As the chairman of the board, Zhou Buqi is quite competent, but as the CEO, he is less than competent.

The CEO is the chief executive officer, which means that all major and minor matters in Ziweixing should be executed by him. But the reality is that he has long stopped participating in business management.

A consensus was reached on China-Taiwan affairs.

Zhou Buqi was a little confused, but he understood everything and said, "You don't need to ask me about such things in the future. If you think it's okay, then just push forward."

Zhang Yiming was gentle and smiled, "I should still tell you."

Guo Pengfei said simply and neatly, "If it were something else, we would leave you alone and do it alone, but you didn't design the organizational structure of this center. If we change it without your consent, this is not a grab for work and power." ?”

Zhou Buqi said: "There's no need to grab it, I'll give up the title of CEO right now."


Zhang Yiming was afraid that he would be impulsive and quickly stopped him.

Ziweixing has just been listed and has not yet reached a stable stage in the capital market. It is not appropriate to make too many personnel changes in the near future. If Zhou Buqi resigned as CEO as soon as Ziweixing went public, wouldn't this be equivalent to tricking all investors? Many people buy Ziweixing's shares just because of him.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "You are the CEO anyway, I am just a name and a mascot."

Zhang Yiming smiled slightly.

This has indeed been the case in the past few years. He is the CEO and He Yang is the chief operating officer. The two work well together.

Zhou Buqi suddenly remembered something, "By the way, how did Ali's business go?"

Laiwang is a product launched by Alibaba to compete with WeChat. Guo Pengfei snorted, "What else? It's half dead. I heard that Laiwang was led by Boss Ma himself and brought together a group of core executives to brainstorm a product. This can It’s weird to be talented!”

Zhang Yiming said: “Their most influential product is Internet finance.”

"Well," Zhou Buqi nodded, "How's Yu'e Bao?"

"Still alive."

Zhang Yiming gave an extremely pessimistic answer.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What is the current interest rate of Yu'e Bao?"

Zhang Yiming said: "6.2%."

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi was stunned.

Zhang Yiming said thoughtfully: "I also have plans to launch a product similar to Yu'e Bao. Internet finance is an important field, and it is necessary for WeChat Finance to participate. However, Yu'e Bao still has many uncertainties. I think it is necessary We will wait until the policy stabilizes to start again.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is there any news?"

This is a direction that Zhang Yiming has been paying close attention to recently, so he understands it relatively well. He said: "Yue'e Bao is a monetary fund. The main income directions are probably a few types, such as short-term bonds, large-denomination certificates of deposit, interbank certificates of deposit, and interbank lending. The main thing with relatively high interest rates is interbank lending. When a bank is short of money, it will borrow money from other banks and financial institutions.”

Zhou Buqi laughed.

This is really a big deal!

What should someone do when someone goes to the bank for a loan, but the bank temporarily has no money? You can borrow money from other financial institutions and then lend it out to earn an interest difference.

Yu'e Bao is a bit evil when it focuses on this market.

People deposit all their money into Yu'e Bao instead of banks. Then when the bank is short of money, they come to Yu'e Bao to borrow money... Isn't this equivalent to landlords borrowing money from tenants?

Can this landowner be willing?

Zhang Yiming continued: "The interest rates are high, and the risks are also high. If Yu'ebao wants to survive, it must adjust its strategy, mainly based on the operation method of large-denomination certificates of deposit. Money must be deposited in the bank to earn savings interest, rather than lent to others. The bank eats the interest on the loan. If we ask the bank to stop being so embarrassed and share some of the cake, we might be able to survive.”


“However, in this case, the interest rate of Yu’e Bao will be significantly reduced, and the attractiveness may not be so strong.”

"Then just wait and see and don't rush to end." Zhou Buqi felt that Yiming was becoming more and more stable. "Being the first mover has advantages, and being the second mover also has advantages. Ziweixing is now an industry giant, so it doesn't have to be like before. When you see a good direction, you rush in and you can stabilize it. The small boat can turn and adjust at will, but the big ship must look at the direction before turning. Don't be afraid of being late. There is WeChat. With the traffic advantage and the gradual popularity of WeChat payment, there is no need to worry that the market will be eaten up by Yu’e Bao.”

Zhang Yiming nodded and looked at Guo Pengfei, "Well, although Toutiao, Weibo, and Weidian all have good traffic, the truly stable traffic at the national level must be WeChat."

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, the most important thing for WeChat now is to capture as much traffic as possible, and profits can be put aside later. Now is the development stage of the mobile Internet, and the development of every track is inseparable. Traffic. As long as WeChat is established, it can promote the great development of these industries.”

This is how to make big money.

If WeChat wants to make money, it just needs to earn some advertising fees. If WeChat focuses on making good products and gaining traffic, WeChat can get as much traffic as possible.

With traffic, we can help other tracks in new directions.

Such as Yu’e Bao, food delivery, and online ride-hailing.

With traffic, are you still afraid of not being able to accomplish anything?

From this perspective, WeChat has greater strategic advantages than Weibo, Toutiao, Weidian Search, Weidian Mobile Assistant and other products.

"By the way, there's one more thing. When I was in the United States, the Consul General of the United Nations Nature Fund approached me about participating in a charity project."

When Zhou Buqi does charity, the focus is of course on the country.

However, it is impossible to avoid overseas.

Zhang Yiming raised his eyebrows, "Public welfare project?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, it is very meaningful. I hope we can apply technology to protect endangered species."


Guo Pengfei twitched his lips.

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, the extinction of a key species may destroy the local food chain, cause instability in the ecosystem, and may eventually lead to the collapse of the entire ecosystem. Nowadays, globalization is driven by economic interests. Many The phenomenon of illegal hunting of wild animals in nature reserves is becoming more and more serious, and it is the same in China. A movie "No Man's Land" produced by Jieyu Media is about this. "

Guo Pengfei was a little strange, "How can we participate in this? We are an Internet company, relying on information push to popularize the knowledge of protecting endangered animals?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Drone!"


"We can cooperate with Bajixing to develop a small unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that can fly at low altitude and hover silently at low speeds over the protected area. The reconnaissance aircraft must have a camera, and then use artificial intelligence technology to analyze the video footage. Once discovered, When poaching is detected, real-time images are immediately transmitted back to the base through the onboard GPS, allowing the rescue team to rush to the scene in the shortest possible time.”

"That's okay..."

Guo Pengfei has already seen Boss Zhou's broad thinking.

This time I was really shocked.

By combining Ziweixing's artificial intelligence technology with the drone technology from Bajixing, you can do some very meaningful and great things.

Zhou Buqi whispered: "In fact, the U.S. military has long mastered this kind of technology, including drone detection, drone locking, and drone information transmission. We are a private enterprise, and we do not participate in the military business. However, , let’s make some samples first to target endangered animals and protect the ecological chain, which can make environmentalists around the world feel excited.”

This is also the common fate of domestic technology companies.

Secretly, you always have to participate in some national events, and then you can get more care and protection.

Zhang Yiming said: "Then it is best to ask He Yang and Meng Houkun to get involved and let them take care of it."

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