Top of the big era

Chapter 2707: Pulling Investment

When you arrive in Korea, you should travel when you need to travel, buy when you need to shop, beautify when you need to beautify, take vacation when you need to, and go to work when you need to work.

Xu Baihui and Zhou Buqi naturally belong to the work category.

As soon as he arrived in South Korea, Zhou Buqi worked non-stop. He met Zhou Shaoning immediately and then went to SK Hynix together.

Zhou Shaoning was in a good mood, "They are very willing to cooperate, and the terms they offered are very favorable. The price is 25% lower than Samsung's and 15% lower than Micron's. In the future, our flash memory chips should really be closer to Hynix." "

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Help is always mutual. Hynix gave Astar a discount. Similarly, relying on Astar's extensive sales in the field of smartphones, Hynix can also grow rapidly and become a semiconductor company." A giant in the industry.”

Zhou Shaoning said: "So we must get the equity. If we don't share the fruits of Hynix's growth, it doesn't feel like a good deal."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Isn't it true that I don't want Aisda to invest in it?"

"You! You can do it too!" Zhou Shaoning is determined to have a certain say in Hynix. "If Aisda can't get in, you can get in in your own name and you must get a director seat. If the cooperation goes well, Hynix's stock price should take a big leap in the next few years, making a lot of money."

Zhou Buqi said frankly: "Whether it makes money or not is secondary. Hynix... As you said, Hynix will definitely become a star company in South Korea in the future. Regardless of the fact that SK Group is now the largest operator in South Korea, it controls It accounts for half of South Korea's TV and media industries. But how much money does it cost? It is limited to the Korean market and has no big prospects. In the future, the core business of SK Group must be Hynix, which has the opportunity to do international business."

Zhou Shaoning agreed, "Well, entering the game early can deepen your influence."

Zhou Buqi said: "South Korea is very similar to Japan, but there is one fundamental difference. At that time, several major consortiums in Japan monopolized 80% of the Japanese economy. The reason why they were broken up was because MacArthur became the The Governor of Japan, relying on the guns of American soldiers, forced all major chaebols to exchange their stocks for government bonds. He also indirectly nationalized the wealth of the chaebol giants through high taxes and a currency devaluation strategy of freezing balances for 10 years. , while destroying the chaebol system, it also greatly enhanced Japan's national power, laying the foundation for the rise of Japan in the 1970s and 1980s. South Korea cannot do that. Without this opportunity, South Korea's chaebol system will only become more and more stable. When taking sides, you must stand on the side of the chaebol.”


"So when doing business in South Korea, you still have to help these chaebols. Helping the chaebols means helping yourself. Fighting against the chaebols means fighting against the entire Korean market."

"Now that Hynix's stock price has dropped so much, we have done them a big favor by taking action this time!"

Zhou Shaoning has become more and more convinced of his judgment.

The Korean market is really different.

If you go to some other developed countries, you can compete with some local giant companies, or even beat them to the ground... It's entirely possible to beat them to death!

It's different in South Korea.

Don't think about beating the local giants to death. They are all chaebols. It is best not to confront them head-on. You must develop through mutually beneficial cooperation to achieve long-term stable returns.

Zhou Buqi went to Hynix with his two secretaries Ning Lu and Gu Zanli, accompanied by Zhou Shaoning and his assistant, and two vice presidents of Aisda.

I met the heads of the Cui family.

Once alive, twice familiar.

This was already the second time they met, and the atmosphere between the two parties was obviously much more harmonious and natural. There were more than a dozen people from the Cui family. The men were generally in their thirties and above, and they were all powerful people. Some of the women were relatively young, and they looked like they were juniors. They had exquisite makeup, elegant clothes, and the gentleness of bowing slightly when shaking hands.

This is not surprising.

Throughout the ages, beauty has always been an indispensable part of various social occasions.

The Cui family is obviously very sincere.

Instead of hiring beauties such as waiters and translators from outside, we asked our own women to come forward. It can be said that it gave Boss Zhou a lot of face.

Even Ning Lu and Gu Zanli, the two little secretaries, couldn't make it.

On the left side of Zhou Buqi were several men from the Cui family, all of whom had the right to speak; on the right were three young and beautiful women from the Cui family, the oldest of whom was in her twenties.

And the relationship is quite messy.

The one closest to him is Cui Jingyan, who is the third generation and the same generation as the head of the Cui family. In addition, the two delicate girls beside her are both fourth generation and her nieces.

This is really sincere.

I don’t know if there is a part of sleeping together. If there is, then the sincerity will be greater, and the cooperation between the two parties will be stronger in the future. However, even Zhou Buqi would not agree. A gentleman would not stand under a dangerous wall.

SK Hynix is ​​a large international company that integrates the semiconductor businesses of Hyundai, LG and SK. It also has several production lines in the United States and wafer fabs in China.

Under the recommendation of the Cui family, Zhou Buqi briefly visited the headquarters of Hynix.

There is a strong sense of ceremony.

When we reached that floor, employees came out to take the lead in applauding, and there were many people lining up. Zhou Buqi walked over and shook hands with them one by one...

A whole set of formal things.

Zhou Buqi didn't like it very much. He only walked up to the third floor and whispered to Cui Zhongfan, the powerful figure next to him: "Go to the office and talk about business! You are in a hurry, so hurry up."

The other party will arrange it immediately.

Go straight to the conference room on the top floor.

Long table meeting, sitting in two rows.

Zhou Buqi is in a row, and the Cui family is in a row. Almost all the people in the group opposite have the surname Cui, which shows that the SK Group is more familial than Samsung and Hyundai.

The next step is very simple.

First, let’s draw conclusions on the cooperation between Hynix and Asda.

Then there is the matter of investment.

According to the Cui family, Hynix will issue additional shares worth US$350 million, accounting for approximately 4.8% of the total share capital, and give up a director's seat.

The target of this private placement is, of course, Zhou Buqi, the world's richest man.

Zhou Buqi was quite satisfied with such terms.

Basically, it was pretty much what he expected.

5% is a threshold.

If the share is less than 5%, it is equivalent to a "hidden shareholder" and can be relatively free. From now on, if Zhou Buqi wants to sell Hynix shares, he can just sell them secretly in the secondary market without any restrictions.

If it exceeds 5%, real-time reporting is required. Whether it is buying or selling, it needs to be approved by the board of directors and the exchange must be notified. An announcement must be made many days in advance, which is too troublesome.

Zhou Buqi once again felt the sincerity of the Cui family.

However, this is normal.

Now is the crisis moment for SK Group. The president has been arrested and imprisoned. Boss Zhou and Aisda are the life-saving straw of SK Group. How can they dare to trust the big one?

It must be done with the utmost sincerity.

This is not over yet!

Cui Zhongfan said with a smile: "The purpose of this private placement, our explanation to the public, is to create a new round of investment and construction."


Zhou Buqi has no interest in Hynix's strategic development.

However, Cui Zhongfan's next words made him feel the sincerity of the other party.

Choi Jong-beom said: "We plan to invest in China and invest in the memory chip industry."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows and realized that the other party was giving a gift.

Even if you just go with the flow, it’s still a gift!

The domestic chip industry has a weak foundation, and it has always been a major industry that has been unable to promote development in China over the years. Chips are "fine work", and the domestic manufacturing industry is better at doing "rough work", which is completely out of tune.

If Boss Zhou can introduce world-renowned chip companies like Hynix to invest in China, then from the perspective of the country and the nation, he will be a hero, and his significance as the world's richest man and his importance to the country can also be shown. .

Of course, this is not an investment brought by Zhou Buqi.

It is Hynix that wants to invest in China.

Because the two parties are in a cooperative relationship, Hynix intends to give such a good reputation to Boss Zhou in the name of attracting investment. The chip industry is a national strategy. If Zhou Buqi really succeeds in this matter, his backbone in the country will be straightened.

For Zhou Buqi, this is more meaningful than giving JYP Entertainment shares, and it is more meaningful than giving a beautiful woman. This is a great gift!

It seems that the Cui family is not stupid at all!

The entry point is really accurate.

Choi Jong-beom said: "Hynix has a wafer fab in Yangxi City, your country, which produces some low-specification dynamic storage memories, mainly 29-nanometer processes. Next, Hynix intends to choose a place and spend several years to develop Do five major projects, from 29 nanometer to 25 nanometer, 18 nanometer, 14 nanometer, and finally reach the 10 nanometer process."

Zhou Buqi accepted the gift without hesitation and said: "I will immediately contact the Liangxi city and provincial authorities to advance this matter. I guarantee that I can come up with the best investment conditions to implement these five goals of Hynix." Long term investment!”

Choi Jong-bum said in "surprise": "If this is really possible, thank you so much!"

In fact, with Hynix's reputation and the importance of the chip industry in the country, there is no need for Zhou Buqi to come forward, and the authorities can come up with the best and most favorable policy conditions to attract investment to Hynix.

After a series of operations, it actually gilded Boss Zhou's reputation.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "I will pay close attention to this matter, and we will keep in touch. Well... next month, at the end of next month, we can go to Liangxi City together to discuss cooperation plans with the local people. "

Cui Zhongfan said happily: "That's great! If Mr. Zhou is willing to help, then I believe this matter can be implemented in the shortest time."

Zhou Buqi said: "I hope that all the US$350 million from the private placement from me can be invested in these five phases of the wafer fab project and implemented in Liangxi City. This is the condition for my agreement to invest in Hynix. "

Cui Zhongfan didn't hesitate at all, "Of course, this was our plan."

When both sides sing a harmony, the matter is settled.

Zhou Buqi asked again: "What is the total planned investment for these five phases of the project?"

Choi Jong-bum answered simply, "2.5 billion U.S. dollars."

Zhou Buqi nodded and said in a deep voice: "Okay, you wait for my news. I will go to Liangxi City to investigate first, and then I will contact you."

"no problem."

Cui Zhongfan agreed naturally.

The Cui family is so enthusiastic.

Zhou Buqi originally didn't want to have dinner with them at noon, but since their attitude was so good, he couldn't be too cautious, so he agreed to have a meal with them. During the banquet, the Cui family sent two girls, one on the left and one on the right, to kneel beside him to entertain, one poured wine and the other picked food.

This kind of scene can be experienced in China, Japan and South Korea.

I went back to China and went to Yan Guangming's house for dinner.

It was also arranged this way.

However, Lao Yan was more sincere and arranged for his young wife and his daughter to entertain each other. He even secretly hinted to him in private that if he had the intention... he could take it all, no problem!

Zhou Buqi felt that he had been led astray and would not agree at all.

The big ones were not eaten, and the small ones were not touched.

However, under the booing, he drank a glass of wine with both mother and daughter.

The scene arranged by the Cui family is not much different. The one on the left is from the third generation, and the one on the right is from the fourth generation. This is the relationship between aunt and nephew.

From this, we may also see the difficulties that SK Group is facing now.

In order to win over Boss Zhou, he did everything possible.

Even if he drinks red wine, he won’t drink too much.

I have something else to do in the afternoon.

The Cui family asked him what entertainment he had in the afternoon.

Zhou Buqi told them that he would go to LG Chem for inspection in the afternoon.

When the Cui family heard about it, it was a coincidence.

LG is also a shareholder of SK Hynix. The Cui family is under so much pressure this time because of the pressure exerted by LG on the board of directors. It’s even more convenient if you have a relationship.

Go back to rest at noon.

I'll go to LG again at three o'clock in the afternoon.

On the way back, Gu Zanli couldn't help but ask in a low voice in the car: "Boss, aren't the Cui family all liars? They can't lie to others, can they?"

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Liar? Why do you say that?"

Gu Zanli said: "They are too enthusiastic and weird."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Isn't it better to be more enthusiastic?"

Gu Zanli hummed: "They said they were going to invest 2.5 billion US dollars in Liangxi City. How false is that?"

"Fake? Why is it fake?"

"Hynix's market value is only US$7 billion, and it invests US$2.5 billion in China? This is too exaggerated. At first glance, it looks like a liar."

"Then you are wrong." Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Let alone US$2.5 billion, even if it is US$5 billion or US$10 billion, others can invest it."

"Ah?" Gu Zanli was surprised, "Are they going to have a hard time? Bringing all the money into the country? That's not possible, right?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Do you think that this $2.5 billion investment will be paid for by Hynix?"

"Isn't it?"

"My US$350 million targeted capital increase is just a reason. If Hynix wants to invest in China, it's enough to rely on their brand name. In fact, they don't have to spend a penny."

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