Top of the big era

Chapter 2882 Pushing Apple to the stage

In Zhou Buqi's opinion, the Meizu issue was a small matter.

Since they were on the phone, they must have focused on more important matters.

At the beginning, Zhou Buqi joked, "I heard that you are going to limit the supply of AMOLED screens to Asda?"

"Ah?" Li Zairong was surprised, "No way? Is there such a thing? I'll go ask them. I have specifically told them about it."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "I heard about it too."

Li Zairong said, "In addition to our own use, most of our high-end screens are supplied to Apple and Asda. If you don't believe me, I can show you our detailed production and sales materials. We will never restrict this aspect."


Zhou Buqi laughed and seemed to be unconvinced.

Li Zairong continued, "We make mobile phones from Samsung Wireless and screens from Samsung Display. These are two companies with different shareholder structures, board structures, and management structures, as well as different business indicators."

This is indeed the truth.

But only half of it was said.

Samsung Wireless and Samsung Display are two companies, but both are subsidiaries of Samsung Electronics. Once Lee Jae-yong makes a higher-level strategic deployment and uses the profits from the mobile phone business to subsidize the loss of display screens, Samsung Display will still be out of stock.

Zhou Buqi said: "Even if Estar can get the required display screens relatively smoothly at this stage, it may not be the case in the future. Someone just came to me and told me about their experience. This kind of thing is a hidden danger."

"What's the matter?"

Lee Jae-yong's level is too high. He can't pay attention to Samsung Greater China and Meizu's small business worth tens of millions.

Zhou Buqi told the story of Meizu in a few words.

Lee Jae-yong was a little silent.

Because in his opinion, his own president Park did nothing wrong. The reason why he replaced the president of Greater China was mainly because he saw the strong rise of domestic mobile phone manufacturers and the emergence of many new companies.

Many mobile phone manufacturers are very weak and it is difficult to get goods from suppliers.

It just so happens that Samsung will have a lot of tail goods and inventory left over from different channels every year.

For example, there are 20,000 pieces of memory chips left. The quantity is too small. It is not cost-effective to develop a separate model to match it. Even large companies cannot use it. However, there are many emerging and small mobile phone manufacturers in China. A new phone may only have 20,000 orders, which is just enough to match it.

These chips are not second-hand goods, defective products, or obsolete products. They are completely different from some unqualified products that are colluded by some foundries. These chips are exactly the same as new products in performance. In fact, they are left over from large companies.

It’s just too fragmented.

It’s difficult to digest them in large-scale purchases by large companies.

It’s just sitting there. If it can be sold by relying on the huge Greater China market, then for Samsung, it can turn losses into profits, from a loss of US$130 million a year to a profit of US$120 million. Between the ins and outs, it can increase the surplus of US$250 million on the books.

This is not a shady business.

Many industries are doing this.

For example, Vipshop.

Many of the big-name products sold on it are indeed genuine and new, but the reason they can be sold at extremely low discounts is mainly because they are tail goods and inventory goods. For many merchants, it is better to find a channel to sell them instead of leaving them in the warehouse and reporting damages.

In the early days, the campus network sold a large number of extremely cheap products to college students, which were also some fragmented tail goods that Zhou Buqi had collected from various corners, and many of them were just a few hundred pieces of inventory. For manufacturers, it is really too much trouble to find a team and channels to sell hundreds of products.

It is different for the campus network. E-commerce shipments and limited purchases by college students are most suitable for this model.

Li Zairong has some different opinions, but since Boss Zhou has spoken, he must give this face and said with a smile: "Okay, I will tell Park Jae-chun later. He has no ill intentions, but his working method is not appropriate."

Zhou Buqi sighed: "I am really a little worried now that Samsung will restrict the supply of high-end screens in order to compete with Asda in the high-end machine market."

"No! Absolutely not!"

Li Zairong repeatedly assured.

He was speaking from the heart.

Even if there were restrictions, they would not be imposed on Estar. Speaking of competition, Samsung and Apple are more competitive, but Samsung has never created problems for Apple on high-end screens. On the contrary, Samsung will sell the best batch of screens to Apple.

Although Estar is far inferior to Apple.

But behind Estar stands a giant Zhou Buqi.

With this factor, Apple and Estar are companies of the same level in Li Zairong's view. They compete in the market with real swords and guns, and will not engage in such competition strategies suspected of monopoly.

Zhou Buqi is also clear in dealing with people. He smiled and said, "By the way, there is one more thing. Estar has developed a 4g processing chip, which is expected to be released next year and will be applied to a new low-end series of mobile phones."

"Oh, good news, congratulations!" Li Zairong thought he was talking about Qualcomm, "Indeed, we should be prepared for this and prevent Qualcomm. Qualcomm is really too much. I saw the news. Will you operate over there and initiate an antitrust investigation against Qualcomm?"

Zhou Buqi said, "Well, there will be results in the near future."

Li Zaiyong was very happy, "Good thing! It should be! We should join forces. Whether it is Samsung, Apple, or Asda, making mobile phones is indeed a competitor. But when facing Qualcomm, we are all allies on the same front!" I heard there’s some movement from Apple as well.”

Zhou Buqi suggested: "If you are like me and accept an exclusive interview and talk about Apple's role in resisting Qualcomm, I believe there will be bigger noise on Apple's side. Apple doesn't want to make any noise, Qualcomm It will also force them to make moves.”

Li Zaiyong pondered for a moment, "Okay, I will consider it."

At this time, Apple must be brought down.

Only Apple can withstand the pressure of confronting Qualcomm head-on.

But in fact, even if Apple and Qualcomm go to war head-on, they will end up with a complete defeat and ceding territory and paying compensation.

Zhou Buqi is very prudent in his decision-making in this regard. He will not fight with Qualcomm at the front unless absolutely necessary!

It is best to build the plank road openly and visit Chen Cang secretly.

Put Apple at the forefront.

Let Apple and Qualcomm use all their strength to fight, and Asda will not only not feel the pressure from Qualcomm, but will feel the spring breeze of care from Qualcomm.

Zhou Buqi said: "Two things. First, I think you should accept an exclusive interview, just like I did last time."

Li Zaiyong still said what he just said. He didn't have the confidence of Boss Zhou, "I will consider it."

Zhou Buqi continued: "The second thing is that the performance of Asda's self-developed chips will not be very good, but it should be enough for use in low-end machines. Judging from the current general trend of smartphones, the demand will not be Too low, I intend to promote cooperation between Asda and Samsung.”

"Ah?" Li Zaiyong finally realized what he meant, "Chip OEM?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's chip foundry. If Samsung still has excess production capacity, I hope it can help and handle this part of the chip foundry order for Asda."

This is the art of speaking.

It's obviously a charity to others, but it sounds like asking others for help.

Li Zaiyong couldn't tell how happy he was, "Thank you! Thank you very much!"

Zhou Buqi said half-jokingly: "In terms of price, it cannot be higher than TSMC."

"Of course, definitely!" Li Zaiyong assured, the chip foundry business is currently Samsung's most important strategic business, and then he made a decisive decision, "Well, I thought about it, what you said Yes. I will arrange an exclusive interview right away. The outside world is too noisy and there are a lot of irresponsible discussions. I will make it clear about Apple and Qualcomm."

The matter is resolved.

After a phone call, the Meizu incident was explained in a few words.

However, this still attracted Li Zaiyong's attention.

Just when Zhou Buqi had packed up and went to the cafeteria to eat, Sun Wanran came to deliver a message and shouted through the intercom on his desk: "Phone No. 2, Zhou Shaoning's phone number."

There are three telephones on Zhou Buqi's desk.

He picked up the middle one.

"it's me."

"Lao Zhou, are you in the company?"

"Yes, in the park."

"Then I'll go over right now!"

Zhou Shaoning is a bit hot-tempered.

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "What's the matter, so anxious?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "It's not that I'm anxious, but someone wants to apologize to you in person."


Zhou Buqi is a bit baffled.

Zhou Shaoning said: "President Park of Samsung Greater China, he just contacted me and asked me to help him contact you and give him a chance to apologize to you face to face. He is in the capital. I guess I’m on my way there now.”

"Oh, him!"

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized.

I feel a little emotional, this Li Zairong is really efficient. And this way of doing things is really a bit Korean.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Then I will go there too and go with him. When the time comes, give him some face. He has a very stubborn temper and cares about personal dignity. Don't embarrass him too much."

"Originally, he didn't offend me. It was Meizu who came to the door and asked me to help."


"Samsung had some bad products and wanted to sell them to Meizu. Meizu didn't want to buy them, but they forced them to buy them. That's all."

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Shaoning was relieved upon hearing this. It was really a trivial matter not worth mentioning.

In today's mobile phone industry, this kind of thing is commonplace.

Small companies are always bullied by giants.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "People are coming to ask me for help, and I can't refuse. Just come over here and find me in the staff canteen."

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