Top of the big era

Chapter 2759 Growth Hacking

"Ah?" Zheng Xiaoli was startled, "Teach...who?"

Liu Qing said angrily: "Your boss, who else could it be?"

"Shall I teach him?"

Zheng Xiaoli was both guilty and surprised, and lacked confidence.

Liu Qing was helpless, "This is also part of your job, okay? The Internet industry is changing so fast now, and it changes every day, and he has to take care of so many things. It's impossible to put all his energy here. It takes a long time If he doesn’t, his way of doing things will be out of date. If we want him to lead the company better, the most important thing is to always urge him to make progress.”

Being a teacher for Boss Zhou and teaching him some new concepts of the Internet... In Zheng Xiaoli's opinion, this was somewhat absurd. Not only her, but most of the employees of Ziweixing also have this idea, and they all have a kind of blind worship of the big boss who sees the beginning but not the end.

It seems like he can do anything!

Fortunately, there are people in the company such as He Yang, Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Meng Houkun, Cheng Binghao, Liu Qing, Chen Tong, Pei Yao, etc., who can look at the big boss calmly and objectively.

Liu Qingdao: "Is growth hacking a new concept?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Yes, it only became popular in the past year or two... No, to be precise, it has not become popular yet, it is just a concept. Silicon Valley companies generally still use traditional market ideas to promote business growth, not 'hacking' methods."

The so-called hacking methods are actually technical methods.

Not to hack the computer, but to hack the market.

How to crack it?

Use data!

Traditional marketing methods are nothing more than advertising-based marketing methods that spend money to acquire users. The concept of growth hacking is based on the analysis of IT technology and market data to achieve marketing goals.

In this way, we can achieve effective growth with lower costs and faster efficiency.

Yahoo App has experienced incredible growth over the past few months.

there are many reasons.

For example, a business trip team with elite soldiers was sent from China, such as the help of the international department led by Liu Qing, and the application of Zhou Buqi's fragmented flow idea.

Another point is that Zheng Xiaoli boldly introduced the new strategy of "growth hacking" into the development of Yahoo App and implemented it.

In traditional marketing, there is also data analysis.

But it is not the same concept as growth hacking.

For example, traditional marketing methods can also gain attention from the outside world, which is often referred to as traffic in the Internet field. However, after obtaining traffic, how to convert this traffic into users? How to activate their registration?

After registering, how do you prevent users from uninstalling it without just one glance?

How can we save users?

After surviving, how can we rely on them to realize cash? How can we use their means to help spread and recommend products and create a fission effect?

Relying on Zhou Buqi's fragmented traffic thinking, Zheng Xiaoli has indeed found a lot of traffic for Yahoo App, which is more effective, lower cost and better than traditional marketing thinking.

After you have traffic, what next?

How to activate, how to retain, how to follow the business model, how to rely on users' spontaneous virus spread... This requires many methods of application growth hackers.

This is a concept put forward by Americans. It happens to be in the word "hacker", because compared with traditional marketing methods, many methods of growth hackers are a bit gray area and a bit marginal. They all use technical means. Calculating people's hearts, manipulating users, and even have addictive mechanisms in technical algorithms. Once you use it, you can't stop.

Liu Qing said: "Isn't growth hacking just about using the combination of technology and market? This is not a new concept at all. When our boss first started his business, he already used,, and Micropoint Antivirus."

Zheng Xiaoli nodded lightly, "Well, I have read the company's development log... However, the new concept of growth hacking will be more complex, um, sharper."

"for example?"

"Hmm... For example, I read in the file that when our boss was building the school intranet, he said he wanted to build a service platform that would satisfy college students. This is very traditional and too weak in purpose. What is satisfaction? What does it mean? Lack of indicators. Using the concept of growth hacking, I want to increase college students’ satisfaction with the school network by 1% or 10%. All indicators can be quantified in the face of data.”

Liu Qing was not a product maker, so she seemed to understand somewhat, and asked: "Product growth driven by data growth."

Zheng Xiaoli smiled and said: "Yes, that's what it means. The traditional concept is to use good products to promote data growth. However, good products do not necessarily have good data. Products with good data must be liked by the public Good products. We need to have an overall view of data, and use data to drive product decisions and market decisions. Well... I briefly mentioned this idea to my boss before. This will weaken the traditional designer products in Silicon Valley. Manager, but turned into a data analysis product manager. At that time, he supported my point of view, and the Yahoo App was developed with this idea."


Liu Qing understood and was full of praise.

Just like "The Three-Body Problem" and "A Dream of Red Mansions".

From the perspective of artistic value, of course it is "Dream of Red Mansions", which is a handed down classic written by a literary master. But which book has better data? Of course it’s The Three-Body Problem.

From the perspective of company development, it must be developing mass-market products.

That is, products with good data.

One of the important reasons why Yahoo App can stand out quickly and far away from similar competing products such as Google News, Facebook News, MSN News, Fox News, etc. is that those product designs are relatively traditional. Ask designers to be product managers.

Zheng Xiaoli was different here. She didn't use any design masters. She even gave up on Americans and chose a group of domestic teams from China who didn't even understand the basic habits of Americans.

It doesn't matter whether you understand their habits or not. It's enough to rely on data analysis. If the data of the new design is not good, it means that users don’t like it, so it should be changed immediately; if the revised design has better data, it should be retained immediately.

After a while, Zhou Buqi finally came to this table after going around in a big circle. He was the protagonist tonight and he had to take care of every table.

Liu Qing stopped him and asked Zheng Xiaoli to introduce the new concept of growth hacking and the important role this growth idea played in the development of Yahoo App.

This is the first time Zhou Buqi has heard this word.

But you can understand it as soon as you hear it.

Aren’t all the super apps in China in later generations using this kind of method... not only domestically, but also after going overseas, they used this kind of method to kill all the foreign apps. Techniques are used to control the barbarians.

Zhou Buqi was very busy and had no time to chat with them. He smiled and said: "Well, it's good, that's how it should be! I've always had this idea before, but I just didn't sum up an accurate concept. Growth hacking... hmm , it’s quite vivid! In fact, it can have wider applications.”

"Oh?" Zheng Xiaoli asked quickly, "What about?"

Zhou Buqi quickly came up with a product plan with almost no thought, "For example, the fission growth you just mentioned, using old customers to attract new customers, can have a welfare sharing function. There are some paid content on Yahoo, users If you want to watch it, you can either pay money or share it on Twitter and Facebook, and you can watch it for free after sharing it.”

Zheng Xiaoli was a little excited, "We are developing this new feature! Next, our marketing budget will be reduced a lot. Our plan is to use this strategy to save marketing investment."

Zhou Buqi immediately thought of something else, "Helo payment or PayPal payment is also possible. You can set up a parent-child account and let the children use their own accounts to consume. Firstly, they can limit the child's consumption, and secondly, they can pay attention to what they are doing. It is convenient to monitor what consumption has been done. Anyway, it is a similar idea. Marketing is not just marketing, but can be done through technology and products. In the future, traffic costs will definitely become higher and higher, and the advertising conversion efficiency will become lower and lower... …To put it bluntly, it’s still a traffic pool thinking. While ensuring that the traffic in the traffic pool is not lost, we must also make good use of the traffic in the traffic pool to attract more traffic.”

"Yeah, yeah."

Zheng Xiaoli nodded repeatedly, feeling that she had the right idea.

Zhou Buqi continued: "Did you just say that Yahoo App's advertising budget will be reduced?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "Well, now the Yahoo App has more than 140 million users in the United States, and the daily active users have exceeded 40 million. It has almost reached its peak. It doesn't make much sense to advertise anymore. We still need to..."

"Be cautious." Zhou Buqi interrupted her, "Should we cut the advertising budget, and how much should be cut... As you just said, it must be supported by data from the market. It is not our own data, but competition. Opponent's data. If our advertising investment decreases and our competitors do not grow, it does not matter. If our advertising investment decreases and the advertising spaces are taken away by our competitors, but they gain growth, this will easily lead to strategic problems. Mistake. When we advertise, on the one hand, we promote ourselves, and on the other hand, we seize the main advertising space and prevent competitors from advertising."

Zheng Xiaoli deeply agreed, "It should indeed be so."

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, the cheapest way to get traffic is to ride on the popularity. I don't think it is very popular here in the United States, but China is very good at it. Look at the creators on Toutiao today, once something hot happens If you join in the news immediately, you can get a wave of free hot traffic. When Yahoo App marketing drives traffic, you can actively use hot spots... For example, now that the whole world cares about how much money I have, Yahoo ads can be Based on this, Yahoo’s statement is the most accurate in the world when it comes to saying that Yahoo is my company.”

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