Top of the big era

Chapter 2887 Monopolizing the tail goods market

Zhou Buqi had this idea, mainly in three aspects.

First, he knew that Africa had a relatively large market. Transsion's mobile phones were of poor quality and only did business in Africa, with about 40% market share in Africa. But relying on this market alone, Transsion became the top three mobile phone manufacturers in the world in terms of sales, and the company's market value was similar to Lenovo.

The profit margin of single products in the African market was very low, but there were many people, the volume was large, people were stupid and not picky, and the market competitiveness was weak, which made it easy for domestic mobile phone manufacturers to show the greatest competitive advantage.

Second, the African market survey report that Zhou Shaoning forwarded.

Africa is really backward.

Not only is the Internet infrastructure backward, the Internet penetration rate is extremely low, and the telecommunications signal coverage is also low. Not to mention smartphones, even feature phones are rare in Africa and have a low penetration rate. Fortunately, Europe, the United States and China have increased their aid to Africa in recent years and helped them build many signal stations, making it more convenient for African people to use mobile phones.

There is a huge market demand here.

However, the mobile phone with the highest sales in the African market is a feature phone from Nokia, which costs $50.

A feature phone priced at $50 is too expensive for domestic consumption, let alone in Africa.

Domestic mobile phone manufacturers rushed in, selling it for $20 and still making a profit of $10!

Third, consider it from the perspective of the Internet.

Africa is too backward.

Low level of civilization and poor cognitive ability.

Consumers are more easily manipulated by merchants. In terms of the ability of PUA users, no one in the world can compare with domestic commercial companies. Large companies like Ziweixing have psychologists in charge, and they all participate in product operations and development from the perspective of human psychology.

The Internet is becoming more and more popular.

Twenty or thirty years later, Africa will be the last large Internet market left in the world.

And China and Africa have a good relationship.

Africa must be Ziweixing's back garden, and it cannot leave any chance for Silicon Valley giants!

It just so happens that Africa's legal system is not sound.

When the competition really starts, some rogue means will have to be used to ensure that domestic Internet companies can dominate the African market. At this stage, we should strike first and occupy the territory of the African market with mobile phones.

If you get the terminal market, you will basically have the power to control the African Internet in the future.

For Zhou Buqi, helping domestic small and medium-sized mobile phone manufacturers solve the trouble of dealing with tail goods from the supply side is not only a favor, but also an opportunity to develop new business. It can not only help the domestic mobile phone industry solve its difficulties, but also find opportunities to make big money in the African market. Why not do it?

If Meizu hadn't come to the door and actively asked Boss Zhou for help.

It would be difficult for Zhou Buqi to find such a good entry point.

He wants to monopolize all the tail goods from the supply side in China, and he has done all the work. He even wants to go to the south to take over the assets of those copycat mobile phone manufacturers.

If he goes straight in, it's a bit too much.

It's too easy to be exposed.

Everyone can see at a glance that Boss Zhou must have seen a huge business opportunity when he did this. In this way, many people will follow suit, and it will be difficult for him to succeed.

With the attitude of "If I don't go to hell, who will?", he helped his domestic counterparts solve the most difficult problems. In addition to gaining unanimous praise and recognition from all over the country, he also gave him an opportunity to avoid being noticed and do this thing secretly.

So Zhou Buqi was very relieved.

This time Meizu came well!

Not only to help, but also to help and publicize in a high-profile manner, so that the industry knows the kind-hearted and "timely rain" style of the big boss Zhou.

Zhou Shaoning explained in the report that he did not agree with the strategy of developing the African market now, and he still had this idea. He said worriedly: "Selling domestic copycat phones to the African market is of course very good and very feasible. However, copycat phones are copycat phones after all. I don't think we can ruin the Motorola brand with some copycat phones of uneven quality."

"Don't use Motorola."

Zhou Buqi leaned back and waved his hand.


Zhou Shaoning was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "Motorola can also do it, but the quality of Motorola's mobile phones must be guaranteed, and the price will be higher. The poorer the place, the higher the price. Motorola's mobile phones in the African market, just maintain the same pricing strategy as competitors. What we should do is to create a new brand."

"What brand?"

"What brand is not okay? A brand called ABC, a brand called QWE, a brand called JKL, a brand called XYZ... Anyway, just name it randomly, it's a copycat phone, who cares about the brand? Africa's consumption power has not reached the level of brand recognition at all, and it can be easily fooled into being an international brand. As long as the price is low enough, everyone can afford it. After-sales service doesn't need to be too good, there is no need to be too complicated for them. If the ABC brand is messed up, just give up and change the brand to QWE and continue to sell it."

"Oh my god!"

Zhou Shaoning was really shocked.

This is really the nature of a profiteer.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I'm just giving an example to illustrate the convenience of operating in the African market. The legal system there is poor and consumers have insufficient awareness. They don't need any after-sales system to further reduce the cost." Cost. Isn’t it easier to do business in the African market than in China?”

Chen Guohuan pondered: "I think it can be divided into two steps. One is official procurement. Every country in Africa is extremely corrupt. It is easy to designate our copycat machine as their government procurement machine. This There is the most basic market guarantee. Then, we can be more aggressive and bold in advertising and marketing strategies, such as 'world's first', 'international big name', '10% off promotion' gimmicks, such as buying a mobile phone and getting a car for free. You can do things like get a free flight when you buy a mobile phone, or get a million dollars when you buy a mobile phone. In this way, people’s recognition and consumption enthusiasm can be boosted immediately.”


Zhou Shaoning is a bit honest in this regard.

After all, he comes from a technical background.

It’s not the same approach as someone like Chen Guohuan who is doing the market.

But he also knew that this was possible.

In China twenty years ago, things were similar.

For example, if you buy a mobile phone and get a car as a gift, this kind of marketing activity is actually a side ball. Because there are many prerequisites for delivering a car, apart from internal support, it is impossible for outsiders to get the car. However, it can be deliberately confused during promotion to give consumers the illusion that as long as they buy a mobile phone, they will get a car as a gift.

Only after the purchase is completed do you know that various conditions must be met, which is somewhat deceptive.

This routine still exists in the domestic market.

But if you go to Europe and the United States, you will get one penalty and one penalty.

Later, some domestic mobile phone manufacturers took this routine to Europe and Singapore. As a result, it caused a social uproar. They apologized, donated money and compensated, and finally calmed down the incident.

Africa is different.

As long as you don't kill people and set fires for money and death, there are really no restrictions on other things.

Zhou Buqi said: "The copycat phone industry has its own value. If ASDA destroys this industry, it will cause turmoil in the local economy and large-scale unemployment to a certain extent. From this perspective, we should also stand up Pick up the pieces!"

Zhou Shaoning couldn't help but smile bitterly and shook his head repeatedly, "Old Zhou, Old Zhou, I'm convinced!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "I thought you really wanted to help the domestic mobile phone industry get out of trouble!"

"Mr. Zhou, I don't agree with what you said." Chen Guohuan was completely on the side of his boss. "Help is really help, and it is sincere help. We bought all the rags in the market, and the suppliers We don’t have to force them to sell to serious brand-making mobile phone companies. Isn’t this a help?”

"This is the best angle to win over the domestic copycat phone industry! It is also the best angle to monopolize the low-end product market!" Zhou Shaoning gave a thumbs up, "Awesome! Awesome!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "The counterfeit phone industry has existed for so many years, so it is reasonable. Seeing it all go bankrupt and destroyed is simply a huge waste of social resources. Waste is shameful, and diligence and frugality are our traditional virtues. It’s better for us to integrate and let this industry develop greater value in the African market.”

Chen Guohuan said: "Helping is helping, making money is making money, there is no contradiction!"

Zhou Shaoning no longer had any objections, and said slowly: "The most important thing is not to affect Aster's reputation, not to ruin the brands of Aster and Motorola. We cannot use our own brands to produce inferior mobile phones. If If we separate it into a new company and create a new brand, there will still be great opportunities.”

"Yes, then change the name. It can be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aisida." Zhou Buqi looked at Chen Guohuan, "How about it? Are you interested?"

Chen Guohuan smiled and said, "I will listen to your arrangements."

Doing overseas markets is much more attractive than delivering food in China.

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