Top of the big era

Chapter 2693 Difficulty in exercising rights

In this way, statistics are very convenient. If you hold 10 million shares, you can have a wealth of more than 1 billion U.S. dollars. There should not be many such people in Ziweixing.

A very important reason is that Ziweixing and Ziweixing International were split up.

Many top executives have been assigned to Ziweixing International, and others like Chen Dong, Wang Xing, and Shi Jinglin have also branched off to start their own businesses.

If you have not worked at Ziweixing long enough and are not one of the earliest entrepreneurial veterans, it is generally difficult to own more than 10 million shares.

Soon, Nie Caijun came over with the list.

It was almost as predicted by Zhou Buqi.

There are 10 people in the $1 billion bracket, namely Zhou Buqi, Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, He Yang, Xu Liangjie, Wu Hanqing, Liu Qing, Liang Rubo, Wang Xiaochuan and Ji Zian.

There are too many in the $100 million range. Individual holdings of more than 1 million shares can reach this standard.

There are 74 people in total.

Even Shi Jinglin, Chen Dong, Tang Binchen, Wang Haiyang, Wang Haoyang, Wang Xing, Shen Xiangyang and other old employees who have left Ziweixing are also on the list.

The requirement for the $10 million tier is to hold 100,000 shares, which expands the scope to all middle-level and some grassroots employees. In the early years, Ziweixing provided a lot of options in its salary package. A newly hired undergraduate student could also get 5,000 stock options every year.

In other words, as long as you work at Ziweixing long enough, as long as you believe in the company, are willing to bet on the company's future, and are willing to exercise rights... basically everyone has a chance to reach the $10 million level.

Of course, it is not easy to achieve this.

Because Ziweixing’s enrollment expansion happened in the past five or six years. In the past few years, when options were given in large quantities, the number of employees was still relatively small. In addition, those years were in the PC Internet era. After entering the mobile Internet era, many employees could not keep up... This is not a question of whether employees are willing to stay. Many people will be laid off if they do not want to leave.

There are too many employees in the $10 million bracket, 525!

Nie Caijun didn't even make a list, he only gave such a number.

Next down is the $1 million tier.

Only 10,000 shares of stock are required.

This is more.

Even employees who have joined the company in the past few years can basically meet such standards as long as they exercise their rights on time and meet work performance standards... Nie Caijun gave an astonishing number - 3,467 people!

There are currently 12,000 people in Ziweixing.

In other words, a total of more than 4,000 people can participate in the capital feast of Ziweixing's listing. The level below 100,000 US dollars is not worth mentioning. The average employee's after-tax salary at Ziweixing can be tens of thousands of US dollars a year, which is not an opportunity to get rich.

Zhou Buqi asked: "4,000 people participated, what happened to the other 8,000 people?"

Nie Caijun sighed, "Nowadays, young people in China have more than enough to work hard, but they still don't know enough about wealth. Many people clearly have options in their hands, but they don't exercise them."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "No way? The development situation of Ziweixing is so good. If there is an opportunity to exercise options at a low price, there are still people who will miss it?"

Nie Caijun coughed and said, "The exercise price is not low. The exercise price of the latest issue has risen to US$25. One share is US$25, and 10,000 shares is US$250,000. It is difficult for ordinary people to come up with so much. money."

Zhou Buqi said: "That's also very low. The exercise price is 25 US dollars, but now that the company is going public, the conservatively estimated issue price will reach 100 US dollars."

"That's what I said, but..." Nie Caijun shook his head, "Actually, the past two years have been good. The global stock market has recovered, especially technology stocks are rising sharply. Employees are confident and are working actively. Exercise options. Especially many young people who don’t have enough money of their own borrow money from their families to exercise options. However, in just one or two years, it is difficult for them to obtain more than 10,000 shares of stock.”

"What about before?"

"Affected by the economic crisis before, many people were worried about the prospects of technology stocks, and there was also the shadow of the bubble crisis around 2000."

"Isn't that true?" Zhou Buqi frowned, "I have the impression that everyone is very optimistic about the company's future!"

Nie Caijun said: "Being optimistic about it doesn't mean you will invest, and even if you want to invest, you may not have that much money. Even if you have money, you may not choose to exercise it. In the past few years, housing prices were so low that many people raised money to buy a house. Went. Between buying a house and exercising their rights, they are more inclined to buy a house.”

"Depend on!"

Zhou Buqi didn't know what to say.

The opportunity is given, I really can’t seize it!

However, these young people cannot be blamed. In the domestic education system, there is no serious wealth education at all. Because of the lack of understanding and systematic learning of the value of wealth, it is easier to be swayed by the mainstream understanding in society.

As soon as people were mobilized and slogans were shouted, people rushed to buy houses.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It's a pity. The company should do more education and training on the concept and understanding of wealth. Why are young people anxious to buy a house? Buying a house should not be something young people do in the first place! It's not about making money. When it comes to making money, exercising your rights means fighting for the future, and buying a house means tying yourself up and restraining yourself."

Nie Caijun nodded, "There is still not enough understanding of capital in China, especially among ordinary people. During the Chinese New Year this year, I attended a middle school class reunion, and I casually said a word - financial freedom. There were people I didn’t know what this meant. They also said that I had been brainwashed by Western capital theory and should not believe in Western democracy and freedom. I didn’t want to attend the class reunion in the first place. I was forced to go there. .I will definitely not participate again in the future.”


Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth.

This is really the current situation.

To really popularize some common sense concepts in the whole society, it must be the booming development of the mobile Internet. Everyone has a smartphone, various apps and various contents... Even if a lot of it is dross and false information, it is still It plays a big role in popularizing common sense.

Now that Ziweixing is on the market, many young people lack awareness and would rather borrow money to buy a house than borrow money to exercise their rights. It will be different ten years later. Everyone has seen the magic of the capital market in the IPO process. They have all realized that this is an opportunity to get rich overnight, and they are all rushing to buy companies that have the opportunity to go public but have not yet been listed. work here.

Such as ByteDance.

One of the reasons why it has not been listed for so many years is the competition for talent. Without being listed, it can have the appeal of an "original stock", making it easier to compete.

Nie Caijun said: "This situation cannot be changed by our company with a little training. The exercise price of our stocks is relatively high, and many young employees do not have enough money in their hands, so they need to borrow money to exercise their options. Follow Who borrows? If you borrow money to buy a house, many people will borrow it. If you don’t want to buy it, at least the house is still there, just sell the house. Many people are unwilling to borrow money to buy stocks. If you borrow money from relatives and friends at home, Money, it is said, is to be exercised... It is difficult to promote it if you spend a high price to buy a few pieces of scrap paper with no apparent value. The reason why the domestic real estate market can be promoted so easily is that borrowing money to buy a house is relatively easy. easy."

Zhou Buqi said with emotion: "The listing of Ziweixing this time is of educational significance."

Nie Caijun deeply agreed, "Yes, it is very educational. At least for the Internet industry, it can change many young people's views on wealth. For today's young people, if they want to pursue financial freedom, start a business or participate in entrepreneurship, Exercising the option is almost the only way to get the original shares. Borrowing money to buy a house... is pulling leverage. The more you buy, the higher the leverage. This is not to control life, but to become a slave to life. ."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said thoughtfully: "The listing of Ziweixing this time will definitely create a wave of wealth creation myths. Many people can have unimaginable wealth overnight. You need to make arrangements here. , and did a few training courses on wealth awareness. So much money was poured down that it knocked everyone out."

Nie Caijun smiled and said: "We are already doing it. It started in March this year. Five or six issues have been opened."

"Really?" Zhou Buqi was very happy, "That's okay, I'm really afraid that spending so much money will make many young people lose their place. Not to mention these young people, Lao Zhang... is Sohu's Zhang Chaoyang, Changyou has done so well in these years, and he is also very hairy. I don’t know how many times I have educated him, but it’s all useless.”

Nie Caijun laughed.

This is not easy to evaluate.

Then, the two discussed Ziweixing’s financial report for the second quarter of this year.

This financial report is important.

It can be related to the final confirmation of the issue price of Ziweixing IPO.

Nowadays, Ziweixing not only develops its mobile business very fast, but also has strong earning power. Total revenue in the second quarter was 28.54 billion yuan, and net profit was 11.25 billion yuan.

Nie Caijun said with a smile: "This is non-capital income. We sold UC Group to Microsoft and Baidu. This kind of capital income has not yet been calculated. It will also be included in the official financial report, and it will be included in the single quarter." The profit scale can reach 8 billion US dollars, which can be more impactful."

"So much money..."

Zhou Buqi was in a daze.

He is short of money here.

They are buying antiques from the Rockefeller family, acquiring the San Francisco 49ers, and starting a new project of investing in American TV series...

He really can't afford much money. The available cash flow of family funds is only US$400 million, and the family debt has exceeded US$5 billion.

However, there is so much money in the company!

As the chief financial officer, Nie Caijun is of course the happiest. In the past few years, when the company's cash flow was at its tightest, it even had to mortgage the company's headquarters to raise funds.

It's different now.

Making money faster than printing money.

And this is only the early stage of the mobile Internet. It has just begun. Many mobile products under Ziweixing are still in the development stage and have not really started to make profits.

Many mobile products have begun to develop and make money...

Let alone making 10 billion in a quarter, Ziweixing may make 10 billion every month.

"The reserve funds in the company's accounts now exceed 40 billion yuan." Nie Caijun seemed to see something and asked carefully, "Does the company's finance side need to do some appropriate turnover?"

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Is this okay?"

Nie Caijun said: "Theoretically it's not possible."

Zhou Buqi immediately laughed angrily.

Of course this won’t work!

He had just returned from South Korea. Choi Taiyuan, the chairman of SK Group, was a negative example. He misappropriated 40 million US dollars from SK Group's account to speculate in futures, but was found out and was arrested and imprisoned.

Ziweixing is going to be listed in the United States and will be subject to the strict supervision of the US accounting system and Nasdaq, let alone do such a thing.

If Cui Taiyuan wants to use the company's money to speculate in futures, it's not impossible, so don't beat around the bush. Use the company's money to speculate in futures, and any money you make goes to the company. What Cui Taiyuan did wrong was that he transferred the company's money to his own account. The money he made from futures trading became his own, and then he transferred the company's capital back to the company's account.

The next few big projects that Ziweixing will do in the United States are theoretically unrelated to Ziweixing. It is really outrageous to misappropriate funds by relying on financial skills.

It's completely unnecessary.

Zhou Buqi is short of money now, but there is no solution. There is no need to take risks and play financial tricks. More importantly, this time Ziweixing’s IPO will issue a total of 200 million shares.

Among the 200 million shares, only 100 million new shares were added by Ziweixing, and the remaining 100 million shares were cashed out by the original shareholders.

The original shareholders, including Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Xu Liangjie, Wu Hanqing, Liu Qing, Liang Rubo, Cheng Binghao and others, will each cash out 1 million to 2 million shares.

Cash out and get the money to improve your life.

They are all executives and original shareholders of the company. If they miss this opportunity, it will not be easy to cash out in the future. Not to mention the lock-up period that lasts several years, before each cash out, a report must be made, approved by Ziweixing's board of directors, and then reported to Nasdaq for public announcement, and then the shares can be cashed out and sold.

IPO is the most convenient opportunity to cash out.

In addition, Alibaba, Goldman Sachs, Sequoia Capital, and Hony Capital will also cash out. Alibaba, in particular, holds 30 million shares of Ziweixing. This time, it will cash out 20 million shares at once, raising approximately US$2 billion.

Mainly, Alibaba is not a listed company now.

I want to acquire some PayPal shares again, and I have to find a way to raise money.

However, these are nothing.

The largest cash-out investor is Polaris Venture Capital—the nominal investment company that Zhou Buqi founded with the Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance in his early days.

Polaris Venture Capital owns 550 million shares of Ziweixing and will cash out 50 million shares this time. Calculated based on the issue price of US$100, the total value is US$5 billion.

This money will be distributed to all shareholders of Polaris Venture Capital in proportion.

That is, ten people from the Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance.

Zhou Buqi owns 55% of the shares of Polaris Venture Capital. In addition, senior sister Zhen Yu and sister Bao Shan are both family members, with a total share of 65%... which is about 3.25 billion US dollars.

Pay the 20% capital gains tax and that leaves $2.6 billion.

that's enough!

It's enough for Boss Zhou to make some new big moves in the United States. Whether it's buying a sports team, buying antiques, or doing a platter investment business, funds will be guaranteed.

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