Top of the big era

Chapter 2870: It’s not business, it’s justice

Zhou Buqi was actually pretending to be stupid.

He is recently preparing to fight Qualcomm, which is an undisputed industry monster. Even if Zhou Buqi is the world's richest man, he still has to take huge risks when making such a decision. Therefore, he has already figured out the basic current situation of this industry.

The "chip + licensing" mandatory bundling agreement issued by Qualcomm to Apple is indeed similar to that of manufacturers such as Samsung, Asda, Xiaomi, and Huawei. In addition to the basic price of the chip, there is also a patent for 5% of the selling price of the mobile phone. Licensing fee.

On the surface, everyone is treated equally.

In fact, different mobile phone manufacturers have different transaction details.

For example, the terms received by Asda are worse than those of Samsung, Huawei, and ZTE, but better than those of Xiaomi, LG, Sony, Ericsson, HTC, and Lenovo.

Zhou Buqi said: "Then what can you give me?"

“What’s wrong with corporate America?”

In other words, Intel's current mobile phone baseband chip is actually the German Infineon back then.

Zhou Buqi pretended to be dumbfounded, "Yeah, what do you mean?"

"This is impossible." Cook couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculous suggestion. "Not to mention four models, not one. The iPhone is different from those Android phones. We don't do this kind of business."

"What are you talking about?" Zhou Buqi didn't accept this. "Apple is the company with the highest market value in the world and a giant that leads the mobile phone industry. Now there is a cancer that restricts the development of the industry. Shouldn't you stand up? "

"I've already planned it."



Cook changed the condition, "In the next year, Ziweixing's advertising fees in Apple stores will be reduced by 25%."

Cook said seriously: "Asda is a Chinese company. It can accuse Qualcomm of monopoly in China, just like Samsung can accuse Qualcomm in South Korea. This is your advantage."

"There's nothing I can do."

Zhou Buqi remained unmoved.

There is even a rumor in the industry.

Zhou Buqi said: "Pre-install the four apps Helo, Ucgram, Snapchat, and Yahoo App into the iPhone."

The same goes for Infineon. After Qualcomm’s strategy, Infineon couldn’t survive anymore and packaged it up and sold it to Intel.

However, after a few years, Apple has become a bit overwhelmed.

Apple is undoubtedly the most special one.

Unexpectedly, Apple ended up being deceived and paid an additional US$1 billion to Qualcomm.

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Qualcomm's sales strategy is really too much and has seriously interfered with the healthy development of the mobile phone manufacturing industry."

Cook was very helpless, "I can't help it, Apple is an American company!"

There are a lot of lists in the Apple Store, but there are only a few popular lists.

As long as Apple gives up cooperation with Infineon and adopts Qualcomm's chipset solution, Qualcomm can pay Apple US$1 billion as a reward every year.

Cook said amusedly: "Zhou, are you not telling the truth?"

Zhou Buqi made his request.

Cook was a little helpless with his gags.

At first, Apple was quite happy.

Cook sighed and felt helpless, "Pre-installation is impossible."

The iPhone will only have a few of its own software pre-installed, and will not provide pre-installed windows for third-party apps.

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, let me make a condition, and if you agree, I will rush! If Apple doesn't come forward, I will come out to deal with Qualcomm!"

"I heard that you will take action against Qualcomm?"

Zhou Buqi practiced Tai Chi with him, "Apple's business in China is no smaller than Asda's, and Apple can also file an antitrust lawsuit."

There is also a compensatory secret clause between Apple and Qualcomm.

This is just the past year.

Cook's eyes were blazing, as wide as a basketball on the court.

Cook said matter-of-factly: "It's really a plan. Apple is an American company. You can see the general environment in the past few years. Europe and the United States have nothing to do with Qualcomm. I now hope that South Korea and your country will I can give a definite positive result. As long as you give positive feedback, Apple will sue Qualcomm immediately, and I will fight with Qualcomm at all costs in the United States.”

In the Steve Jobs era, the iPhone's processor chip was from Samsung, and the baseband chip was from Infineon. If Qualcomm wants to dominate the world and defeat competitors in all industries, it must eat the apple. How to eat it?

Qualcomm's strategy has always been wild.

Cook turned his head and stared into his eyes, and said bluntly without answering: "I don't believe you can tolerate Qualcomm. The news has been reported. You made a special trip to Intel some time ago. I also got some news. What's next? It is possible to purchase Intel basebands in large quantities.”

How could you not agree?

Then, the iPhone completely defected to the Qualcomm camp, and Qualcomm dominated the world.

Cooperation with Asda means profit.

Tim Cook said with a smile: "This is not a reason. Asda's shipments are so large, I don't believe Qualcomm will give up cooperation with Asda. Qualcomm's management will not be so motivated, otherwise they will not be able to Account to shareholders.”

Cook smiled and said: "I believe that even if I do nothing, you will take action against Qualcomm. The current situation has forced us to do this."

When Tim Cook took a look, there was such a good thing!

Now that the development situation of the smartphone industry is so good, iPhone sales will only get higher and higher, which means that Apple will suffer more and more "losses" in the process of cooperation with Qualcomm. Tim Cook has long regretted it and has long been dissatisfied with Qualcomm's excessive behavior.

Zhou Buqi said: "If we negotiate the terms today, I will return to China to operate tomorrow!"

"It's hard for others, but it's also hard for you?" Cook didn't believe it. He said half-jokingly, "You are the richest man in the world. When you encounter such injustice, shouldn't you stand up and uphold justice?"

Zhou Buqi will not be fooled.

In the past year, Apple paid $2 billion in patent fees to Qualcomm, which is $1 billion more than the "incentive"!

You know, this is just a royalty.

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "Don't you have the slightest bit of sincerity? When you fight against the evil Qualcomm, Apple has been hiding behind it and not showing up?"

But now iPhone shipments are getting higher and higher. The average selling price of an iPhone is US$500, and a 5% patent fee means US$25.

If the cooperation with Asda is terminated or reduced because Zhou Buqi is angry or wronged, Qualcomm's shareholders will be the first to stand up and object, and will ask the board of directors to remove those incompetent people who do not consider the interests of the company. Managers fire.

Zhou Buqi said: "This is not business, this is justice."

Playing monopoly is a sideline!

Just like Qualcomm's strategy to defeat Icera, a British software baseband manufacturer, in order to defeat Icera, Qualcomm sold products to communications companies such as Huawei, ZTE, and Vodafone at lower than cost prices. Icera lost its market and was forced to package and sell.

In order to win over Apple, Qualcomm also gave a huge bargaining chip, promising to give Apple US$1 billion in information "service fees" every year!

The so-called service fee is actually a bonus.

Zhou Buqi hesitated, "It's difficult! This is a troublesome opponent!"

"Stop joking."

Cook took a deep breath and said, "What conditions?"

"If you look at Qualcomm's resume in the past few years, there have been dozens of antitrust lawsuits. Who can really bring Qualcomm down? Whether in North America or the EU, antitrust investigation agencies have nothing to do with Qualcomm. "

Zhou Buqi sneered.

Cook's expression became complicated. He felt that he had never gotten any benefits from this guy. He said, "Let's do this. In the iPhone store, I will ask them to set up a special recommendation list for these apps from Ziweixing." , will be on the list all year round.”

Cook shook his head, "That's impossible."

So for Tim Cook who came to his door tonight, Zhou Buqi felt like it was pie in the sky.

Apple's terms must be the best.

"What's the point of the unpopular list?"

It's just that such a proposal is impossible.

Samsung started fighting with Qualcomm in South Korea, and the Korean Fair Trade Commission sued Qualcomm. The reason why Samsung is so courageous is because it has contacted Apple behind the scenes. The two sworn enemies in the mobile phone industry have rarely reached a united front when facing Qualcomm.

Zhou Buqi believed in such a plan, but showed no disbelief at all, "Don't follow me like this. I only believe in what I see."

Tim Cook looked at him speechlessly, speechless.

This is indeed true.

The cost of purchasing chips is calculated separately and has nothing to do with patent fees. The price of Qualcomm chips is similar to that of other chips, but Qualcomm chips are also bundled with a bunch of expensive patent fees. Cook originally thought that the cooperation with Qualcomm would make a lot of money, and the annual "bonus" of 1 billion US dollars would not be in vain.

Cook stared at him, "When?"

Zhou Buqi pretended not to be able to tell, "How about it? Is it okay? This is not a business, this is our cooperation for a just cause. I can't take huge risks and rush to the front while you hide behind and do nothing." Bar?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, looking embarrassed, "I'm also hesitating. If it were a normal opponent, I would have found a way to fight against it by now. But Qualcomm... you know, Qualcomm has formed a monopoly on the industry. posture. If the cooperative relationship between Asda and Qualcomm is damaged, it will seriously affect Asda’s international competitiveness.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Purchasing Intel's baseband will not break up with Qualcomm. Once Qualcomm is sued, it will completely offend Qualcomm. Offending Qualcomm will affect the future cooperation between Asda and Qualcomm. By then Apple You can sit in the middle and enjoy the benefits, and be significantly ahead of Asda in the market competition.”

Zhou Buqi frowned, a little displeased, "Tim, you seem to lack sincerity."

Cook didn’t hesitate, “Okay!”

Zhou Buqi said: "My wife is starting a business to make an e-commerce product. When the time comes, I will ask her to contact you and give you more recommendations in the Apple store. You must help me with this. If you don't agree, she will They don’t even let me sleep.”

Cook laughed and said, "Okay."

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