Top of the big era

Chapter 2875 High logistics costs

It is not an easy task to initiate an investigation into Qualcomm.

Qualcomm has come to China a long time ago, and it is a well-known foreign company. If it wants to investigate Qualcomm's monopoly... it will face a very complicated international environment. There are so many domestic companies playing monopoly, and each one is more arrogant than the last. Why not punish them instead of punishing a foreign company?

If we really do this, it will easily attract the vigilance of foreign companies.

Immediately afterwards, foreign investment in China may be reduced.

Is it worth taking such a big risk for the growth of the domestic mobile phone industry?

Can the growth space of the domestic mobile phone industry make up for the loss of profits after punishing Qualcomm?

More importantly, Qualcomm has been subject to antitrust investigations many times in Europe and the United States.

I get away with it every time.

If the country conducts an investigation and then imposes penalties, wouldn't this clearly tell the world that domestic legal standards are different from those adopted by mainstream European and American laws? So is Europe and the United States a society ruled by law, or is China a society ruled by law?

Therefore, after Zhou Buqi returns to China, he must coordinate a symposium on the mobile phone industry to conduct an overall assessment of overall interests.

If the overall situation is beneficial, then do it; if the overall situation is not beneficial, then don’t do it.

Don't violate "great justice" for the sake of "small justice".

Zhou Buqi is very confident.

He already has a global plan.

However, it's best to talk to Meng Houkun's father first.

Go find Meng Houkun.

I heard that he has been busy with Yuanwei Group recently.

Zhou Buqi went straight to Yuanwei Group, just in time to see how his new chairman was doing.

After that, I really felt like there was a new atmosphere.

The atmosphere in the office is much more regulated.

Not as noisy as before.

When I went to the office, I saw Meng Houkun with a serious face.

"Boss Zhou?" Meng Houkun looked up and saw him, and his determined expression suddenly collapsed, "When did you come back?"

"Just arrived." Zhou Buqi smiled and looked at him with a strange look, "Why do you look so sad all of a sudden? Isn't it difficult to be the chairman?"

Meng Houkun said helplessly: "The key is that I am also a part-time general manager. I have to produce some decent results to convince the public, right?"

Zhou Buqi casually went to sit on the sofa, "Take it then!"

"It can't be that simple." Meng Houkun was not very angry and complained, "You think everyone is like you. You didn't cultivate my ability to do business, so you just retreated every day. As a result, when something happened, you couldn't do anything. "

In Ziweixing, Meng Houkun is indeed not in business. He is mainly responsible for the work of the "Jinyiwei" and does some people-oriented work.

This leaves him with little experience in front-line business.

Zhou Buqi said: "I originally thought that you would be enough to be the chairman of the board. Who knew that you would be a part-time general manager despite being so talented?"

"You have to be familiar with the business, right? This is not Ziweixing. The management is confused. If I don't understand the business, they can ignore me." Meng Houkun is a bit blind and plans to do some in-depth work at Yuanwei Group. Reform, on the one hand, is good for the company's long-term development, and on the other hand, it is also self-training.

Zhou Buqi pursed his lips in the direction of the door. Outside the door was a young, beautiful and polite female secretary, who whispered: "New here? She's pretty."

Meng Houkun snorted: "That's mine, I've got it, don't worry about it!"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Have you used all your business ability on this?"

Meng Houkun chuckled and didn't take it seriously. Then he took a stack of documents from his desk and ran over with a fawning look, "Boss Zhou, come and teach me. Take a look at this." How to do things..."

"Don't look for me!"

Zhou Buqi has no interest in paying attention to the business of Yuanwei Group. They are all trivial matters and he is too lazy to pay attention to them.

Meng Houkun begged shamelessly: "Please help me, give me a few glances. You are Zhou Buqi. If you just give me some advice, maybe you can point out a clear path for Yuanwei Group."

Zhou Buqi was unmoved, "You figure it out on your own, I'm looking for you because..."

Meng Houkun said: "If you teach me, I will introduce you to the secretary at the door!"


"There are also new ones, ones that have never been used before..."

"Do not care!"

"If you teach me, I will tell you a secret."

Meng Houkun suddenly became mysterious. He stood up and took away his mobile phone. He even searched Zhou Buqi's mobile phone and put it in a box and handed it to the female secretary outside the door.

Cell phones can be monitored whether they are turned on or off.

Regardless of whether the battery is charged or not.

So the best way is physical isolation.

In Ziweixing's internal A-level top-secret meeting, participants need to take away all their mobile phones and put them in another room.

Many business people are just not vigilant enough and suffer losses in this regard. Domestic business competition is extremely cruel, and many competition methods are based on red lines. In order to win in business, all parties collude. As long as you give money, you can bridge all relationships. Eavesdropping is an important way to break the information barrier.

Seeing how cautious he was, Zhou Buqi realized the seriousness, "What's going on?"

Meng Houkun whispered: "My dad told me!"

"Just say it!"

"My dad said it. If he told you, it would be against the principles of the organization."

"It's a mystery." Zhou Buqi pointed to the document in his hand, "Bring it to me and take a look."

In fact, even if you don't help, you still have to say what you need to say.

However, Meng Houkun seems to be quite interested in business, so it's not impossible to give him some guidance.

Meng Houkun happily sent the materials over and said quickly: "I want to comprehensively transform Yuanwei Group's operating methods. The past one is a bit too backward and the cost is still high. As the general manager, I want to Let’s start with logistics, get rid of the burden of expensive logistics costs, and achieve tangible results before advancing the company’s modernization reform.”

"Logistics costs?"

Zhou Buqi simply flipped through the material. He was too lazy to look at the messy charts, lists, and data.

He is not a data emperor either.

Zhang Yiming's management is best at making various analyzes through data and making some business adjustments and arrangements through changes in data. This is also the ability that modern business managers should have. For example, Microsoft's Ballmer can list hundreds of data and he can keenly pick out the uncertain factors and even discover them through his own quick mental arithmetic. Bad data.

Unfortunately, Zhou Buqi is not good at these things.

He has never been a qualified modern enterprise manager. His business management style relies more on personal feelings, reports from his subordinates, and foresight.

In this regard, Zhang Yiming is very good.

For example, when he looks at a piece of business data, he can quickly compare various data in his mind. Compare the data with the previous quarter, compare with the data of similar businesses, compare with the data of competitors... Use the data to judge whether the development of this business meets expectations and whether personnel adjustments and business changes are needed.

Meng Houkun is studying data and is obviously developing in this direction.

"Well, look here..." Meng Houkun reached out and pointed in the folder.

"Is there anything good to see?" Zhou Buqi snorted, closed the folder and threw it aside, "Why do you need to look at trivial matters as big as sesame seeds? Just tell me briefly, Yuanwei What’s wrong with the group’s logistics?”

Meng Houkun has always regarded Zhou Buqi as his idol. While reporting, he secretly studied, "The main reason is that the logistics cost is too high. I have to find a way to reduce it. For example, the cost of our Yuanwei mineral water is..."

As he said that, he wanted to get the folder.

Zhou Buqi stopped him immediately and stared at him, "Do you have to watch?"

Meng Houkun said awkwardly: "There is quite a lot of data, but I don't remember it very accurately."

"Why do you need to be so accurate?" Zhou Buqi felt that he had gone to a misunderstanding. "The meaning of data is to help you make judgments. Just have a basic understanding and a big framework. You can learn from Zhang Yiming everywhere. For most of the For company and business managers, those who can be sales-driven and talent-driven are already among the best. Don’t think about being data-driven. We are all liberal arts students. If we don’t have that level, we should be more pragmatic.”

Meng Houkun breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "I feel relieved to hear you say that, so I will give you a rough idea... Well, our Yuanwei mineral water, one box of mineral water is 24 bottles, and the cost of the bottles is 3 The cost of the bottle cap is 5 cents, the cost of the label is 4 cents, and the total cost of labor and processing is about 4 cents.”


"However, the actual cost of sending it to distributors is actually 6 yuan."

"Is the extra 2 yuan a logistics cost?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

Meng Houkun nodded, "Yes, it's the logistics cost. The total cost is 6 yuan, and the logistics cost accounts for more than 30%, which is really too high. The logistics costs of other product lines are basically the same. If the logistics cost can be If it is reduced by 50%, Yuanwei Group can save 70 million to 80 million yuan in this area every year.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "Where are our colleagues?"

Meng Houkun said: "Well, the entire industry is similar. Not only water, but other products are also the same. Logistics costs basically reach 30%-40%. Domestic labor is cheap and truck drivers are cheap, but logistics costs are still higher than those in Europe and the United States. It’s twice as expensive. The main reason is that domestic fuel costs and tolls are too high.”

"The logistics costs of Yuanwei Group are similar to those of its peers?"

Zhou Buqi chose to ignore those things that he could not change the status quo.

"Yeah, almost. But I don't think we can compare with them. What big future can those traditional beverage companies have? Yuanwei Group must lead the industry, so as not to lose our reputation! We can do it in the Internet First, if we can be number one in making mobile phones, we should also be number one in the industry in making water and beverages!”

Meng Houkun is very ambitious.

Among domestic beverage companies, Yuanwei Group is not even ranked among the top five in terms of scale, which really ruins the reputation of the "Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance".

He wants to be number one!

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