Top of the big era

Chapter 2911: Something in the Bag

the next morning.

Zhou Buqi went to the company, made a schedule, and left for Madeira Island in Portugal two days later to start this year's vacation, at least until after Christmas.

However, there is one more thing to take care of before taking a vacation.

It’s about integrating the copycat phone industry.

With Boss Zhou's current status, he will definitely not end it personally. This is really not a high-end project. Once you have finalized the person in charge of the project and determined the strategic direction and ownership structure of the new company, just let them do it.

The candidate he was interested in was Chen Guohuan, the current M6-level vice president of Ziweixing who was in charge of marketing business.

Chen Guohuan has strong market development capabilities, but he is not a technical person and does not have sufficient understanding of Internet products, which means that it is difficult for him to have higher development space in a company like Ziweixing.

Not even the decision-making committee can enter.

If you stay at Ziweixing, your career will basically reach its peak.

Now Boss Zhou has made arrangements to give him the opportunity to go out and open a stall and become his own boss... This is of course a good opportunity.

Innovation is dangerous, so be cautious when entering the game!

But as an employee of Ziweixing, Chen Guohuan has seen and experienced too many legendary successes in the past few years. This allows him to put down his burdens and follow the footsteps of Boss Zhou without hesitation.

This morning, Chen Guohuan came over to Boss Zhou to report.

When Zhou Buqi saw him coming here covered with travel, he smiled and said, "Have you gone to the south?"

Chen Guohuan said: "Well, I rushed here as soon as I got off the plane. I received a letter saying that you may have to take annual leave next, so you have to hurry up."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "I've been very busy this year, with the listing of PayPal and the listing of MSI. Recently, I have also been busy with the domestic electric vehicle industry and mobile phone industry, and I have to fight with Qualcomm... I feel like my mental state is not good right now.”

Sun Wanran, the female secretary who came to deliver coffee to Chen Guohuan, sneered in her heart when she heard this.

My heart says it’s strange that your mental state has improved!

I had a seizure last night out of nowhere, and I called all the active female secretaries in the office. Except for Guan Nanqing, Yao Yao and Liang Lexin who have resigned, and Mai Feixue and Yan Qiqi are inconvenient, everyone else has gone into battle.

The posture was as if the emperor was selecting beautiful women. One by one, they were clean and came forward to let him comment and express his favor.

At this time, Sun Wanran recalled the ridiculous scene last night, and she couldn't help but blush.

Chen Guohuan said seriously: "Well, there is a scientific saying that the biggest hardship is not physical labor, but physical and mental exhaustion. Those farmers and migrant workers have a hard day's work, but they can recover after a sleep Well, I recovered the next day. The physical strength is not good. Nowadays, young people's hair loss is so serious that many people can't even sleep all night. It's just that the physical strength can be restored easily. Mental energy is not easy. Especially for someone like you, who is responsible for the strategies of so many companies and has such a high mental expenditure. It is best to take time to go on vacation for a month every one or two months. Otherwise, if it goes on for a long time, your mental state will definitely suffer. "

Sun Wanran was slightly startled, thinking about what happened last night. Boss Zhou had indeed put in a lot of effort physically, but he had gained a lot of satisfaction and gain mentally.

Why does it feel like it makes sense?

Is this using physical exertion to make up for the lack of mental energy?

Conservation of energy?

I heard Chen Guohuan continue: "According to statistics, depression has become the second largest killer of mankind, second only to cancer. People who work hard have never suffered from depression. They are those who work too hard. group. You really can’t be careless about this kind of thing, you have to be vigilant.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I'm okay, I have a way to relieve my mental stress."

Sun Wanran couldn't help but blush again and hurried out of the living room. She always felt that what these two people said was not serious.

Then, he talked about Chen Guohuan's trip south to inspect the copycat machine industry.

"Not easy!"

Chen Guohuan shook his head.

Zhou Buqi asked: "You are an expert in the market!"

Chen Guohuan said helplessly: "Ziweixing is a formal company. Our market business is all institutional and regular. I used to work for Alibaba's 'China Supply' Iron Army, and it was an upright business." . The copycat machine industry is not the same at all. They are all wild and shady, and they are too quaint.”

Zhou Buqi said simply and neatly, "You can't do it?"

"Definitely." Chen Guohuan naturally would not back down, "It's just that the initial business development may not be smooth. I am a layman, I have no experience in making mobile phones, and my work style is completely different. The wild path over there may not necessarily be smooth. Able to adapt quickly.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Wild ways are not enough. We must formalize the integration. At least here in China, it must be formal."

Chen Guohuan sighed, "It will still be difficult in the short term. I'm really not afraid of challenges, I'm just afraid of delaying the opportunity and ruining your long-term plan. Only after I went to the south this time did I know that the domestic situation in the past few years Counterfeit phone manufacturers have collectively suffered a disaster, and many copycat phone manufacturers are trying to survive overseas, which is no different from the Internet industry in recent years.”

In recent years, the Internet industry has undergone tremendous changes.

Many Internet companies in the PC era quickly lost their domestic market due to their slow transformation.

But we have a certain level of strength, what should we do?

Then we can only go overseas to seek development.

Going overseas, we must not go to places like Europe, America, South Korea and Japan.

We can go to South America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and other places where the Internet industry is underdeveloped, copy some domestic products and rogue play methods from the PC Internet era, and it will be easy to dominate the world there.

Zhou Buqi's direct subordinates Tang Binchen and Fu Sheng, both did this kind of business in their previous lives.

Not only the Internet industry.

The same is true for the game industry.

Since the economic crisis in 2008, many domestic game companies have gone overseas. Because the domestic competition is too fierce and too cruel, they can only go to overseas markets to fight for opportunities. 40% of the social games on Facebook are from domestic game studios.

The copycat industry belongs to the least competitive group in the domestic mobile phone industry.

When surviving...

This is very interesting.

They have become the vanguard of domestic mobile phone manufacturers to go overseas.

Unfortunately, these companies are generally too weak, and they don't have many talents. They are doing a mess in the overseas market. Even in places like Pakistan and Bangladesh where there is no local mobile phone industry, it is difficult to survive.

Except for Transsion, which has made a name for itself in the African market, other copycat phone manufacturers have basically been wiped out.

Copycat phones are too easy to manufacture.

Most backward countries can have local mobile phone brands, and even some African countries can produce local mobile phones.

Copycat phone manufacturers, backed by such a strong domestic manufacturing system and such a complete mobile phone industry supply chain system, can't even compete with the inferior mobile phones of weak and poor countries.

It's really a bit unreasonable.

There is no way, only Boss Zhou can come forward.

If he doesn't do it, such a large area of ​​copycat phone industry resources in China will be completely wasted, and become obsolete products in society and drowned in the great wave of economic development. But in fact, the obsolete things in China are very advanced products in most countries. The food wasted in China every year can make them kneel on the ground and call them daddy in Africa.

Transsion alone is not enough.

Transsion is also a small copycat phone company with little strength.

Zhou Buqi must integrate this industry.

For the difficulties encountered by Chen Guohuan, it is nothing at all.

"Well, we really need to hurry up. The longer the delay, the more resources will be wasted in the domestic copycat phone industry." Zhou Buqi has already regarded the copycat phone industry as something in his pocket and does not want to see any waste. "You go back first. I will give you a result in the afternoon at the latest. The key is whether you are really willing to take this task."


Chen Guohuan agreed immediately without hesitation.

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