Top of the big era

Chapter 2605 The sinking market of news

Zhou Buqi was not interested in the struggle in Lei Shidong's family, but he was not in a hurry to leave and stayed for a while. I just want to see what kind of chaos Redstone’s family is in, and then learn from the experience.

Watching beauties in beautiful costumes come forward to hug and kiss Mr. Redstone affectionately, and sing happy birthday to him, it really showed the reality of Hollywood in a bloody way.

It’s not easy to get to the top!

Looking at Zhang Zetian and Gu Zanli next to me, I can only sigh that their lives are good.

I met Boss Zhou.

At this time, a chubby bearded man came over and introduced himself: "Hello, Mr. Zhou, I am Sean Smith, the founder of the "Voice of Montreal" magazine."


Zhou Buqi remained unmoved and glanced at the bodyguard not far behind him.

It's almost time to show up.

Sean Smith hurriedly said: "Now our magazine has been operated digitally and has been renamed. It is called Vice, which is a news website."


Zhou Buqi became a little more interested, at least he wouldn't let the bodyguards come over to find a reason to drive him away.

Sean Smith quickly said: "Yes, the Internet. Our headquarters was originally in Montreal. After the transformation, we have moved to New York. We are developing well and have more than 30 million users. We are currently preparing to launch Series A financing. "

"News website?"


"Sorry, I already have Yahoo."

Zhou Buqi shook his head.

I have no idea of ​​investing at all.

Sean Smith wanted to get closer to Boss Zhou and did not want to miss this opportunity. He said anxiously: "Many institutions have valued us at US$1.5 billion. If you are willing to participate, we are willing to cooperate with you at a lower price. "

"$1.5 billion?"

Zhou Buqi was slightly surprised, his expression full of suspicion.

Not a liar, right?

How can a crappy news website I’ve never heard of be worth so much money?

Sean Smith said: "It's true. Many big institutions and big capital have already contacted us. If..."

Zhou Buqi interrupted him rudely, "I repeat, I already have Yahoo."

"Mr. Zhou, this is not contradictory!"


"Yahoo's audience is Manhattan, Vice's headquarters is in Brooklyn."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows and became really curious.

Yahoo's users are basically social elites, mainly white-collar workers working in Manhattan office buildings. Compared with "Manhattan" which represents the elite, "Brooklyn" is a place for poor boys.

Sean Smith said with a smile: "Everyone says that Vice is the 'hippie bible.' Although it is all about news content, Vice is more aimed at civilian culture."

Zhou Buqi said: "A sinking market?"

Shane Smith was very happy, "Yes, the sinking market. We have a slogan called 'The world is sinking and we are carnivaling'. This is the purpose of our website. Although they are all content, Vice and Yahoo have obvious differences Differentiation. If you invest in Vice, it will complement Yahoo in terms of business."


Zhou Buqi pondered.

Sean Smith felt that an opportunity had come, and struck while the iron was hot and said: "Mr. Zhou, I think we should pay attention to the sinking market. The Internet has been democratized and is no longer just a tool for social elites, but..."

Zhou Buqi smiled and waved his hand, "Mr. Smith, your proposal is very good and I appreciate it. However, Yahoo is undergoing a transformation and downward trend recently. Are you paying attention?"

"This..." Sean Smith coughed, "If possible, Yahoo can also launch in-depth cooperation with Vice. Mr. Zhou, believe me, Vice has a group of loyal users, and we will not disappoint you. ."

"Okay, I'll pass it on to the Yahoo team."

Zhou Buqi gave a vague and perfunctory answer.

There are many smart people.

When an opportunity arises, there will always be many people who notice it and rush forward quickly.

Last year, Zhou Buqi took the lead in acquiring Yahoo, but he was actually eyeing a sinking market. So after completing the acquisition of Yahoo, Zheng Xiaoli was transferred from China and asked to preside over the mobile business of Yahoo News.

The main thing is to develop the sinking market.

In any society, there is often a "28-20 split", with elites accounting for only 20% and sinking users as many as 80%. If Yahoo wants to expand its scale, it cannot just focus on the 20% elite group, but also needs to develop into larger sinking markets.

News for the sinking market does not need to be so sophisticated or highly professional. The most important thing is to focus on entertainment and gossip. It must brush aside pornography, gambling, and drugs. It must create conflicts, guide emotions, and make a big splash. Conspiracy theories, spreading rumors to stir up trouble, and hating officials and wealthy people are also great weapons.

This means that these news are very cheap.

Can be produced at low cost.

Then target a huge user base to create huge benefits.

Serious news is too expensive and has a small audience. It is almost impossible to develop serious news just by selling advertising. Major newspapers such as the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times have their own apps, which are not free. The monthly subscription fee is more than ten dollars, which is much higher than the membership fees of Netflix and Spotify.

Not surprisingly, "Visa for Life" won the Palme d'Or.

Zhou Buqi waited one more day in Los Angeles.

I plan to chat with Director Ann Lee again.

Advise him.

Don't mess around!

He was originally a world-class director, but he was throwing away his chances by tossing and turning over and over again. If you are best at making feature films, then just make good feature films.

Just like Martin Scorsese, even if he only makes one type of film in his whole life, he is still a well-deserved film master.

Not everyone has Spielberg's talent and can make any type of movie with ease.

I thought it would be easier.

But in fact, it is the same wherever Boss Zhou is. As long as he is in the office, there will always be someone looking for him.

First, Kilar said that there is a game company called Embrace that wants to buy the game copyright of "Lord of the Rings". Do you want to sell it?

This is a small matter.

As CEO, he can make his own decisions.

But there is Changyou behind the big boss.

There is nepotism.

We cannot easily authorize important copyrights to outsiders, it must be decided by the big boss.

Zhou Buqi didn't agree, so he left it alone for now!

At that time, Tolkien was so poor that he sold the copyrights of both "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" to MGM. What he sold was the full copyright.

Today, this has become a cornucopia of MGM.

Not to mention anything else, the annual royalties from the novel alone, after deducting the 7.5% share given to Tolkien, still leave more than 4 million US dollars.

For a masterpiece of this level, the copyright cannot be easily transferred to others. When Changyou slowly grows and has a larger team, it will definitely take action on this series.

The second thing is Marvel CEO Kevin Feige.

After last year's "Avengers" swept the world and created an astonishing box office of 1.66 billion US dollars, sweeping away the haze of the global film market, he is now preparing for "Avengers 2".

However, under the leadership of Boss Zhou, "Avengers 2" must have certain Korean elements. It will go to South Korea to shoot several scenes and involve Korean actors.

To this end, it can get a sponsorship of US$5 million from the Korean Film Development Foundation.

Don’t give up free money.

So the question is, which Korean actor to choose?

Forget it about actors.

Kevin Feige said that he lacked a certain appreciation of Korean actresses and wanted to ask Boss Zhou to help him figure out who would be more suitable.

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