Top of the big era

Chapter 2700 Responsibility

For Zhou Buqi, things at night were just a formality. People are pregnant, so they can't just leave her outside. They have to show it and bring her into the Zhou family.

Let’s have a meal first this time.

Next time I go to the United States, take Yang Mi to confirm with Wen Zhixia, Shi Jinglin, Xue Baoshan, Wu Yu, Ning Yaxian, and Aunt Xue. After having a meal and getting to know each other, it will be settled.

Even though Yang Mi is a small star, she has been mainly doing business in the past few years and has not done much acting. I am also very close to the Zhou family, and everyone agrees with me.

However, it is different for Yang Mi's family.

Very seriously.

If it weren't for Zhou Buqi's requirement to keep a low profile, and concubinage would be a bit unethical in modern society. Although many rich bosses can have concubines and entertain guests with great fanfare and grandeur, this kind of thing cannot happen to Zhou Buqi.

He couldn't even make a serious marriage public.

Let alone such a thing.

The scene must be small and low-key.

However, due to Yang Mi's dignity, Zhou Buqi still agreed to call Jiang Bingjie, Li Xinwan and Dili Reya, as well as their respective mothers, to participate.

We gathered a few more people and formed a table, which was quite lively.

Zhou Buqi set up a Zhixing Drama Club in China, not to make money, but to promote the art of opera. The president is Jiang Bingjie’s mother, the artistic director is Li Xinwan’s mother, Yang Mi’s mother and Re Ya’s mother are also involved. Each has a position.

We are all acquaintances, and we will have dinner together during the holidays, so there is no need to see anyone outside.

The place to eat was chosen at Zhou Buqi's home.

A chef hired from a five-star hotel.

Basically it is all run by Jiang Bingjie and Li Xinwan’s mother.

Secret and low-key.

It's quite lively.

When Zhou Buqi returns home, he will take a look... Wow! I was really a little shocked. Not to mention the food on the table, Yang Mi put on a red cheongsam with gold inlay. She looked like a newlywed daughter-in-law, with makeup on her face and her hair tied up high. The gold hairpin seems to be pure gold, and the necklace, earrings, and bracelets are also pure gold.

Even her mother was dressed cheerfully in a red cheongsam, with a smile on her face and jewels, just like what ordinary people would wear at a wedding.

This scene made Zhou Buqi feel a little uncomfortable.

Yes, he didn't care much about what happened tonight. He was used to it, just taking concubines... It wasn't worth mentioning at all. Gu Zanli, Zhao Li Muge, Yan Qiqi, and Zhang Zetian in the office all looked up. Waiting in line.

But it's different for Yang's mother.

This is marrying off a daughter.

It only happens once in a lifetime.

You can't make any loud noises, you have to close the door and deal with it in a low-key manner. In other families, marrying off a daughter is a matter of great splendor. They invite all the relatives, friends and colleagues they know, but this is not possible this time. Let alone outside friends, they cannot even tell their own relatives. Somewhat aggrieved.

But then again.

You can not have it both ways.

You chose to follow the father of the funder and take a shortcut in life that is satisfying, gratifying, unrestrained and flexible. You have crossed a threshold that many people cannot cross in their lifetime, and you have said goodbye to ordinary people's lives, and you have to endure some things that ordinary people have not experienced. price.

"Mr. Zhou is back!"

"Oh, Mr. Zhou! Are you off work?"

"Mr. Zhou, I'm waiting for you!"


Zhou Buqi smiled and waved, saying hello to everyone, and then gently hugged Dilireya, who was walking past and talking softly, rubbed her forehead, then walked forward and hugged the dressed-up Heilongjia. Bride-like Yang Mi.

After finally putting on makeup, I couldn’t kiss him, I could only give him a simple hug.

Not wanting to favor one over the other, he then called Jiang Bingjie, Li Xinwan and Dilireya over, and hugged and kissed each other, expressing their love for each other.

Everyone sat down happily. Zhou Buqi pulled Yang Mi and sat next to her. He looked at her belly and asked, "Any reaction?"

Yang Mi pursed her lips, "No reaction, just like before."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's better if you don't respond. You'll suffer less. When your sister Baoshan was pregnant, she really suffered a lot. She vomited whatever she ate, so we had to give her nutrient solution."

Yang Mi chuckled and said, "I know, I..." She lowered her head and rubbed her belly, with unconcealable happiness on her face, "I may be pregnant with a daughter, she is very good."

Zhou Buqi laughed, "Both boys and girls are the same! Our Zhou family has no rules that favor boys over girls!"

He brought Yang Mi over again and asked her to sit on his lap. Then he waved his hand and said, "Okay, that's it! The status of concubine has been decided. Let's have a dinner! Let's have a dinner!"

This is Yang Mi’s wedding night.

Originally, I was going to enter the bridal chamber.

But she was pregnant, so it was not convenient.

Naturally, it is cheaper than the other little sisters.

Their parents are not surprised by these things. They all hope that Boss Zhou will be more favored and look forward to their daughters getting pregnant as soon as possible. After all, if they have the opportunity to follow Boss Zhou, who would be so stupid? Quit? Wouldn't it be nice to just follow him for the rest of your life?

Early in the morning, Zhou Buqi put on his nightgown, got up and went downstairs to have breakfast.

I met Yang Mi’s mother and Jiang Bingjie’s mother who were busy in the kitchen.

"Mr. Zhou, good morning."

Yang's mother didn't dare to treat him as her son-in-law. He was the big boss of Zhixing Drama Club and the big benefactor. They all work in Zhixing Drama Club now, and they all have respectable and respectable careers.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Good morning, do you have any porridge? Just have a bowl. If you have something to do later, you can leave after eating."

Mother Yang and Mother Jiang hurriedly and eagerly brought breakfast over. They were all ready. There were seven or eight items, which was quite rich.

Yang's mother sighed and said, "Work is very important, but you also need to get more rest."

Mother Jiang said jokingly: "That's right. Went into the bridal chamber last night. How hard was it? Let's take some more rest in the morning. It's better to have a proper balance between work and rest."

Zhou Buqi buried his head in his porridge and said casually: "You should work harder. It is your responsibility to take good care of your own women. If you can't even take good care of your own women, what kind of man is he?"

Mother Jiang said with a smile: "In fact, it is easiest to love a woman. Once you understand the things in bed, everything else will be easy to talk about."

Yang's mother felt that she was a bit generous, so she reached out and pushed her.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "I still have some confidence when it comes to this. Even if Reya, Xiaojie, and Mimi are all in the battle together, they seem to be a bit much. They can still take care of them when they need to be taken care of."

Mother Jiang nodded repeatedly, "That's it, that's it... there are two little girls who sing Huangmei Opera in the drama club. They are quite delicate, beautiful and well-behaved. Please come over and give me some advice when you are free."

When it comes to "loyalty", Mother Jiang must be the first.

She holds the highest position.

Appointed president of Intellectual Drama Club.

Not only that, she had lost tens of millions in business in the past few years. With her family's little financial resources, it was somewhat unaffordable. In fact, it was her daughter Jiang Bingjie who came forward and asked the sponsor's father, Boss Zhou, to help.

With this relationship, she especially hopes that her daughter can always be with Boss Zhou.

It would be best to be like Yang Mi and raise a concubine as soon as possible and have a title.

Zhou Buqi said "hmm" and then asked: "Is the drama club rehearsing the Huangmei Opera?"

Mother Jiang said softly: "Huangmei Opera is mainly in Mandarin. The threshold is relatively low, and the melody is closer to pop music. If the actors are well selected and the types of music are arranged well, it can easily become a hit and open up the market."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, that's good."

He finished his breakfast, changed his clothes, and got ready to go out.

Mother Jiang ran over quietly and said in a low voice: "Mr. Zhou, can I ask you a favor?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "What do you mean? Just say it."

Mother Jiang was a little embarrassed and said in a low voice: "Mr. Zhou, Mimi already has a reputation. Look at my Xiaojie..."

Zhou Buqi laughed dumbly.

Mother Jiang sighed, "I am just a daughter. If I don't have a serious status, my heart... I didn't even sleep well last night. Looking at Yang Mi wearing a cheongsam, my heart... Alas! Zhou Zhou Boss, it’s not that I don’t believe you, I know you can take good care of Xiaojie, but I…”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Don't worry, I will lift my concubine when I need to, don't worry."


Mother Jiang's eyes sparkled with gold.

Zhou Buqi said: "Just tell them all and don't worry. Isn't this the relationship between men and women? Women have women's obligations and men have men's responsibilities."

Mother Jiang patted her chest and breathed a long sigh of relief, "That's good! That's less!"

Zhou Buqi said jokingly: "It's nothing more than having more concubines and more mouths to eat. Are you afraid that I can't afford them?"

Mother Jiang took the reassurance and felt better, so she said with a smile: "If you can afford it, you can definitely afford it. Don't say it's only three or four, even thirty or forty, that's what it should be."

"It's not good to have too much." Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Men, there's no one who doesn't like beauty, but you can't have too many. If you have too many, you won't be able to take care of them, right? You've married home, But if you don’t have the energy to love her, it’s better not to marry her.”

"Yes, it's true!"

Jiang’s mother was convinced that this young boss Zhou was not only successful in his career, but also had such a profound understanding of his family.

After leaving home in the morning, Zhou Buqi went directly to see Boss Ma of the Capital Hotel.

After meeting, Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Old Ma, I told you to buy a house as soon as possible! How inconvenient is it to come to the hotel every time with so many people coming and going?"

Boss Ma went somewhere to enjoy himself last night. He just got up and was eating breakfast on the coffee table in the living room of the suite. He said without raising his head: "How convenient is the hotel? What are you doing? Are you still afraid of people looking at you?"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "I come to the hotel every day. If you don't know, you think I'm here to date some female celebrity!"

Boss Ma said amusedly: "This is the Capital Hotel. Which entertainment reporter dares to come here and take random photos?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Buying a house will make it more convenient to live at home."

Boss Ma shook his head repeatedly, not agreeing with this statement, "It's inconvenient to live at home, and we can't live there more than once. Who will take care of the house? These fried dough sticks are good... Have you eaten? Can you have one?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "I've eaten, you can eat it yourself!"

When he came here this time, he mainly talked about business.

Ziweixing is going to be listed on Nasdaq, and Alibaba will cash out on a large scale in this IPO. After cashing out, I will use the money to invest in PayPal, and I will also attract him to invest in KakaoPay.

"Kakao?" Boss Ma is no stranger to the Korean Internet market. "I've heard that you are behind Kakao."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "More or less, I took some shares and gave some support."

Boss Ma asked: "To what extent has Kakao developed now?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The degree of monopoly."


Boss Ma raised his head, put down his chopsticks, and picked up the soy milk.

Zhou Buqi said matter-of-factly: "Let's develop towards the trend of monopoly. Once we develop social products in the mobile Internet field and the traffic is there, why don't we just do whatever we want next? South Korea's Internet market There are no strong competitors. There are Alibaba, Baidu, Penguin, Ziweixing, NetEase, Shanda, etc. that are competing in China, but not in South Korea. It’s just one company.”

Boss Ma also understood, "Is Kakao going to be an Internet chaebol?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, that's pretty much what it means. Next, Kakao will spin off its payment business and create KakaoPay. The main business will be similar to Alipay."

Boss Ma asked: "Why the split?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It won't work without a spin-off. The scale is too large and the coverage is too wide... This is South Korea, and there are no restrictions on doing business. It is different from you doing Alipay. For example... yes, Kakao will be split up next Spin off a subsidiary called Kakao Bank."

"Online Bank."

"You can really do savings and loan business. There is also Kakao Insurance, which is to open an insurance company. If you are in China, no matter how good Alipay is, can you open a bank? Can you open an insurance company? Those are all the territory of state-owned enterprises. No matter how many tricks Alipay has, in the end it has to sell products for banks and insurance companies, and it cannot be self-operated. It is different in South Korea. You don’t have to work for other banks and insurance companies, and you can sell your own products online.”

"Then this is awesome!"

Boss Ma opened his eyes wide and took a deep breath.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, he is very powerful. He is blatantly playing monopoly. With the business innovation of the Internet, it will not be difficult for Kakao to surpass Samsung and become the largest chaebol in South Korea in the future."

Boss Ma asked: "How is the technology of Koreans?"

Zhou Buqi said: "That's it. The spirit of hard work and hard work is really good. It's no problem to work overtime and so on. We will give you some technical and business guidance and it will be easy to do it. This is much better than Japan. You'd better get in, with Alipay and KakaoTalk's traffic advantage, there's no reason for Kakao to fail in mobile payment."

Boss Ma nodded, "Mobile payment is a big trend now."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Then you come?"

"Well, I have to give you some face."

Boss Ma lowered his head to eat breakfast again.

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "What do you mean by giving me face? I'm giving you an opportunity to make money. If you don't want it... I can do it without you. If I take Paypal to invest heavily in KakaoPay, I can still get things done." "

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