Top of the big era

Chapter 2891 IMEI Code

At noon, we had lunch in the canteen of the ministry.

The seminar continued in the afternoon.

According to the plan, this seminar will last for two and a half days.

However, the efficiency in the morning was very high, mainly because Zhou Buqi's personal reputation and industry influence were large enough. Whether it was industry executives or industry experts, almost everyone agreed with his proposal. It is expected that this seminar will end tomorrow if it is not finished today.

It was the first time for Zhou Buqi to eat in the canteen hall of the ministry.

The dining environment here is no worse than that of the employee canteen of Ziweixing. The ingredients are also purchased and supplied by a unified unit, which is equivalent to special supply.

When eating, everyone naturally hopes to sit at the same table with Zhou Buqi.

But this is the dining hall, not a private room.

A table can only seat four people.

Then it's first come first served.

Finally, except for Lei Jun from Xiaomi at Zhou Buqi's table, he didn't know the other two people. They were from Tianyu and Coolpad, and they were all company executives. And they were all very young, about 30 or 40 years old.

Lei Jun also smiled and took a few cans of milk to share with everyone.

Zhou Buqi refused, "No, I don't drink milk."

Lei Jun asked, "Is milk intolerance?"


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Milk is for cows, so there is a certain species isolation between cows and humans.

Barbaric and nomadic peoples are fine. They deal with livestock all year round and cannot survive without drinking animal milk. After thousands of years of evolution, their genes have changed and they can adapt. But the Chinese Empire, which has been engaged in agricultural production for a long time, is different. The Han people have no tradition of drinking animal milk, and their genes have not evolved lactase that can break down lactose in animal milk.

Although many Chinese people have adapted to milk due to population migration and intermarriage between Hu and Han over the years, there are still a large number of people who cannot drink milk.

That is, they are intolerant to milk.

Drinking milk will cause diarrhea, and severe cases may even require hospitalization.

A CEO named Zhuang Xiangrong from Tianyu said with emotion: "When I was a child, I didn't have a good life and never drank milk. Later, when I was in my twenties and had the conditions, I drank milk every day, one cup for breakfast and one cup at night. Later, one time... yes, it seems to be here. That time I came to the ministry for a meeting, and I also ate in this cafeteria. I drank a glass of milk, and then I couldn't stand it. My stomach was churning. From then on, I knew that I was lactose intolerant. It turned out that it was the first time I drank real milk."

Another executive named Dong Fei also agreed: "It's true. I also drank milk once when I went abroad. I felt something was wrong, and then I knew what was going on. At that time, I thought the milk was spoiled."

Zhou Buqi can actually drink milk.

He is from Northeast China.

The paternal side came from Shandong East to Guandong, while the maternal side is a local with Manchu ancestry.

But he is very picky now and has a picky taste.

He doesn't drink milk at all.

In the end, Lei Jun was the only one drinking milk at the table.

When eating, the discussion was naturally about the mobile phone industry.

Zhou Buqi is very interested in Tianyu, because it was once one of the most prestigious copycat phone manufacturers in China. It has suffered a severe market impact in recent years and has recently been transforming into a smartphone.

After a brief chat, I found that Mr. Zhuang Xiangrong seemed very confident that he could lead Tianyu to a successful transformation and gain a place in the smartphone market.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "I looked at the data. More than 100 million feature phones were sold in China in the first half of the year? There is still a certain market for copycat phones, right?"

Zhuang Xiangrong nodded, "There are still some, but not as many as in previous years. The state has strict control. After all, this is a gray industry."

"Gray industry?"


"Tell me about it."

Zhou Buqi was quite interested.

Zhuang Xiangrong had nothing to hide. They were all insiders. If Mr. Zhou wanted to know, he could just ask anyone. He said, "Normally, copycat phones are also legal. However, legal things are expensive and costly. They have to go through many procedures, and value-added tax must be added. There is also a kind of copycat phone that does not go through these legal procedures, which has a greater source of profit."

Zhou Buqi asked, "What procedures?"

"Quite a lot, such as... well, such as IMEI code." Zhuang Xiangrong lowered his voice, "For a period of time, operators cooperated with copycat phone manufacturers and closed the network access license number. Otherwise, a large number of copycat phones in the country would not be able to be used."

The IMEI code is equivalent to the ID number of a mobile phone.

A mobile phone needs an IMEI code, and then it can get a network access license to connect with the operator, and then it can access the network to make calls and send text messages.

But in fact, in order to allow the large number of copycat phones in the market to be used, operators have relaxed restrictions for a long time, and they can be used without a network access license number.

Zhou Buqi had some understanding of this and said with a smile: "Don't knockoff phones have a lot of repeated IMEI codes?"

Zhuang Xiangrong said: "Yes, later they changed to this strategy. Hundreds of thousands or millions of mobile phones use the same IMEI code, and they can also use the same network access license number. But it's not possible now. Now we use high-tech to investigate cases. This kind of illegal IMEI code will cause obstacles to the investigation."

Zhou Buqi said "hmm".

Normally, the IMEI code is the ID card of a mobile phone, and each mobile phone has an independent IMEI code.

So when checking people, you can directly find them through the unique IMEI code of the mobile phone.

Instead of the mobile phone number.

The mobile phone card can be changed constantly, but the IMEI code of the mobile phone is fixed.

Just like in some crime movies, after the bad guys commit crimes, they directly pull out the mobile phone card in the mobile phone and throw it away, thinking that it is almost safe. This lacks common sense.

Because the phone card can be directly linked to the IMEI code.

Even if the mobile phone card is thrown away, the IMEI code has been filed with the police.

The police only need to find the mobile phone with the IMEI code according to the signal source, and they will find the suspect.

Therefore, if someone loses a mobile phone, it is actually very easy to find it back.

Even if the mobile phone is stolen, turned off, the previous phone card is thrown away, and the tracking software that comes with the mobile phone is turned off, etc., these are useless. As long as the police want to find it, they can quickly locate the IMEI code, even if the mobile phone is turned off and the battery is removed, it is useless, and it can be found back in a few hours.

It depends on whether they are willing to find it, and it depends on who lost the mobile phone.

If a leader or a foreigner traveling to China loses a mobile phone, the technical department can quickly solve the case with a little check, without any difficulty.

However, these refer to legally produced and legally processed mobile phones.

Shanzhai phones are not like this.

Either there is no IMEI code, or hundreds of thousands or millions of mobile phones share the same IMEI code, which makes it difficult to check.

The reason why Shanzhai phones do not apply for formal IMEI codes is because it is very expensive.

Applying internationally, 1 million codes in a number segment is 400 US dollars, which is not much. However, if you want to use it in China after applying, you have to apply for other identification codes, and you also need approval, filing and various procedures from official agencies.

These procedures are troublesome.

Shanzhai phone manufacturers are very weak. If they can't apply for it in a long time, they might as well not do it. It's better to reduce the price to save money, so that they can be more competitive.

Zhuang Xiangrong continued: "Not only in China, India is also doing this now!"


Zhou Buqi's interest became stronger.

Because Estar is carrying out a plan to attack India, we have to understand the situation!

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