen, and that is a 'good man' '!"

"Depend on!"

Zhou Buqi felt like he had been scolded.

Yan Guangming smiled and said: "You are the best. Let her follow you, I think it is the best result."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "I'm already married, and it's not like you don't know. How great would it be for her to find someone who treats him wholeheartedly, get married seriously, and have children?"

"Okay? What's so good?" Although Yan Guangming is a rough guy, he has a lot of experience and knowledge. "Those bastards are all pretending to act, and they keep teaching the people that they can't do this and don't do that, but what about them? They That's the case! I can't let my daughter be a commoner who takes care of her husband and raises her children. I have seen so many people in my life, but you are the most reliable!"

Zhou Buqi felt that Lao Yan might not understand the situation well, so he said tactfully: "This recruitment of secretaries may require the recruitment of more than a dozen female secretaries."

"It should! It should!" Yan Guangming looked very happy, "With so many places, it's okay to give one to my girl, right? If you don't give it to me, then you are too ungrateful!"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Stop pretending to be confused with me!"

"Who is pretending to be confused?" Yan Guangming didn't care at all, "Oh, isn't it Xiaomi? Who doesn't have Xiaomi? I'm over fifty, and I still have seven or eight Xiaomi outside. The first two Tian also just met a female college student from the Conservatory of Music. I met her twice and I won her over. Whose daughter is not a daughter? Is it okay for other people’s daughters to be mistresses, but my daughter is an exception? It’s not that bad! We are friends and I don’t even have this kind of loyalty?”

Zhou Buqi was shocked and speechless.

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