In fact, a few months ago, when Zhou Buqi was looking for more value-added services for Xiaonei, he considered recruitment.

Recruiting via Xiaonei has many advantages.

What Guo Pengfei said just now is not completely accurate, but one idea is correct, that is, the Xiaonei network can get close to the water first, and get in touch with the best college students in the country one step ahead of time, so as to recruit them.

In addition, the employment rate of colleges and universities is the most important thing for every college and the education department every year.

If we can develop a business to help college students across the country get a job, it will not only benefit the country and the people, but it will also be more in line with Zhou Buqi's market positioning for the current Xiaonei website - catering to policies and following the main theme.

At that time, the cooperation between Xiaonei and the education department will be further deepened. This is the market monopoly under the guidance of policies, and it is even more impossible for other campus websites to defeat Xiaonei.

The cooperation between 5Q Campus Network and 51job probably has this kind of thinking in it.

But there is one problem, Zhou Buqi cannot compromise.

Websites such as 51job, Zhaopin, and ChinaHR are recruiting for all walks of life across the country.

On their website, most of the recruiting jobs require 2-3 years of work experience.

If this kind of website cooperates with Xiaonei, it will be a huge blow.

Just imagine, if college students across the country log in to the recruitment website through the school network, and most of the recruitment information they see requires 2-3 years of work experience, how can they be happy?

After a long time, maybe you will have self-doubt about the identity of college students and fresh graduates.

But in the real recruitment market, on the contrary, college students are the most popular and sought-after group.

Fresh graduates are all unpolished jade, unlike those with work experience, who have learned to steal, cheat, work, flattery and other unbearable workplace experience.

If it is some small companies, it is okay, people with work experience are more capable, and they can get started directly without training, which is more convenient to use.

It's different for big companies.

Especially for some world-class giant companies, if you want to enter such a company, you must either be an executive, or have 5-8 years of work experience, or there is only one way, and that is to apply as a freshman.

For example, Procter \u0026 Gamble Group, all employees are fresh graduates recruited from colleges and universities, cultivated by themselves, and use their own corporate culture to influence their careers. As for those people in the outside world, no matter how capable they are, P\u0026G will not want them. In their words, "They don't accept people who have been polluted by other companies."

In addition, fresh graduates are more malleable, especially fresh graduates from 985 and 211 colleges and universities have outstanding learning ability. Even if the ability is poor now, after the recruitment is over, you can learn quickly, adapt to the company environment quickly, and catch up from behind.

In addition, the sense of belonging and loyalty of fresh graduates to the company is completely different from that of social recruitment. This is their first official job in life, and it is often unforgettable.

Many companies have even specially designed promotion channels for fresh graduates, as well as a more complete training system, and even arranged workplace mentors for fresh graduates... Coupled with grand school recruitment activities, the cultivation of fresh graduates by large companies can be said to be It was a very high cost.

It is to cultivate the backbone of the direct line that truly belongs to the company.

These benefits are not available to social recruiters with 2-3 years of work experience.

Under the same circumstances, if there is a promotion opportunity, one is recruited through the recruitment of fresh graduates, and the other is recruited through social recruitment. Those who are promoted must be fresh graduates, which is a common rule in the HR departments of major companies.

Therefore, in the recruitment market, fresh graduates will never be discriminated against.

On the contrary, fresh graduates have extremely superior recruitment treatment compared to others. This is probably the most practical workplace help for students from the halo of their alma mater.

However, cooperating with websites such as 51job and Zhaopin does not reflect the sense of superiority of fresh graduates at all.

On the contrary, in the recruitment requirements of 2-3 years of work experience and 5-8 years of work experience, self-confidence will be undermined step by step. Maybe many people will abandon their studies because of this, and feel that it is more meaningful to work in factories.

Isn't this killing the flowers of the motherland?

Xiaonei has its own mission of the times and cannot do such things.

"With the expansion of colleges and universities, there are more and more negative evaluations of college students in the society. If the top students who graduated from Peking University go to sell pork, they will become the laughing stock of the whole country. What kind of values ​​are these? How absurd is this? Who stipulates that Peking University graduates Can’t sell pork anymore? And I firmly believe that Peking University graduates selling pork will be more prosperous than butchers selling pork, and the business will be better!”

" wants to help college students across the country. The first thing is to rebuild the dignity and self-confidence of college students. Who will the future of the motherland depend on? Isn't it the new generation of college students? The post-70s mocked the post-80s, the post-80s mocked the post-90s, and the post-90s After mocking the post-00s... This is an extremely wrong value orientation."

"The real reality is that the post-80s will defeat the post-70s, and the post-90s will defeat the post-80s, and the post-00s will definitely replace the social status of post-90s. The former wave will definitely be photographed on the beach by the latter wave!"

"Young people are the future and hope of the motherland."

"The recruitment requirements of 5-8 years of work experience and 2-3 years of work experience are just what the company needs for short-term development. The real long-term strategy is fresh graduates. Fresh graduates are the biggest pillars for the rise of enterprises, countries, and nations."

" will definitely carry out its own recruitment business, but our recruitment business must have a completely different idea from mainstream recruitment websites such as 51job and Zhaopin. We must highlight the sense of superiority of fresh graduates, and make sure that our recruitment is related to the motherland. This group of people in the future will be given the treatment and position they deserve.”

Guo Pengfei was quite touched by Zhou Buqi's words.

He knew that Boss Zhou had a wide vision and a large pattern.

Unexpectedly, he was so... Wei Guangzheng.

This is so incompatible with his usual behavior of flirting with pretty little girls when he has nothing to do.

After tasting it carefully, it is quite moving.

Guo Pengfei is also a college student, so he is of course willing to fight for more social status for his group.

"What type of recruitment business should we have?" Guo Pengfei asked.

"I have a little idea, but it's not very thorough."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said slowly.

This matter has never happened in the previous life.

These are all after his rebirth, standing on the land of the capital, and interacting with a group of high-level people such as President Hu, he has some insights into life.

Lacking the experience of being a human being in two lifetimes, and without the template of successful cases in the previous lifetime, everything has to be explored by himself, and the risk will naturally increase greatly.

No one knows whether his idea of ​​​​building the recruitment business is correct, and whether it can become bigger and stronger.

However, he still wanted to do it.

This is probably what is described in the Northeast dialect: "There are two moneys to show off", "There are two moneys that are not enough to show off".

When the wealth has accumulated to a certain level, you really can't just eat, drink, have fun and find women, wouldn't that become a social moth? Notorious like Wang Erdai?

Entrepreneurs with a heart, pursuit, and ambition must think about how to give back to the society after enriching their lives.

In fact, Zhou Buqi had also considered it.

With the experience of rebirth, he can completely copy the successful models of his previous life and grow step by step. Or take advantage of the bull market turmoil and financial crisis to make a lot of money.

But that doesn't mean much.

His rebirth has brought no additional development to the country, other than rising digital wealth on paper. He just took what others had done in the previous life and stole other people's wealth to himself. Use other people's money to honor your own image and play with more women.

Where is the pursuit of life?

If he just eats, drinks, has fun and chases after women, his current career is enough, and he can easily be a humanoid self-propelled gun machine, just like the second generation of Wang.

But he really didn't want to turn himself into the kind of person he hated so much in his previous life.

When the fate of rebirth comes, he will always do something useful to the society, the country, and the nation.

"Tell me?"

Guo Pengfei had long worshiped him, his eyes shining brightly.

Zhou Buqi said: "The recruitment model of websites such as 51job and is that the company publishes the recruitment information and waits for the job seekers to submit their resumes. Then HR screens the resumes, which is essentially an employment mindset. The company is Party A, and the candidates It's Party B, Party A can flip Party B's brand at will. But I said, in the future, talent is the most important thing!"

Guo Pengfei's eyes became brighter, "Do we want to be in the peak mode?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's still difficult to subvert. For well-known companies and high-quality jobs, this model naturally exists. However, we can add a new model on the basis of this model, which is for those who are the best. College students, providing services similar to headhunting."

Guo Pengfei understood immediately, "You mean to provide an exclusive job-seeking channel for those elite fresh graduates? Let them choose the company instead of letting the company choose them? acts as a headhunter, collecting the most abundant company recruitment information Provide it to college students so that they can look up the company's brand name?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and sighed: "This idea is still very rough and needs further refinement. Moreover, there are good and bad college students across the country, and not every college student is qualified to choose a company."

Guo Pengfei said with a smile: "For real talents, major companies must be flocking to them. Don't worry about that. As long as Xiaonei can discover these outstanding talents, it will be fine."

"Yeah, it's very difficult."

Zhou Buqi nodded in agreement.

He is now a student of Beike, but if you ask him, what kind of talents does Beike have in vehicle manufacturing? Who are the talents in iron and steel smelting? What kind of talents are there in economic and trade negotiations?

He doesn't know any of them.

Even he, a student of Beike, or even someone who has a well-known career in the school, doesn't know. People from the outside world, who would know?

Unearth all these buried talents and put them in front of major enterprises, so that enterprises will no longer recruit from one place to another like headless flies, which will save huge social resources.

In fact, those big companies may only have two or three recruitment places in a city.

If the Xiaonei network can find and pool outstanding college students from all over the country...then it will serve multiple purposes, which is convenient for both students and enterprises.

Large companies don't have to spend huge sums of money on school recruitment activities for two or three places, they can directly contact specific talents at home.

Use the saved funds to attack talents.

And real talents will be like the stars holding the moon, they will be actively sought after by dozens of companies, and each will propose the best career plan and training route...

They will take fewer detours in the workplace and devote more energy to contributing to the company and the country.

And I won't go abroad in despair.

This idea is still very rough and needs more time to polish.

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