Top of the big era

Chapter 290: An Upright Teacher Is Not Afraid of Little Ghosts

The current job-seeking website for fresh graduates only has the main page, which is the simple and slightly rough campus recruitment information.

This is clearly not enough.

Next, Zhou Buqi focused on the product architecture needed for the future website.

First of all, there must be a BBS forum.

In order to facilitate job seekers' experience exchange, resource sharing, discuss changes to resumes, and share the process of written tests and interviews with more people.

Secondly, there must be enough job application materials.

It can be made into text or video form for free.

For example, well-known enterprise information, civil service examination question bank, personal resume preparation method, interview skills, self-employment, female job hunting, etc., and even include studying abroad, postgraduate entrance examination skills training, etc.

Because the postgraduate entrance examination and civil servant examination are important areas.

So you might as well set up a vertical postgraduate entrance examination section and a civil servant section.

As early as last year, Zhou Buqi wanted to build a platform to help college students take postgraduate entrance examinations. As a result, from Ma Pingshan to Chen Dong, nothing was done.

Now, with the platform of Fresh Graduate Job Search Network, this gap can just be filled.

Of course, there is the most important thing!

This is the beginning of the school season, Zhou Buqi is going to give the third gift to college students all over the country - "Job Search Guide for Fresh Graduates"!

It should include career planning, resume making, written test interviews, corporate recruitment schedules, recruitment traps, contract breaches, household registration issues, civil servants and other aspects of the job hunting process, helping fresh graduates solve the problems they just need in the graduation season.

It is now mid-September, and in less than two months, the school recruitment for 2006 will start.

If it can help college students avoid some detours and make the job hunting process smoother, it will be a good thing with infinite merit.

A lot of times, business is like that.

When you desperately pursue wealth, it is often difficult for a company to truly become bigger and stronger; when you ignore money and work hard for a certain ideal, wealth, status, and fame will follow the ideal step by step. .

There is still a lot of work here on the job search website for fresh graduates. In addition to the core members, new recruits are also needed.

The "Job Search Guide for Fresh Graduates" does not need this team to do it, and Zhou Buqi intends to hand over this task to Chen Dong.

He is now in the publishing business, and he is very familiar with the publishing houses of major universities and the teachers of the employment guidance center.

There are also resources of pirated booksellers.

Since it's a gift, of course it's free.

Therefore, this book is not actually a book, it is not for sale, it is not for profit, it is just a learning material, and it does not need a publication batch number. If the price quoted by the genuine publishing house is too high, it may be necessary to find a pirate.


It's time to return.

Wang Haoyang was worried.

When I came to Shanghai this time, I thought I could play a role in the acquisition process, at least to show some personal style in persuading several founders to stay.

In the end... it was useless!

As soon as Boss Zhou stepped out, he could handle everything with ease.

While talking and laughing, the mast and scull were wiped out.

There seems to be no pressure at all.

Especially during the contact process, he deeply felt the lofty ambition of Boss Zhou, and he was entangled in his heart, which was completely different from his feeling in Sina.

Sina is a big, stable company.

All businesses have matured, and it has taken the position of the largest portal network in China, but has lost its border expansion.

Ziweixing is completely different here.

Xiaonei,,, Dongfang Weidian... From social networking, to ordering food, from shared bicycles, to network security, and recently even recruiting.

The directions for development seem limitless.

What is even more surprising is that these businesses can really be cleverly connected.

Micropoint Security Guard is currently being promoted in the campus market through the school network; in the future, it will be opened to the whole society through the friend network...

The effect of the ecosystem seems to have really appeared.

This made him feel more and more that Boss Zhou had something in his heart, and he was not an ordinary person.

"Midian Security Guard has ignited the campus market, and you don't need to operate it. There have been several hot posts on Tianya, and this product is strongly promoted."

"Yes, the smell of wine is not afraid of deep alleys."

Even in the business class, Wang Haoyang always felt crowded and uncomfortable, mainly because of guilty conscience.

Zhou Buqi glanced at him indifferently, "What will you do when you go back?"

Wang Haoyang said seriously: "The success of Micropoint Security Guard proves that this path is correct! Free of charge is the soul of the Internet. Paid software belongs to the previous era. As far as the application layer of the product is concerned, Micropoint Security Guard is the evidence, proving that Users prefer this simple and intuitive interface, and do not need to go through complicated and difficult operations to prove the superiority of their products.”

Zhou Buqi said: "After going back, the project team members of Micropoint Antivirus can return to their positions. Micropoint Antivirus is just the beginning. Next, Dongfang Micropoint needs more sincere products."

Wang Haoyang quickly stated: "I understand, the facts have proved that Liu Yu's approach is wrong, and Mr. Ji is right. In the new era, there should be a new atmosphere. Micro-point antivirus should follow the idea of ​​​​developing micro-point security guards , restructure, change the face, I'm afraid..."


"Mr. Zhou, let me tell you the truth. Because I used to work at Sina and I had a convenient position, so I still have a lot of friends in the circle. These days, the security guards are online, and my phone is about to explode!"

"I want to intercede with you?" Zhou Buqi smiled.

Wang Haoyang sighed, "Who says it's not? In any case, we are cutting off people's money. Many Internet companies rely on rogue software to make profits. We have banned and deleted them. This is the same as killing parents. There is no difference."

The corners of Zhou Buqi's mouth curled up, fearlessly, and said lightly: "You can rest assured! We are upright teachers, and we are not afraid of those devils!"

Wang Haoyang hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice, "Dongfang Weidian has already been fucked once, maybe..."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "You are worrying too much, the golden body of Xiaonei is not so easy to break! Just watch it, soon, within a month, there will be results."

"Ah?" Wang Haoyang was slightly taken aback, but did not react, "What result?"

Zhou Buqi said coldly: "It is the director of Internet surveillance who framed Dongfang Weidian this summer. He has been investigated and cleared up. The evidence is solid and he confessed!"

"You said you were going to be sentenced?"


Wang Haoyang breathed a sigh of relief, "If you can be sentenced for a few years, it will indeed deter some young people."

Zhou Buqi blinked and looked at him strangely, "How many years do you think the sentence is?"

Wang Haoyang still didn't react, or he didn't understand the depth of the water here at all, so he said to himself: "It will take five years, right?"

Zhou Buqi laughed dumbfounded, and stretched out three fingers.

"It's only been three years?" Wang Haoyang was a little disappointed, and sighed, "But it's okay. In fact, the threat of these rogue software companies is not too big. Now that the Internet Industry Association has announced the Internet Convention, they are also pretending. I care about it." Those regular anti-virus software companies, like Rising and Jiangmin, have been cultivating this field for ten years and have deep connections. A three-year sentence will at least have a deterrent effect on them."

Zhou Buqi looked speechless, "I told you, our background is strong enough to cast a golden body, is three years enough to see?"

"Could it be thirty years?" Wang Haoyang was taken aback.

"Thirty years is the bottom line, maybe you will be sentenced to life!"

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly, he had already got inside information.

In the previous life, that person was sentenced to death.

However, in this world, Zhou Buqi took an early action and saved Dongfang Weidian without causing too serious consequences. The active defense technology was preserved, and Huaxia was at the forefront of the world's anti-virus technology.

The penalty will be reduced as appropriate.

Wang Haoyang couldn't figure it out, but he took more than 4 million yuan and used his power to suppress a company. How could it be so serious? Will it be indefinite?

Couldn't it be that Boss Zhou lost his contacts and wanted to make an example of others and shock the world?

This is too cruel!

Wang Haoyang couldn't help but shudder!

It's completely overwhelmed.

With such a ruthless person as my boss' junior, is he afraid that he won't be able to control the company?

Forget it, let's help with your heart!

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