Top of the big era

Chapter 2848 Super App

What Teacher Wen said is actually quite valuable. The current Yahoo App has developed towards the trend of super App. Once it becomes a super App, it will have advantages such as multi-functional integration, higher user stickiness, cost reduction, data drive, and marketing innovation.

The most important point of this is data-driven.

Google is always able to discover market trends first and then quickly release products that meet market needs. The most important thing is that behind Google is Google Search. The process of searching is for the user to enter their requirements in the search box and then obtain the content.

If many users are reporting the same needs within a period of time, it means that there is a possibility of a new product in the market that meets the needs.

If Ziweixing International wants to become a technology giant that leads the industry for a long time, it cannot always follow behind others. It cannot wait for others to do it first and then follow up and imitate it. This is different from the domestic Internet industry. Domestic Internet companies do not need to be "first movers" in the industry. Regardless of whether they become first movers, it is impossible to recruit the world's top talents. Without top talent, even if you become a first mover, it will be difficult to maintain the advantageous position of the first mover.

Ziweixing International is different.

You must be at the forefront of emerging and innovative industries in order to gain a firm foothold in Silicon Valley, at least in terms of talent competitiveness. The world's top talents are at Google, and a very important reason is that Google is always able to launch new products that are several steps ahead of others.

It's just that Google is really not good at product operations. After opening up a track, it is often quickly surpassed by subsequent imitators.

This is related to the lack of support from domestic teams behind Google.

Ziweixing International has no such worries.

The next day, there was no feedback from Zhou Shaoning.

Zhou Buqi went to the company with Wen Zhixia without even sitting in his own car. Teacher Wen drove him.

Don't tell me, Teacher Wen's driving is quite stable.

But there were cars protecting each other in front and behind, so it was impossible to drive fast.

It's a bit like a big leader traveling.

There is an opener in front and a protector behind.

In the event of a car accident or accident, two vehicles will be discovered first and collide first, thus protecting the car in the middle.

Wen Zhixia wore a pair of big sunglasses and asked while driving: "By the way, how is your relationship with Wang Yihuan? Have you accepted it?"

"No." Zhou Buqi was not in a hurry, "Shi Jinglin decided on an auspicious day, October 16th. It seemed that she had found some great immortal to figure it out, and it was suitable for that. She also said that she would give 100 million yuan as a gift. Wang Yanan should be at the bottom of the box.”

Wen Zhixia rolled her eyes, "This is going down, the dream has come true. The big one is available, and the small one is about to be obtained. Aunt Xue has something to guard against, and if it were anyone else, she would be begging you to come over. "

Zhou Buqi looked serious, "Drive well, don't drive."

When he arrived at the company, Zhou Buqi immediately organized a small meeting.

It's not an executive meeting, just Lu Qi, Xu Liangjie, and Zheng Xiaoli.

Zhou Buqi usually doesn't hold executive meetings at Ziweixing International.

The main reason is that I am not proficient in the business enough and it is difficult to assign specific tasks.

His personal cohesion is not enough. Many times he is conveying an idea of ​​​​making products rather than how to specifically operate and make products. Many times, his suggestions at the implementation level are wrong. You need to adapt to his ideas, which foreigners may not understand.

Let me briefly talk to a few core executives.

Let them understand and then arrange it.

What I want to talk about today is mainly to follow Mr. Wen’s “Yahoo Music” proposal yesterday and explain some understanding of super apps.

The so-called super App is an App with various functions. Rather than saying it is an App, it is better to say that it is an App ecosystem where users can meet various needs. For Yahoo App, it is also a continuation of Yahoo.

However, there is a crucial difference here.

Zhou Buqi said: "The past portal model was all-inclusive and could do everything. Yahoo is a typical example. It covers all aspects of business, but it is difficult to do most of the business well. On Yahoo App, we must change the past That self-centered model.”

There were no foreigners present.

You can communicate in Chinese.

Expressing ideas in your mother tongue can be more accurate.

Zheng Xiaoli has discussed the future direction of Yahoo App with him many times, and she has a better understanding, "Indeed, no company can do everything well. The biggest failure lesson of Yahoo in the past is that we need to be self-aware." Yahoo is not capable of doing everything well. If you do everything yourself, the final result is likely to be that everything is not done well.”

"Yes, just like Yahoo Music." Zhou Buqi nodded, "I heard that both Google and Apple are now launching their own streaming music services, relying on the advantages of their operating systems."

Xu Liangjie said: "Yes, it has been rumored for two years, and now it has finally taken action. Amazon should also enter the market soon. Although Amazon is not an operating system, it has its own platform, its own membership system, and is also building its own A set of ecological services. From this perspective, Yahoo is very similar to Amazon, both have their own ecological structures.”

Zhou Buqi said: "That's what I want to say, you can't learn from them! They are ignorant, stupid and overestimating their capabilities. They think they can do everything by themselves and take advantage of their own resources. This is nothing like Yahoo a few years ago." The difference. If Amazon can’t do it, Google can’t do it. Yahoo Music must not move towards streaming services, but should use Yahoo Music’s own huge traffic to provide products that can really do well in this field!”

When communicating with Wen Zhixia, he should be more restrained.

After all, she is her teacher, so she must maintain some respect; she is also her own woman, so she must be coaxed.

But in front of these people, there is no need to be too reserved, you can just give it directly.

Lu Qidao: "From a technical perspective, developing a super App is far more difficult than developing a super website. What I mean is the complexity of the work. The technical difficulty is not only the height, but also the width. Super App integration With so many functions, we need to continue to expand in width. Every superposition of functions and every business connection may cause problems, which require continuous improvement, continuous iteration, and continuous optimization.”

This is a major advantage of Ziweixing International.

As Lu Qi said, the strength of technology is not only divided into high and low levels, but also wide and narrow.

It is impossible for the domestic Internet industry to compete with Silicon Valley because of the lack of world-class talents. But in terms of the breadth of technology, it has huge advantages. Super App is an ecological platform that integrates many sections and many functions.

It's like sewing two pieces of cloth together with an embroidery needle.

No matter how precise it is, there will always be holes in the stitches.

This kind of eye of the needle, for an App product, is the existing security holes and product bugs, which require constant repair. During the repair process, old needle holes will be covered, and new needle holes will inevitably appear.

This is a job that never ends.

It can never be perfect without "eyes of the needle".

Once there are too many functions on the App and it reaches the level of a super App, every two different businesses have to be connected, and every two pieces of cloth have to be stitched... This is an unimaginable workload, and a huge stable system is required. product framework, and will continue to improve and optimize over time.

This is an exploration of technical breadth.

This is the biggest advantage of the domestic Internet.

Height requires intelligence, width requires effort.

As long as you work hard enough, be diligent enough, and put in enough hard work and sweat, you can be world-leading in terms of breadth.

There are many super apps in China in later generations.

Not so overseas.

What can be regarded as super apps, namely Facebook and Amazon Apps, are far less powerful than domestic apps. Musk acquired Twitter in order to build Twitter into a super App that integrates many functions such as social networking, payment, shopping, and travel.

But it would be really difficult to accomplish this by relying on engineers in the United States.

This is a reflection of the strong competitiveness of the domestic Internet development team.

Zhou Buqi said: "The success of Yahoo App is inseparable from the dispatch team from China and the support of Ziweixing International Department in Shanghai. In terms of product maintenance and subsequent updates, we have the greatest advantage. But this is engineering The advantages in the market may not translate into product popularity in the market. If Yahoo Music transforms into streaming media, how can we ensure that we will succeed? What we can ensure is that with the success of Yahoo App, the music channel will also have huge success. of traffic.”

Lu Qi took a deep breath, "So we must support our traffic to products that can really do well, so that Yahoo can remain invincible. If Spotify does well today, support Spotify. Tomorrow a new product will appear With a better product than Spotify, Yahoo Music's traffic can be adjusted and transferred quickly, and Yahoo Music can always be at the core of the music product."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, Super App is a platform. Since it is a platform, it must have self-operated and third-party support. Yahoo App only needs to do well in the core channels of news and finance, and other channels , we should have a more open mind to cooperate with third parties, and use the advantages of cooperation and traffic to participate in extensive strategic investments. Don’t think about doing everything on Amazon’s e-commerce at the beginning. They are all self-operated. Will they also be opened to third-party stores later?”

Lu Qi said: "The trend here in Silicon Valley is to do it yourself. Even if you don't do it yourself and a third party does it, you will acquire the third party to make up for your own strategic deficiencies, and then do it yourself."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "Don't learn from them. Silicon Valley giants are not right about everything."

Zheng Xiaoli said with a smile: "Others are doing it alone, but we are facing the industry with a more inclusive attitude, which will be more friendly to other small and medium-sized enterprises and startups. Another point is that in the PC era, traffic jumps between web pages. It's easy. In order to prevent their own traffic from being redirected for free, large companies will introduce many restrictive measures and strive to do various businesses themselves, for fear of losing traffic. The mobile era is different, with jumps between apps. Transfers are difficult, and there is a natural barrier. If Yahoo's sub-channels were opened to third parties during the portal period, it would be easy for the disciples to starve to death. The Yahoo App is different, even if it is fully open to third parties. Even if it is open, most of the traffic will still stay in its own ecological structure. Third-party services can become an important part of the Yahoo App ecosystem, which is an ecological community that works together."

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