Top of the big era

Chapter 2835 Talent Market

In the morning, an important guest came to visit, Facebook’s second-in-command Sheryl Sandberg.

The purpose of the visit is nothing more than Facebook's development in China.

Unlike Google, Facebook has been working hard to develop in China. In the past few years, Zuckerberg has visited China several times and given lectures in Chinese at universities, which caused a great sensation.

However, the license has never been obtained.

Later, Zuckerberg changed his mind and no longer planned to come to China in the name of Facebook. He would directly acquire a domestic website and operate it with a domestic team, but he still failed to get approval.

Despite being rejected one after another, Facebook clearly has not given up.

This time, it’s not Mark Zuckerberg who comes to China, but Sheryl Sandberg, known as the First Lady of Facebook.

She has a good relationship with Zhou Buqi.

Privately, she twice invited Zhou Buqi and Zhen Yu to visit her home. Her lover was a househusband who was responsible for the daily routine of the home and the care of the children. However, her lover is also a top student, and while taking care of the family, he is also a senior investment consultant. It's just that her career was too successful, so she returned to her family to support her wife.

When Sheryl Sandberg came to China this time, the first thing she did was visit Ziweixing.

Zhou Buqi couldn't be neglected, and since she was also a well-known figure in the Internet industry, he called on Ziweixing's young and promising reserve executives, Fu Hongliang, Vice President of the WeChat Business Group, and Song, Vice President of the Media Business Group. Yansong, Qin He, the president of, and Zhang Zetian went to greet and entertain the distinguished guests.

The first stop was not at Ziweixing’s headquarters campus.

The business she is most interested in is the school network.

So I went to Tsinghua Science and Technology Park first and visited the operation headquarters of There are dozens of part-time college students here, with young faces, which is really refreshing. What the Internet industry likes most is young people. This touched Sheryl Sandberg and said with emotion: "China has the best Internet talent market in the world. This is incredible."

Next we went to visit Beike.

The scale here is much smaller, with a total of more than 20 part-time teams, mainly responsible for the operation and maintenance of the campus forum. is definitely a magical website.

Speaking of which, Facebook is actually a "campus network" that was started on a university campus. Facebook means "a book containing Facebook", which is actually the "porn" in pornography, gambling and drugs.

When Zuckerberg was in college, some friends around him were discussing which girl was pretty and who he wanted to date.

He had an idea and created this website.

He invaded the school's internal website, downloaded all the photos of the female classmates, and then included them in a "book" like Facebook. The students in the school can intuitively and conveniently comment on the beautiful girls in the school and who they want to date. Just date whoever you want.

However, after so many years, Facebook has long forgotten its original intention and no longer has a dedicated campus business.

Now that she sees that there are so many part-time college students on the campus network, who have been serving college students in the campus market for so many years, Sheryl Sandberg is somewhat touched, and her admiration for Zhou Buqi comes from the bottom of her heart.

In comparison, Zuckerberg is far behind him. He has lost his emotions and turned into a businessman controlled by the stock price.

After a long walk around, everyone went to the headquarters canteen for lunch. Being served in the cafeteria of Ziweixing's headquarters is not shabby at all. You don't even need to order specifically. Just like other employees, you can just grab a dinner plate and choose whatever you like at a buffet.

Occasionally, a few employees recognized her and came forward to say hello warmly.

It's a pity that Shirley doesn't speak Chinese.

In order to avoid being watched and disturbed by too many employees, Zhou Buqi chose a private room to dine. This made Sheryl Sandberg feel a little regretful. She really wanted to meet these energetic Chinese engineers. Dine together to feel their humanity and spirit.

It’s inconvenient if you don’t have it around.

Zhang Zetian is by your side.

This is the "Milk Tea Sister", a big internet celebrity.

If someone discovers her following the big boss, it will inevitably lead to unnecessary reverie and the heartbreak of a famous woman having her own wife and a goddess being occupied. For the sake of all employees, it is best to keep a certain distance from them.

This is a private room.

It's easier to talk.

Soon we got to the point.

Exactly as Zhou Buqi expected, Facebook has not given up. They still have the illusion of developing in China. Mark Zuckerberg came before, and Sheryl Sandberg came this time. It can be said that they both showed enough sincerity.

However, Zhou Buqi knew this was impossible.

The country paid such a high price and caused such a bad international impact that it finally cleared Google... Send away Google and welcome Facebook? Isn't this asking for trouble and causing trouble for yourself?

Once these foreigners enter the field, it is difficult to control and punish them, which is a headache.

It's best not to let them in.

So Zhou Buqi was not polite at all and poured cold water directly, "I suggest you look at other markets, such as South Korea, Japan, Australia, the Middle East, or India."

Sheryl Sandberg was a little unhappy, "Zhou, Ziweixing's development in the United States is very smooth, without any obstacles. However, Facebook wants to develop in China, and it can't even pass the entry threshold. Do you think this is fair?" "

"It's not fair." Zhou Buqi couldn't do anything about it and shrugged, "You know, this is not my decision."

Sheryl Sandberg sighed, "I know, but it's so unfair after all."

Zhou Buqi said: "To me, it's actually the same. Whether it's Google or Facebook, neither Google nor Facebook can be the opponent of Ziweixing in this market. When Google was still around, Ziweixing launched Micro Point Search , almost as soon as it entered the market, its market share was four to five times that of Google. The same goes for Facebook. Facebook’s arrival in China will not pose any threat to us.”

Shirley nodded, "I know it's not fair to you to complain about Ziweixing. However, the significance of Facebook's development in China is not only competition at the market level, but also competition at the talent level. We need to come to China, we can Providing thousands of jobs for outstanding Chinese engineers will indirectly create tens of thousands of job opportunities upstream and downstream.”

This is indeed the most important part.

Talent distribution can determine the direction of the industry.

In terms of technology, there is indeed a big gap in the level of domestic technical engineers compared to Silicon Valley. However, China also has advantages that Silicon Valley cannot match. In terms of efficiency, execution, flexibility, and agility, it can be said to crush Silicon Valley!

This advantage is too important.

In the Internet industry, speed is even more important than technology!

Internet technology is one of the most popular in the world. It consists of various open source frameworks, and the technical gap is not obvious. Ordinary people simply cannot tell the technical gap between Google and Ziweixing. Many people even think that Ziweixing MSI has launched Rokid-go, an artificial intelligence chess-playing software. The technology should be better than Google's, right?

However, in terms of team agility, execution, speed and efficiency, Google cannot catch up with Ziweixing even if it is trying to catch up.

One of the characteristics of the Internet industry is that it is fast!

Things change so fast!

Many times, market trends change overnight, and product design, framework, structure, and operations must change immediately. For China, this is nothing at all. In China, everything is "daily" or even "semi-daily". Work is done in units of "day" or "half-day", and the response speed is extremely fast. The same cannot be said for Internet companies in Silicon Valley. The most efficient ones are all based on a "weekly reporting" system, which is too slow to respond.

It's the early days of mobile Internet and it's not obvious yet.

From the perspective of general trends, Silicon Valley is still leading the industry.

However, some industry elites are keenly aware of the huge differences in talent and organizational structure between the Chinese and American Internet industries, which makes many Silicon Valley elites feel the huge potential risks.

Just like the later TikTok, why couldn’t algorithm giants like Google and Facebook make it?

It can be said that the technology is not good.

But when it comes to technology, they have the best technical strength in the world.

The real gap is the changing technology.

Not height, but speed.

TikTok’s algorithm has never been static. The world is changing too fast, there are too many users of the product, and trends are constantly changing. This requires the recommendation algorithm to be constantly updated and optimized, and to be adjusted at any time according to the user’s preferences. Stay updated with sync.

There will be one or two hot events every day.

In the face of different hot events, different recommendation mechanisms must be developed, and special designs must even be made for international superstars such as Ronaldo, Taylor Swift, and Curry...

At this point, Silicon Valley giants are really powerless.

Only domestic technical teams can do it.

It’s not that the technical level is high, but that technology changes rapidly.

Obviously, Facebook discovered this trend early. Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg came to China successively, not only focusing on the vast domestic Internet market, but also on the domestic talent advantages.

Zhou Buqi secretly shook his head.

Totally disapproval.

Even if Facebook comes to China and recruits thousands of domestic employees, will it be able to achieve the same speed and efficiency as domestic Internet companies?

it's out of the question!

Microsoft is doing quite well in China, but Microsoft China is like a nursing home. The poor efficiency and waste of costs make domestic peers feel distressed when they see it.

Without the ruthless spirit of exploitation and the PUA-like brainwashing theory of struggle, it would be impossible to mobilize all the enthusiasm of employees. In this regard, it is impossible for Microsoft, Google, Apple, or Facebook to be as competitive as domestic companies.

Zhou Buqi completely disagrees with Facebook’s approach to China.

There was no way they would be approved.

Even if they did come, they wouldn't be able to do it well.

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