Top of the big era

Chapter 2840 Ticketing Website

Zhou Buqi is actually not willing to deal with the Wang brothers, as they are not from the same group.

However, Wang Xiaojun said that he intends to comprehensively promote the cooperation between Huayi and online ticketing platforms, and will even coordinate the cooperation between theaters and ticketing platforms as issuers and producers, so as to comprehensively promote the online ticketing system.

This made Zhou Buqi more concerned.

More attractive than beautiful women.

Work is the first priority.

Zhou Buqi agreed and expressed his willingness to go swimming with them. However, before going swimming, today's personal secretary Zhao Li Muge left first and asked her to go back to the company to get the documents. In fact, he just wanted to get rid of her and not let those two bastards see her in a swimsuit.

Speaking of online ticketing websites, in this field, Zhoubuqi can be said to lead the domestic market.

This is an area that he attaches great importance to.

Naturally, those who follow him will also start in this field in advance and make plans as soon as possible.

Among the five major ticketing websites in China, the top three are all related to him!

Ranking first is, a subsidiary of Jieyu Media.

When Xu Baihui wanted to acquire, it was Zhou Buqi who strongly pushed for it.

Ranking second is Douban Movies, a subsidiary of Ziweixing.

There is nothing to say about this. Douban has almost become a literary and artistic community, and it has the supreme right to speak in the field of film reviews and film ratings.

Ranked third is Maoyan Movie.

This is a newly established ticket purchase network, but it quickly gained favor from the market as soon as it was launched...because behind it is another group buying

Since last year, group buying has begun to decline. At this stage, thousands of group buying companies have closed down one after another, with an average of 4 closing down every day. The best company in this field is, of course,, led by Wang Xing and Zhang Yinling.

The power of lies not only in group purchases, but also in integrating merchant ratings from Another more important point is the takeout business extending from the university campus. The reason why is called "Fantuan" is because it was originally a website that delivered meals to college students. It was also one of the earliest entrepreneurial projects of the "Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance".

Now, more than eight to nine years have passed, and has firmly established itself in the domestic Internet market, and it looks like it will become another heavyweight component of the "Ziwei Galaxy".

Takeaway is a popular area.

Just two months ago, Baidu spent more than one billion to acquire

You can tell from the name.

One is "rice balls" and the other is "glutinous rice".

It’s all about food.

The purpose of Baidu’s acquisition of is to launch Baidu Nuomi and enter the O2O mobile food delivery market.

This reminded Zhou Buqi that he should mention Wang Xing and Zhang Yinlei a few words later.

Well, a few words will suffice.

It is enough to beat Baidu in the external market.

Right now, Zhou Buqi needs to focus on the online ticket purchasing system.

This is actually a relatively niche field.

Internet giants like BAT haven't rushed in yet, which shows that the popularity is not high, so it is better to deliver food. Even Wang Xiaojun didn't expect that such a simple reason could really convince Zhou Buqi to let him go swimming.

Isn't that an excuse?

He fell in love with these beautiful actresses introduced to him, and then used work as an excuse to go swimming together to get up close and personal?

This really looks down upon Zhou Buqi.

On the way to the swimming pool, Zhou Buqi explained, "I am now paying more attention to the overseas market and the field of online ticket purchasing. Not only the domestic market, I have already laid out the plans for, Douban Movies and Maoyan. Mine. Actually, it’s the American market that’s more important.”

Wang Xiaojun has been living in the United States all year round, especially after Huayi went public, and his business has become less and less involved. Every day, he calls on domestic actresses to go to the United States to live a happy life, and to avoid the domestic pressure. paparazzi.

Wang Xiaojun is also familiar with the situation in the United States and said: "Well, it seems that online ticket purchasing in the United States has been around for ten years, right? It has always existed. I have bought tickets on Fandago many times... In the past few years, , and there is a hefty commission for buying tickets on Fandago. They seem to have adjusted their strategy in the past two years, and the ticket prices are almost the same as those in theaters.”

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Yes."

Wang Xiaojun said: "If you want to build a ticketing website in China, I think you should research Fandago and see how they do it."

This is more traditional thinking.


How advanced and developed?

Of course the only way to learn from the United States is at home!

As everyone knows, the Internet in China is developing too fast. Although it started later than the United States, it has always been in a catch-up position. However, after long accumulation and rapid development, especially in the era of mobile Internet, it is not certain who will learn from whom!

Yahoo in the previous life was a complete failure, but in this life Yahoo has a second spring.


It's not because Zhou Buqi has the Midas touch. If he still leaves Yahoo to the American team to lead like he did in his previous life, even if Zhou Buqi has extraordinary means, it will be difficult to bring Yahoo back to life. The person who really revived Yahoo was Zheng Xiaoli, Ziweixing’s Modu International Department, and the best domestic team!

The Americans' tactics cannot save Yahoo.

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "You said the opposite."

"What's wrong?"

Wang Xiaojun was a little confused.

Zhou Buqi looked at him with a half-smile and said, "You just said that Fandago's strategy has been adjusted in the past two years. Do you know why they have adjusted their strategy?"

"Maybe it's business needs..." Wang Xiaojun wouldn't pay attention to this. "We've entered the mobile Internet era now. I see that Fandago has done a lot of promotion on mobile phones. I even downloaded this App on my phone."

With that said, he took out his mobile phone.

Don't tell me, he actually installed Fandago.

Zhou Buqi said: "The reason is actually very simple, because of me."


Wang Xiaojun raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "A few years ago, I acquired Fandago. The business adjustments you have seen at Fandago in the past two years were all made by my team."


Wang Xiaojun was shocked.

Fandago is the largest online movie ticket purchasing system in the United States. Mr. Zhou actually... Well, when you calm down and think about it, it doesn't matter. Little did you know that the largest movie giant in the United States is no longer Time Warner, Viacom, Comcast or Not Disney, but Ziweixing Universal.

The young boss next to me is the richest man in the world and a truly world-class entrepreneur!

Zhou Buqi said something that seemed counter-intuitive to Wang Xiaojun, and said slowly: "The United States is too backward, especially in the exploration of the application layer of the mobile Internet, and lacks the soil for bold innovation and courage to practice. I am very impressed with Fandago The development of Fandago is not satisfactory. The team of Fandago are all Americans. They are really... a bit poor. Therefore, I pay close attention to the development of domestic online movie ticket purchasing platforms, mainly to find a feasible and competitive business. model. Then, copy the successful domestic experience to the United States and use domestic methods to transform Fandago. Only in this way can Fandago truly succeed and change the ticket-buying habits that have been formed in the United States for hundreds of years."


"So I say you are saying the opposite. It is not that we have to learn from the United States, but that the United States must learn from us. This should be the confidence that entrepreneurs of our generation should have!"

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