Top of the big era

Chapter 2792 Cost Advantage

Concealing is not necessarily malicious. Sometimes, consumers even prefer businesses to conceal the cost of products.

Just like luxury goods.

It costs 100,000 yuan to buy a bag, but the cost may only be a few dozen yuan.

Buying luxury bags is to save face.

If after carrying the bag, what you get in exchange is not face, but ridicule, thinking that you are paying an IQ tax, and you will lose the consumption experience.

Therefore, the most taboo thing about luxury goods is price reduction.

If it cannot be sold, it would rather be destroyed than sold at a reduced price, otherwise the brand premium will be damaged.

The mobile phone industry is different.

The current mobile phone industry has fallen into serious involution. All parties are constantly cutting prices in order to compete for the market and survive in this promising industry.

Even Apple can't bear it anymore and plans to launch a cheaper version of iPhone mini to gain a larger market.

When it comes to papers, who can beat domestic manufacturers?

As a result, in the later mobile phone industry, apart from Apple and Samsung, there were only a few domestic mobile phone manufacturers left, and others could not afford to play.

This was a family dinner, and the two of them were drinking red wine and chatting.

No rush either.

Just chat slowly.

Zhou Buqi said: "Domestic business competition has a very bad sign. In fact, it is similar to many American companies more than ten or twenty years ago. They were exhausted through internal friction and constant investment of money. Competitors form a monopoly in the market structure, and then raise prices to make profits based on their monopoly advantage.”

Zhou Shaoning nodded, "Today's business philosophy will become more and more tolerant towards monopoly. Many of Microsoft's monopoly lawsuits are based on such factors. What is scary is not monopoly, but the use of monopoly status to harm the interests of consumers." . If you don’t harm the interests of consumers, it doesn’t matter even if you occupy 50% or 60% of the market share; if you harm the interests of consumers, even if the market share is only 10% or 20%, it doesn’t matter.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, just like Wal-Mart. The success of Wal-Mart is that after occupying the market through low prices, it continues to maintain low-price competitiveness. It does not raise prices significantly after forming a monopoly to take advantage of its monopoly advantages to make profits. ”

Zhou Shaoning said with deep approval: "Just like the oil monopoly in some countries, it is not necessarily a bad thing. When a country monopolizes the oil industry, it can sell oil to its own citizens at the lowest price, and then export it to foreign countries at a high price. This is a healthy monopoly, and it will It is good for consumers. This is not the case in some countries. After monopolizing, they sell to domestic people at high prices and sell to foreigners at low prices. This is a vicious monopoly. "

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "So, a dragon-slaying warrior cannot become an evil dragon!"

"Huh?" Zhou Shaoning raised his eyebrows, "You mean Aisda?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, it's Asda. Not only Asda, but also the domestic mobile phone industry. Now, in order to survive, each company is constantly cutting prices and compressing costs and profit margins. Like Xiaomi, It has been in the stage of making money at a loss. However, once many mobile phone manufacturers in the market die, even foreign mobile phone giants such as Sony, LG, BlackBerry, and Nokia will be left. A few mobile phone manufacturers have formed a monopoly. "

Zhou Shaoning pondered for a long time and said slowly: "Once the industry stabilizes and there are five or six mobile phone giants left to occupy the industry, everyone will naturally slow down competition and start raising prices to pursue higher profits."

Zhou Buqi said: "The loss of hope in an era marks the end of an era; if a company relies on raising prices to earn more profits, it means that the company is on a decline. Can Wal-Mart The most important factor in Coca-Cola’s longevity and its ability to sell well for hundreds of years is price.”

"Astar won't raise the price?"

"The Aster series, which focuses on high-end brands, can have more room for operation. But for mid-to-low-end Motorola, we must adhere to cost-effectiveness and adhere to the great mission of making smartphones affordable to everyone in the world."

"So..." Zhou Shaoning understood what he meant and took a deep breath, "So we have to cut off our own retreat, let's burn the boat!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, that's what it means. The cost price should be announced honestly and truthfully, and all media are welcome to verify it, and every consumer is welcome to supervise. How to talk to Apple about a new product launch conference? Compared with innovation, marketing, and global influence, how can you compare? Samsung is also holding a press conference, but how can Samsung's press conference compare with Apple? Something Apple can’t do and will never be able to do!”

Zhou Shaoning narrowed his eyes, "The biggest marketing topic of our press conference should be the announcement of the cost price and the confirmation of the final selling price!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, it is to let consumers feel the sincerity of Asda and let the whole world understand that Asda is really practicing so that everyone in the world can use smartphones. Everyone can participate fairly in the mission of this information age!”

Zhou Shaoning murmured to himself, "This is indeed going to turn the table of the entire industry upside down."

If the true cost price of mobile phones is announced to the whole society in the form of a press conference.

The effect must be devastating.

Even fatal.

Especially now in the era of social Internet, everyone can speak in the public space. People who had no chance to speak before, many people who live in nooks and crannies, now have the opportunity to express their opinions on the Internet.

This is terrible.

Many people who are bullshit and snake-gods will jump out. Once they become great, they will attract another group of bullshit and snake-gods to follow them, which can easily lead to various cyber violence incidents and even form a black business model of Internet black public relations.

Aisda showed enough sincerity, but what was the result?

Some people will definitely look at other mobile phone manufacturers and ask them why they don't disclose their costs and why they make a lot of money from ordinary people without conscience?

Then, very quickly a large group can form.

It will be very difficult for other mobile phone manufacturers to survive, and it will be difficult for them to even breathe. If you really can't hold on any longer, you can only follow Aisda's footsteps and adopt this strategy.

Zhou Buqi said: "Only in this way can we avoid that after an industry monopoly is formed in the future, many people will use the product knowledge and market advantages formed by the monopoly to significantly increase prices and harm consumers."

Zhou Shaoning said with a smile: "Only domestic mobile phone manufacturers can afford such a strategy."

Zhou Buqi said: "Originally, the target was not domestic companies, but foreign manufacturers. Apple is difficult to shake, but at least Asda has some industry-leading strategies and missions that can parallel Apple's, so it can suppress Samsung! "

There are more monsters and monsters abroad than in China.

There are even many demons and monsters who still wear the banner of justice and political correctness.

Because of ASDA's mission of "making smartphones affordable to everyone in the world," a large number of people with a holy heart will attack Apple and Samsung one after another.

Why do world-class giants like you only think about making money?

Why not do something meaningful for the world?

Isn’t it elitism when products are sold so expensively?

What about ordinary people with very low incomes?

What about equality?

What about fairness?

Why do rich people only think about making more money, why don't they think about the poor?

A series of big hats are put down, and no one can resist them.

In normal competition, it is difficult for Asda to be Samsung's opponent in a short period of time. If this table is not overturned, Asda's global market share will only be eroded step by step by Samsung.

The hard power is there, Samsung is too powerful.

Asda has only one clear advantage.

That's the cost!

This advantage must be infinitely amplified, so much that Samsung and even Apple can’t breathe!

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