Top of the big era

Chapter 2768 Adjustment of positions

Zhou Buqi thinks this is very reliable.

Nowadays, Google is so popular that it not only leads its peers at the technical level, but also dominates the Internet world at the business level. There is the core business of Google search, the video website YouTube, and the Android system, the big killer of the mobile Internet. Even with the help of Zhou Buqi, they even filled the gap in social networking and completed the acquisition of Twitter.

It’s almost impossible to see any weaknesses on Google’s part!

So it’s not surprising that Apple ranks first in market value and Google ranks second.

And looking at this situation, Google's stock price will rise sharply.

Major investment banks on Wall Street, including Goldman Sachs, have issued research reports one after another, believing that Google’s current stock price is not high enough and there is still a lot of room for growth. Some investment banks even believe that Google’s stock can rise by another 50%!

It is conceivable that in the short term, Google's stock price will rise rapidly.

Widening the gap with Microsoft.

For Microsoft, Google is already their biggest competitor, and it is the younger brother of a rising star, which makes Ballmer a little embarrassed.

In the past few years, he was also criticized at Microsoft, but his performance has always been good, and he has always been ahead of Google.

This year is different.

Especially when summer comes, technology stocks are soaring, and Google has become the fastest-growing stock, leaving Microsoft behind... Microsoft's market value was surpassed by Apple, which was acceptable, but now its market value has been surpassed by Google. Ballmer lost heart and had no choice but to announce his retirement and look for a CEO for Microsoft who could compete with Google.

Therefore, in the past two years, if Zhou Buqi needs money, he will give priority to selling Google stocks.

Because he knows that Larry Page has never been a qualified CEO.

He is a scientist.

There is no way he can lead a large company.

There is no big company in the world that is led by scientists, and Google is no exception. Google developed with the help of Schmidt, the manager hired by the employer. Search, email, YouTube, Android, Google Chrome, etc. are all Schmidt's layout.

Later, I felt that Larry Page had matured, so I took over the reins. As a result, Google's development slowed down in the years after Larry Page came to power.

The current surge in Google's stock price is entirely eating Schmidt's dividends.

At this point, Larry Page is obviously not as smart as Bill Gates. Even when Bill Gates was CEO of Microsoft, he was only a "technical president" and Ballmer was the one at the helm.

Google's current market capitalization is very high, exceeding US$300 billion, and it is about to reach US$400 billion.

But under the leadership of Larry Page, the market value of US$700 billion to US$8,000 will come to an end in the next few years. In his hands, Google had no business breakthroughs at all. When Schmidt's dividends were eaten up, Google's development stagnated. It did a lot of cutting-edge technology projects, but it didn't make any money at all.

After Larry Page realized the crisis and quickly handed over the power to an Indian, Google's market value began to soar, heading towards US$1 trillion, US$1.5 trillion, and US$2 trillion.

In this life, Zhou Buqi sold Twitter to Google.

This can be regarded as Larry Page's political achievement.


He may retire later than in his previous life, which would be extremely detrimental to Google.

In contrast, Microsoft has seen hope.

Ballmer retired and chose an Indian to take over... That would be amazing. Microsoft's heritage exploded, and its market value skyrocketed, reaching US$1 trillion, US$2 trillion, US$3 trillion, and it was heading towards 4 trillion US dollars. Trillions of dollars have gone by, even leaving Apple behind by a large margin.

If Zhou Buqi wants to make financial investments, the best choice at this stage is of course to sell Google shares, which have limited growth, and buy Microsoft shares at the bottom.

It is not easy to have such an operation.

Zhou Buqi said: "Part of the Google stocks in my hand are still in the sales restriction period."

David Solomon smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. It's not sold in the secondary market. It's just a transfer agreement. Goldman Sachs can do all the work."

Stocks within the sales restriction period cannot be sold in the stock market.

If you don't sell it in the stock market, you can't complete the transaction on the exchange. You can just find the buyer directly and bypass the agreement between the two parties on the exchange.

However, after buyers purchase these restricted stocks, they will still be within the restricted period and cannot sell them for cash in the stock market.

Because of such factors, restricted stocks are generally difficult to trade.

However, this is not an obstacle for Goldman Sachs.

David Solomon continued: "According to our judgment, Google's stock will have a sustained rise in the short term, which can last at least from August to October, with a market value of US$450 billion. This is a hot stock. However, in the long term, it will It’s hard to say, this requires a comprehensive consideration of Larry Page. I believe no one knows this better than you.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and asked, "What is your investment strategy?"

"Me?" David Solomon shook his head and told the truth, "If it were me, I would be more inclined to least in the short term. However, we are an investment bank, and we prefer to keep our clients trading. We get a commission from it. Your investment strategy is more long-term, choosing between Google and Microsoft, I can't say."

"I have read recent research reports from Goldman Sachs, all of which encourage investors to follow Google."

"Yes, judging from the current situation, buying Google stock is a better choice than Microsoft."

"That's good."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

David Solomon couldn't help but laugh, "I know that big people will make decisions that are contrary to public perception."

Zhou Buqi calmly accepted his status as a "big shot" and said decisively: "Okay, let's do it!"

David Solomon asked, "All of them?"

"Well, everything will be converted into Microsoft stocks. What's in my hands, and what's in Zhen Yu's... Jenny's hands must be dealt with." Zhou Buqi paused, "Well, there's no need to be too hasty, half a year is enough. Limit it! Just complete this project within half a year. The most important thing is that I need to keep it secret. I don’t want Larry Page to know that I am clearing out Google’s stock.”

David Solomon smiled: "Of course, keeping client confidentiality is not only our professional ethics, but also laws and regulations."

"As for the specific price range, Jenny will discuss it with you later."

"Is there more?"


"What about Pluto Capital and Neptune Capital? These two investment institutions in your hands also hold a large number of Google stocks, with a total value of six to seven billion US dollars."

"Okay!" Zhou Buqi was unambiguous, "Then we'll deal with them all! Buy them all into Microsoft stocks!"

Taking advantage of the current popularity of Google's stock, everyone is enthusiastically buying it.

It is a good shipping opportunity.

Originally, in Zhou Buqi's plan, Pluto Capital and Neptune could just leave it alone after buying a batch of high-quality technology stocks.

Then just make regular profits and pay dividends regularly every year.

Earn the dividends of value investing safely.

But now that there is such a good opportunity, proper position adjustment is also a good choice, which can make more money for investors and bring him more dividends.

Hurry up and get more dividends!

Fill the debt hole in your family.

Every time Aunt Xue heard that her family's debt exceeded 5 billion US dollars, she would be frightened and frightened, as if she was sitting on Zhou Buqi's lap and being performed the two-finger meditation.

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