Top of the big era

Chapter 276 Search is a high-end technology

It's also interesting to say.

Some time ago, most of the people who came to the door were investment institutions, hoping to invest in Xiaonei. Now that there are no investors, more companies come to seek business cooperation.

This is the reason why you need to be hard to strike iron.

In the past, when Xiaonei was not launched, investors held the initiative. They had capital and more resources. If the investment is completed, the resources in hand can be used to attract more partners for Xiaonei and promote the development of the website.

What is surprising is that a website led by this group of college students has started to fend for itself without the entry of capital!

As more and more companies come to the door, the value of the capital is getting smaller and smaller, leaving only money.

At this time, capital no longer takes the initiative.

The decision is in the hands of the entrepreneur.

Capital has become a good old man with a smile on his face.

At this time, the recruitment business of was at a loss.

Zhou Buqi called all the members of the Entrepreneurship Alliance in Beijing, held a meeting, and talked about the recruitment business of, hoping to brainstorm.

Unexpectedly, the discussion really yielded some results.

Ma Pingshan frowned and said: "Boss Zhou, your requirements are too high. Since it is a new business, it must have a weak foundation and little information at the beginning. After a long time, when the influence comes out, the major enterprises will naturally Come to our recruitment website to post recruitment information, this is a step-by-step process.”

Zhou Buqi said decisively: "No! You can't use college students across the country as guinea pigs. The partner of is Form a word of mouth. Especially now that several major departments are attaching great importance to this business, if you want to stand out, you must be a hit."

"This is extremely difficult!"

Chen Dong lowered his head and pondered, but he couldn't think of any practical solution.

At this time, Ji Zian raised his hand to speak.

In the field of computer programming, he is a layman.

But laymen also have layman benefits.

Experts leading professionals pursue gradual and steady growth; while professionals leading professionals pursue new vitality for the original industry, hoping to have new perspectives and new ideas to subvert and transform.

That's what Zhou Buqi asked him to manage Dongfang Weidian.

He wants to completely change the general environment in the domestic security field, and it is definitely not possible to use old people in the security field.

This is called not breaking and not standing.

"If you're pursuing rich and comprehensive information, I don't think it's impossible." Ji Zian coughed lightly, and tentatively said, "Can you design an algorithm?"

"What algorithm?"

As the master of technology in the Entrepreneurship Alliance, Guo Pengfei looked at him in surprise.

Ji Zian said calmly: "I don't understand technology anymore, but I have some ideas, and I don't know if it can be realized. You can refer to Baidu. As we all know, Baidu has the most abundant information sources in China, but Baidu does not produce content. Well, It's not that it doesn't produce. Baidu, which went online in June, knows that it is a high-quality product. Let's not talk about it, Baidu's massive content is actually not Baidu itself, but Baidu searches and grabs from other websites through algorithms here."

When Zhou Buqi heard it, he suddenly had a feeling of enlightenment, "It makes sense! Baidu doesn't produce content, but has become the largest content supply platform in China through search technology. Yes, Ji Zi'an, who is in charge of Dongfang Weidian, is not the same Now, the way of thinking has changed.”

The others also had bright eyes and expressions of admiration.

I feel that Senior Ji is growing up really fast.

He has never studied management or programming. A pure layman in the Department of Sociology, he has become a giant in the entrepreneurial alliance by relying on his personal charm, strong learning ability and business perception.

"Search technology..."

Guo Pengfei muttered to himself, seemingly uncertain.

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "What are you muttering about? The ideas have been suggested to you. If you don't understand, let me tell you. Go build a team and design a search engine to search major recruitment websites. Grab recruitment information from their website and copy it."

Ma Pingshan said with a smile: "This idea is great. Most of the websites like 51job and Zhaopin are social recruitment information. We only grab school recruitment information and focus on the vertical field of campus."

"Yes," Zhang Yinlei also agreed, "the future of the 5Q network is worry-free, the information is messy, and it is not friendly for college students to use. Let's take the essence and discard the dross."

Xue Baoshan lightly raised her hand, with a dignified sitting posture of a lady, and after receiving permission from her eyes, she said generously: "Many companies' school recruitment information will not be published on websites such as 51job and Zhaopin. , will be published directly on the school BBS website. Even some state-owned enterprises and institutions will only publish on their own official websites. If we can capture all this information, it will be the most complete and richest college student recruitment website in the country .”

Zhou Buqi praised her, "Baoshan is right."


A few contemptuous gazes came over.

Fortunately, Zhou Buqi has a thick skin.

Xue Baoshan blushed slightly, and gave him an annoyed look.

Everyone thought Ji Zian's proposal was very good.

Only Guo Pengfei sighed.

"What's the matter, is this idea wrong?" Zhang Yinlei asked him strangely.

Guo Pengfei shook his head and sighed: "The idea is correct, but it is difficult to implement. Let me tell you, there are six mature application modes in the current Internet - games, search, e-commerce, online advertising, email And instant messaging. The most technically difficult thing is search. You just said that Baidu... yes, Baidu is very powerful. But you may not know that the technical content of Baidu's search engine is comparable to Google, and it is stronger than IT giants such as Microsoft and Yahoo. .”

Ten years later, this sentence will definitely be complained about.

But this stage is very appropriate.

Baidu is the leader of the BAT and the pearl of domestic Internet companies. It is not afraid of the joint encirclement and suppression of international search giants, and it dominates the search market bit by bit.

You know, the two founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, were still students of Baidu CEO Li. As early as the 1990s, Mr. Li enjoyed the title of the first person in search technology in Silicon Valley.

Such a world-class talent returned to China, and received top-notch treatment. He was the only businessman who watched the military parade three times in a row, two of which were on the tower.

Zhou Buqi lowered his brows slightly, "I know that search technology is difficult to do, not to mention anything else, Live search and Yahoo search are terrible, and the search information is partial and incomplete. But we only search for recruitment information, shouldn't it be difficult?"

Guo Pengfei said: "Simplicity will definitely be simpler, but this is search after all, and this is a field where technology is very serious."

"Can't you do it?"

"That's not enough, but..."


"needs time!"

Zhou Buqi didn't feel well, he knew the result from his heavy expression, and asked: "How long?"

Guo Pengfei gritted his teeth and said, "If I were to form a team now and stop being in charge of Xiaonei, I might be able to do it in two years. If I'm lucky, it might be done in one year."

Zhou Buqi almost fainted.

After one or two years, the day lily is cold!

Besides, how could it be possible for him to resign from

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became serious.

There is a sense of frustration of falling from the peak to the bottom.

Zhou Buqi clapped his hands, smiled, and encouraged everyone: "Sparks come from collisions. This idea may not be mature, but at least it opened a window for everyone."

After a little encouragement, he changed the subject and said, "There is one more thing. Everyone knows that Senior Sister Zhen is going to the United States to study for an MBA. She didn't come today, and she went to the embassy to handle some business. Xu Baihui seems to be doing business tomorrow. I have to come back after filming, Chen Dong, you can arrange a farewell party for Senior Sister Zhen."

These people present belong to Chen Dongxiaoxian.

In fact, he also has his own business - selling books.

Buying ultra-low-priced returned books from major university publishing houses, and then reselling them, can earn over 10,000 yuan a month.

If you put it in the beginning of your business, this is not a small achievement.

But looking at it now, it's too inconspicuous.


It's not even as much as he made when he first made pirated books.

Doing pirated books is a market survey, asking college students what books they like to read, and then contacting pirated books to print, naturally earning a lot. However, these genuine books were not sold in the market and were returned to the publishing house, so the sales were inevitably poor.


After the meeting ended, Zhou Buqi went directly to

I told Zhang Yiming about the search technology.

"Search..." After hearing what Zhou Buqi said, Zhang Yiming also felt dizzy. "This is indeed not easy to do. Without a year or two of patient research and development, it is true that no good product can be made."

"This is not a search engine like Baidu. It is a search engine for recruitment, college BBS, and corporate official websites. The algorithm shouldn't be that complicated, right?"

"What you said is that there are fewer docking ports, and the underlying logic is still connected."

Zhou Buqi was speechless, "If I let you do it, how long will it be?"

Zhang Yiming glanced at him, and pondered for a while, "If I can concentrate on research... for one year, I will definitely make it for you in one year."

"forget it."

Zhou Buqi sighed, a little disappointed.

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "Boss Zhou, you have to believe in the abilities of the people of the whole country. China is so big, and talents are everywhere. There are hundreds of recruitment websites. There must be someone who has similar ideas to you. Technology captures information and finds a new way to break the game. After all, in the Red Sea, core technology is the number one competitiveness.”

Zhou Buqi slapped his hands, "You're so right! I really can't underestimate people in the world. I'll send someone to look for it later. If you have time, help to look it up. Once there is a target, we will buy it!"

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