Top of the big era

Chapter 2695 Hype Project

From Zhou Buqi's point of view, this is 100% good news, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Nie Caijun has a different view, "The project has produced results, which is a good thing, but the project team has always been opposed to commercializing the results."

Ziweixing is a commercial company, and this is not a public welfare project.

Investing so much money in research and development is ultimately to produce results that can be transformed into products that can be sold, thereby creating value for the company.

But now that the balloon router has been made, they are unwilling to commercialize it.

This is very inconsistent with financial thinking.

Isn't this a waste?

Once a sample is made, is it just a sample?

If we don’t try market-oriented development, then wouldn’t the investment in R\u0026D be in vain?

As the chief financial officer, Nie Caijun couldn't stand this R\u0026D concept.

This kind of thing is not unique in the company's R\u0026D system.

Zhou Buqi said: "This is the early stage of the product, right? It should not be mature enough to be promoted to the market as a product. It will not be too late to introduce it to the market when a more mature solution is available. Balloon network projects, many in Silicon Valley Technology companies are doing it. The technical difficulty is actually not too great. The main thing is that many product solutions are not mature enough and are not suitable for market promotion."

Nie Caijun shook his head, "The Apollo drone that another team cooperated with Bajixing is not very mature, but it has been marketed long ago. The effect is not bad. In the past year, our technology dividend has been More than 30 million yuan."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How many people are involved in these two projects?"

Nie Caijun said: "Not many, only 10 people per project. This is actually a large project of high-altitude routers. The two smaller projects below are led by a T10 technical expert. All costs are included. , the total annual expenditure for each project will not exceed 10 million yuan."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "That means that the output of the Apollo UAV project is enough to support the entire high-altitude router project team."

"That's the theory..." Nie Caijun feels that it shouldn't be so lenient, "but they can definitely have a larger market space, and some pressure should be put on them."

"Market pressure?"


"No need."

Zhou Buqi has never thought about making any money from the balloon router project, and it is difficult to make any money. The reason why this kind of "portable signal tower" has room for imagination is that it is low cost and can be spread over a wider area.

The domestic application space is not large.

If a signal connection is really needed somewhere, a base station may be built. Portable solutions can also have signal cars.

Compared with signal balloons, signal cars are more convenient.

It's just that the signal truck is a bit more expensive.

The signal balloons dreamed up by the technology giants in Silicon Valley are mainly for public welfare purposes, to provide signals to some remote and poor places, and to provide public welfare to some places that do not make money.

If it could really make money, operators would have jumped on it long ago.

This is different from signal drones.

The drone is small enough, convenient enough, and can control the direction and control the divergence frequency of the signal. Balloons are different. They are very big and heavy. Once they are lifted into the air, they have to be tied to the ground to prevent them from floating away, and they cannot change direction. It is also very difficult to take it back. Once the altitude is too high, there are safety risks and policy risks, making it difficult to popularize it among the people.

The market space for this thing is very small.

Far worse than drones.

Rather than talking about the market value of this thing, Zhou Buqi is more concerned with the marketing value, treating this "new product" as a hype gimmick.

Just like many car manufacturers will produce some "concept cars".

Concept cars are not meant to be sold or driven. They are meant to be displayed to everyone to increase the popularity and influence of the car brand.

Zhou Buqi was not optimistic about the direction of balloon routers for a long time. The reason why he got involved was because he saw that many Silicon Valley technology companies were doing it. This was a hype point.

It is easy to cut in and the technical difficulty is not high. Once it is made, it can show the strong technical strength of Ziweixing. It can also draw a pie for all mankind, showing Ziweixing's efforts to solve the plight of people in poor and remote areas who cannot access the Internet, showing a positive attitude towards public welfare, and gaining recognition from the industry and even the world.

Zhou Buqi originally wanted to go to the suburbs the next day and find a place with a weak signal to experience the application effect of the developed balloon router on the spot.

If the effect is good and there is no market in China, it will at least be useful in the United States.

Among other things, Senior Sister Zhen Yu has just purchased a large farm at the junction of Los Angeles and San Francisco, California. There is no signal at all on this farm.

Raising a big balloon over the farm will solve the problem.

Not to mention spending less, the key is to have a gimmick.

It also gives you more face when showing people around. This is a new high-tech product developed by our own company.

However, the team members said that balloon raising in the capital requires registration, and the preparation time is too long. Boss Zhou wanted to watch and experience it temporarily, but he simply couldn't do it.

Zhou Buqi didn't force it and went to first.

It was summer vacation, and Liu Qiangdong was working in the company. When he passed by, he looked very angry and said that the police had just been called and the police came and arrested a corrupt person in the company.

He is a manager surnamed Zhou in the purchasing and sales department.

During the summer promotion, if you buy a computer on, you will get a radiator for free.

The remaining companies in the computer industry are all large companies, and they all have long-term cooperative relationships. The procurement and sales prices are very clear, and it is difficult to find tricks. The problem lies in this radiator.

The original purchase price of the radiator was more than 20 yuan, but the director named Zhou priced it at 57 yuan. He personally took 30 yuan from it.

In one summer sale, hundreds of thousands of computers were sold. How much money did this cost?

Lao Liu became furious and sent him to prison.

He has always had zero tolerance for such things.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "This is inevitable, and it happens in every company. Meng Houkun reported to me yesterday, saying that he wanted to fire an M6-level vice president executive, saying that he was seeking favoritism in advertising sponsorship. fraud."

Liu Qiangdong asked: "How much is the amount?"

Zhou Buqi said: "How much is specific, we have to check slowly. It seems that for a normal brand advertisement of 5 million, his transaction volume is only 2 million. It has reached the level of vice president. I estimate that the amount involved... say less It’s tens of millions.”


Liu Qiangdong was stunned.

Zhou Buqi was relatively calm, "I told Meng Houkun not to worry and not to move until I go public. Talk to him first, check the accounts clearly, and see if we can recover the losses."

Liu Qiangdong disagreed very much and said angrily: "This is too soft! Just arrest him and get it done!"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "It's easy to catch him. The black money he took from Ziweixing has become stolen money and has been seized and confiscated by the relevant authorities. Who will be responsible for my losses?"

Liu Qiangdong said: "If you recover the money, the sentence will be shorter and the deterrent effect will be insufficient."

Zhou Buqi said: "We are a serious company, and most of the employees have clean backgrounds and come from ordinary families. There is not much difference in the deterrent effect of a ten-year sentence and a one-year sentence. For ordinary people, squatting for ten days is too shameful and humiliating to bear. The key is how much money can be recovered."

Everyone's experience is different. What Liu Qiangdong can't stand the most is when someone eats, drinks, and cheats on him. For such things, he would rather give up money than send everyone in and lock him up. Severe punishment.

Zhou Buqi stretched out and didn't want to say more, "By the way, what do you want from me?"

Liu Qiangdong smiled and said: "Is Ziweixing going to be listed on the market?"

"Next month."

"Can it be successful?"

"Definitely!" Zhou Buqi is his buddies, so he is not modest at all. "In the global Internet industry, I estimate that the market value is second only to Google and Amazon, and may be higher than Facebook! Conservative estimates, yes Reaching $150 billion!”

Liu Qiangdong said: " is also going to be listed. Now the domestic sales market pattern has changed..."

He wanted some explanation for this.

In the past few years, has been fighting, from defeating Newegg, Amazon, and Dangdang in the early days, to defeating Suning and Gome last year... has now become a domestic sales giant, defeating the two traditional retail giants Suning and Gome even in the major home appliance market.

Jingdong’s strategy is about to make the next round of changes.

The next competition in the domestic home appliance market will have nothing to do with Suning and Gome. It will be a confrontation between and Tmall!

Behind Tmall is Alibaba, and his strength is terrifying!

Moreover, Alibaba is planning to go public in the United States, and the scale of the listing may be larger than that of Ziweixing!

What should do?

Once a price war breaks out, may not be an opponent.

Then the only option is to strike first.

Jingdong wants to go public first.

Get the money first, start a price war, and start fighting against Tmall and Taobao!

While Alibaba went public with great fanfare, launched a fierce attack on the market from behind. However, there are many people in the management who believe that we should not be impatient and it is best to follow Ali's trend.

If Alibaba succeeds in listing in the United States, and follows, success can be guaranteed. If Alibaba fails to go public in the U.S. and the U.S. capital market doesn’t understand domestic e-commerce companies enough...then it’s best to shelve’s listing plan for a while.

To be on the safe side, there is no need to compete with Alibaba over who can go public first.

Zhou Buqi had no such concerns and did not listen to these reasons at all. He immediately responded: "Okay, anytime. I have no objection. Come when you want, just set a date and I will help you arrange it. Don't worry about Ali." Over there. However, if you are really determined to get involved, you need to find a chief financial officer who understands US accounting standards to reorganize your finances."

Liu Qiangdong said, "Can I dig it from you?"


"Ziweixing has gained experience after going public this time. I don't want to poach CFO Nie Caijun. He has a deputy named Zheng Xianghe, who seems to be a Chinese-American..."

"No matter what!" Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "It's all trivial!"

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