Top of the big era

Chapter 2813 A thousand-mile embankment was destroyed by an ant nest

Zhou Buqi found people and organized a seminar on the understanding of open source. The scale was very large, and it could be said that there were as many strong players as there were.

Recently, the Internet Society has just released the top 10 most visited websites in China, which are Penguin, Baidu, Weidian, Toutiao, Taobao, Sohu, Friends, Sina, NetEase, and Weibo.

However, these statistics are based on PC data.

The mobile version is not called website visits, but App visits.

Take Weibo for example. The website traffic of Weibo refers specifically to the traffic on the PC side. If the traffic of the mobile Weibo App is added up, there will be no such thing as the three traditional portals of Sohu, Sina and NetEase.

But even so, these 10 major websites also cover the 7 most powerful Internet companies in China, and Ziweixing has as many as 4 websites.

This seminar was attended by representatives from all seven giants.

No one would refuse the invitation from Boss Zhou.

It can be seen that Zhou Buqi has established good connections in the country over the years.

One focus of the discussion was around a very hot word in the domestic IT industry - big data.

In the past year, big data has moved from behind the scenes to the stage and officially entered the practical stage.

The so-called big data application refers to the ability to extract valuable data from massive amounts of information to accurately locate customer needs and apply it to social management, medical care, transportation, financial services, etc.

"For example, when a patient is having an electrocardiogram, the doctor can analyze, monitor and predict the accumulated data. E-commerce companies can determine customer preferences based on the number of online purchases in each period and optimize the product arrangement."

Zhang Minsheng, Vice President of Tsinghua University and Vice Chairman of the Society of Communications, spoke at the seminar.

In addition, many industries such as finance and logistics can use big data analysis and extraction to mine customer needs and reduce transaction costs.

Especially logistics.

"Currently, government departments need to realize the value and importance of big data as a strategic asset; various industries and enterprises have increasingly strong demands for big data processing and business analysis. Next year, it is expected that these data information will be flowed, exchanged and served "

Mr. Zhang Minsheng’s words are very weighty.

Compared with these private entrepreneurs, he is a member of the system and "one of his own."

Then here comes the most critical part.

How did domestic big data technology develop?

In fact, it comes from Hadoop, an open source product from the United States.

Not only domestic but also all big data systems in the world are rectified and improved by Hadoop solutions. Without Hadoop, it would be difficult to specifically present the massive information in the world in applications.

For example, mobile payment, e-commerce, logistics... including buying train tickets online will all encounter serious development restrictions. From queuing up to buy tickets in the past, to now buying tickets online, behind this real convenience lies the convenience brought by open source solutions.

The highest-ranking person at the seminar was Secretary-General Meng.

His surname is Meng Gang.

It's Meng Houkun, his biological father.

This time I came here specifically to support Zhou Buqi.

However, this is a major strategy related to the destiny of the country. He should not be too selfish and must pay attention to it. He asked in a deep voice: "Why should we use American open source solutions? Can't we do it ourselves?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Robin, can you tell me?"

Li Yanhong laughed and shook his head, then slowly said: "Six or seven years ago, Baidu organized a group of the best Internet experts in the country to develop our own big data system, which cost a lot of money. But after it was built, There is a big gap in performance with the open source solution Hadoop, not only in terms of usage performance, but also in terms of subsequent maintenance costs.”

After a pause, he continued: "Hadoop is an open source project jointly developed by the Apache Foundation in the United States and Yahoo. It is a public welfare foundation in the technology industry. In addition, since it is an open source solution , developers around the world can participate, continuously optimize the structure and performance, and then share it globally, which can save a lot of money for all companies related to big data processing.”

Secretary-General Meng nodded, took notes with a pen in his hand, and said while writing: "There are three advantages, one is stronger performance, one is lower cost, and the other is global technology sharing, which can keep pace with the times. Keep up with the times.”

As soon as these words came out, many people nodded secretly.

I think this secretary-general is very capable.

From Mr. Li's words, most people can only hear two advantages, namely strong performance and low cost.

In fact, there is a huge advantage that is hidden deeper!

That is globalization.

Using an open source solution means that it is globally synchronized, and foreign countries will not secretly develop any leading technology and silently push away domestic Internet companies.

Everyone is standing on the same platform to share information.

If your technology explodes, I will also benefit from it.

For countries with backward technology, this is the biggest advantage of adopting open source solutions.

This is even more true in the field of big data processing.

Because the technical content in this field is too high.

It reaches the level of "unique".

To this end, Zhou Buqi added, with a bit of self-deprecation, "After Baidu gave up that plan, I took those scientists to Ziweixing. I wanted to continue this mission and create something truly our own for our country." Distributed processing framework. But after three or four years, this project was stopped. Ziweixing now uses Hadoop’s general solution.”

People in the IT field present were not surprised by this.

But there are still many laymen.

Zhou Buqi could only explain further, "In fact, even Silicon Valley technology giants such as Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Oracle, and IBM all use Hadoop solutions in big data processing. It is not Ziweixing technology. No, it’s because there are scientists from all over the world behind Hadoop, and all scientists who are good at big data processing are contributing to Hadoop. A successful open source project can have huge technical and cost advantages.”

Mr. Li smiled and nodded, "The field of big data is unique."

Secretary-General Meng lowered his head to record it, and then asked a key question, "Open source has so many benefits, but what are the disadvantages? What are the disadvantages?"

When it comes to this, Lao Zhang has the right to speak. He raised his hand and spoke: "Three months ago, Sohu encountered a very serious blackmail incident, which came from the open source strategy. It is not Hadoop, but it is also a member of the open source community. Database retrieval scheme.”

Blackmail is an illegal matter, and Secretary-General Meng took it very seriously, "What's going on?"

Lao Zhang said: "Open source means open to the whole world, which means that everyone in the world can conduct in-depth research and analysis. But not everyone in this world is a good person. Some people have technical advantages. , to study open source solutions, not to optimize and improve them, but to find loopholes in open source solutions and then use them to make illegal profits.”

This is something that almost every IT company will encounter.

One is a spear and the other is a shield, a battle between offense and defense.

It is the core area of ​​network security.

Viruses, Trojans, etc. are all for ordinary people and are all for children. The most top-level network security attacks must find a breakthrough from the bottom of the system framework.

This is what it means to destroy a thousand-mile embankment in an ant nest.

No matter how well a big company does a big project, if you find an "ant nest" in it, you can launch a fierce attack on it.

If you can't hold on, then you can only pay the money and admit defeat.

Technology giants like Baidu, Ziweixing, Microsoft, and Google will certainly not be afraid. They have the best engineers to defend and fight, so evil can prevail over good.

However, once many small and medium-sized companies encounter it, it is often difficult to cope with it.

Sohu has no technical ambitions and has become a target.

If you can't defend it, you can only spend money to eliminate the disaster.

This is a very important function of Weidian Security Guard - recommending system vulnerability patches to users.

Every system vulnerability is an "ant nest".

If discovered, it must be blocked immediately.

However, this is mainly for B-side organizations. A certain organization or company provides enterprise-level network security services. For ordinary people, it is not really necessary. It is nothing more than taking advantage of the user's fear and using this function to increase the activity of the Micropoint Security Guard product.

On the surface, Micropoint Security Guard helps users patch vulnerabilities, which is a good thing!

However, hackers who can use this kind of low-level vulnerability attack are the top hackers in the industry. If these people join a technology company, they can earn an annual salary of several million.

Why do you still do illegal things as a hacker?

Because you can make more money!

With this kind of technical strength, how much money can you make by attacking ordinary people?

Of course, we have to focus on those wealthy enterprise-level targets.

If you really want to attack ordinary people, there are really a thousand and ten thousand ways. It is not something that security guard software can fix by patching some outdated system vulnerabilities.

Therefore, for ordinary people, there is no need to repair this kind of system vulnerability. The main thing is to choose good anti-virus software to defend against computer viruses and not let your computer be invaded by some low-end hackers.

Like many beautiful girls.

If you encounter the pursuit of some ordinary men, you have to guard against it; if you are really attracted by Zhou Buqi, how can you be so defensive? Does defense make sense? Just obediently take off your clothes, wash them, spread your legs and wait.

Wen Zhixia had already seen through this.

She had even predicted that her best friend from college, Yang Xiaoyao, would become her husband's bed partner sooner or later. It was useless for her to guard against her. She simply couldn't guard her. She might as well just let nature take its course and gain the man's favor.

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