Top of the big era

Chapter 2872: Diverting the trouble to the east

Several of the people present were not investigative reporters, but news reporters.

This will make a difference in style.

Investigative reporters need to be more professional and conduct in-depth analysis and understanding of a matter. A case often takes months or even years to complete. But it’s different for journalists. Speed ​​is more important than quality.

In the era of information explosion, massive news happens every day.

How to filter out the most attractive news from so much news?

A very important point is the gimmick.

Even if it is relatively professional financial news, if this type of news is related to Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Zhou Buqi, or if it is related to a big Hollywood star, it will often get more popularity and attention.

The reporters who collect these news behind the scenes will have better performance and more room for advancement.

Now, I heard that Boss Zhou just went to watch an NBA basketball game with Apple CEO Tim Cook. Of course, such a good opportunity cannot be missed!

"Mr. Zhou, have you discussed Qualcomm with Mr. Cook..."

Denise's eyes lit up and she immediately realized that a breaking news item was likely to be collected today.

However, before she finished asking, she was interrupted by Zhou Buqi, who said with a smile: "We have discussed it." Then he added: "Everyone can only ask once at a time. This is the rule we agreed on. "

Denise's expression froze.

Everyone only has three opportunities to ask questions, and you have already used them twice?

Yahoo reporter Adams also focused on Apple CEO Cook. After thinking for a while, he asked: "Mr. Zhou, as far as I know, Qualcomm's chipset plays a vital role in the current smartphone industry. It is important to Apple, Mobile phone manufacturers such as Asda and Samsung can have a vital impact. Can you briefly explain the relationship between mobile phone manufacturers and Qualcomm?”

"I don't know about Apple and Samsung, but Asda and Qualcomm are partners."

Zhou Buqi's words were high-sounding, but after all, this was his own family, so he said a few more words——

"In the past few years, there were many suppliers of mobile phone chips. For mobile phone manufacturers, we have many choices. Now something has happened. Qualcomm is the most powerful in this market, and Qualcomm's chips are relatively expensive. The high patent fees that neither Mr. Tim Cook nor I agree with have indeed created great difficulties for our cooperation.”

"Competition in the smartphone industry is fierce now. In order to compete for market share, major manufacturers are constantly lowering prices. This is of course a good thing. Market competition can ultimately benefit consumers. However, Qualcomm did not lower prices despite the industry's price reduction trend. Price increases and excessive patent fees have created great obstacles for the price reduction of smartphones.”

"As you all know, Samsung has already filed a lawsuit with Qualcomm in South Korea. I am not a legal person, and I don't know the specific definition of monopoly. Moreover, Asda is only a company that has been established for only a few years, and its strength is not as good as that of Apple and Apple. Samsung. I have always maintained a good relationship with Qualcomm, and I have also purchased a lot of Qualcomm shares. I have always hoped to resolve our differences with Qualcomm through negotiation, but I did not make up my mind until I met with Mr. Cook. Legal means should be used to resolve disputes.”

As soon as these words came out, the amount of information was too much.

Zheng Xiaoli, Ning Lu, Gu Zanli, and several bodyguards were standing in the distance, watching the interview in the living room.

Some people are not sure.

But Ning Lu is very smart and always follows Zhou Buqi. She is really understanding. She even heard a bit of "yin and yang" in boss Zhou's words. No wonder he asked Cook to watch an NBA game and arranged an exclusive interview in the middle of the night!

The three reporters were too far apart, so naturally they couldn't keep up with their ideas.

I only know that after two rounds of questions, everyone only has one last precious opportunity to ask questions.

Reporter Locke seized the opportunity and asked: "Mr. Zhou, do you mean that Cook's attitude changed your attitude towards Qualcomm?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It does have an impact in this regard. You know, Apple is the largest company in the world, and Tim Cook is the CEO of this company. I must give him the most respect. Apple It is much stronger than Asda. If even the CEO of Apple cannot reach a compromise with Qualcomm through negotiation, it is enough to prove that this path is invalid and a new direction must be changed. I believe Samsung. The accusation against Qualcomm in the name of monopoly also has this consideration behind it.”

Locke took a deep breath.

It dawned on me right away.

Boss Zhou’s words are really telling!

Although it is not stated explicitly, the meaning is already obvious, and the rumors are probably true!

The investigation launched by the Korean Fair Trade Commission against Qualcomm actually has Apple’s shadow behind it!

Denise's last question is to get to the bottom of it: "Mr. Zhou, will you initiate a lawsuit against Qualcomm on behalf of Asda next? Just like Samsung did?"

Zhou Buqi pondered for a moment, then nodded solemnly, "There is indeed such a plan. I haven't thought about it before. I'm still trying to solve the problem through negotiation. Mr. Cook gave me some business advice. He is much older than me and has more business experience than me, and I will respect his advice.”

As for the last question from the Yahoo reporter, it doesn't matter.

The dry goods are already in hand!

It only took half an hour.

After it was over, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

It was very late.

The reporters also knew that Boss Zhou usually worked hard, so it was not good to disturb him too much, so they said goodbye and left. No one planned to rest tonight, and planned to write a story about the three mobile phone manufacturers Apple, Samsung, and Asda joining forces to check and balance Qualcomm overnight.

Maybe it will be as legendary and exciting as "Three Heroes Fighting Lu Bu".

After the interview, Zhou Buqi was ready to go home. He looked at Ning Lu with a smile on her face and asked, "How was it just now?"

Ning Lu pursed her lips and said, "Very good."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "That's good, let's go! Go home and sleep!"

Gu Zanli's big eyes were gurgling, and she was a little excited. She stepped forward and took his arm and said quickly, "Boss, I understand it too! This time I really understand it! I was saying, why would you show weakness like that... Well, just like I guessed, you are really far-sighted."

"What do you understand now?"

Zhou Buqi was a little amused.

Gu Zanli raised her fair chin slightly and snorted, "I just understand! Your trick... your trick is called diverting troubles to others, right?"

"Hmm?" Zhou Buqi's face was serious, "What are you talking about? As the old saying goes, beauty is the root of trouble. Since beauty is the root of trouble, how can it be diverted to other places? The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Of course, this boss will shoulder it all!"


Gu Zanli was slightly stunned. Can she still understand it this way?

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