Top of the big era

Chapter 260 Two Contracts

Zhou Buqi does variety shows, making money is secondary, the main reason is to improve his industrial ecological chain.

The Internet market in the future will be a combination of online and offline, and a new upgrade to traditional industries.

The earlier the layout, the higher the income, the better the effect will be shown in the future, and it can form a crushing advantage over the peers.

It is a strategic investment.

"Run, Brother" is just the beginning.

However, there is no rush for this matter, there needs to be a complete preparation period, and the TV station needs to approve and hold discussions at various levels. At the earliest, the recording will start in April next year, and the broadcast will start at the end of May.

It is impossible for Zhou Buqi to come to the front line in person, he just needs to raise an idea.

Next, there are two signings.

The first thing is that after some minor accidents, and Xiaonei still signed a contract with Panda Electronics.

Spend 100 million yuan to buy 530,000 mobile phones in stock from Panda Electronics.

There are a total of 5 models of mobile phones, all of which have been registered on JD Multimedia Network.

So far, JD Multimedia has launched domestic mobile phones again.

They are——

Panda X60, with more than 90,000 units in stock, the market price is 2150 yuan, and the Jingdong price is 1650 yuan;

Panda X39, with more than 140,000 units in stock, is priced at 1,850 yuan on the market, and 1,350 yuan on;

Panda T160, with more than 120,000 units in stock, the market price is 3150 yuan, and the Jingdong price is 2450 yuan;

Panda PHS008A+, with more than 60,000 units in stock, the market price is 650 yuan, and the Jingdong price is 450 yuan;

Panda M28 (modeled in December 2004), with more than 110,000 units in stock, is priced at 1,650 yuan on the market, and 1,050 yuan on

This price is not as cheap as the group purchase price on, but compared with the mobile phones in physical stores, it is still much more affordable.

In fact, as early as half a month ago, the two parties reached a cooperation agreement.

However, Panda Mobile is a member of the Mobile Phone Industry Association and is bound by the ban. So when the industry alliance heard that Panda Electronics was going to supply and, it was shocked and immediately sent people to negotiate.

Panda Electronics was once under a lot of pressure and almost terminated the agreement.

However, the panda mobile phone has reached the imminent moment.

To suspend cooperation is to wait for death.

After struggling for half a month, I finally made up my mind to cooperate with and

Also, this isn't a one-off collaboration.

Panda mobile phones will continue to launch new models, and by then... Panda mobile phones are likely to give up most of the offline market, mainly online direct sales.

No way, it is true that Panda Electronics is a big business, but the power of the industry association is even stronger.

It is no longer possible for Panda mobile phones to supply dealers and major shopping malls across the country as before. It can only be sold in some areas with stores that have established cooperative relationships for many years.

Then focus on online.

This is good news.

The second signing is the acquisition of Dongfang Weidian.

This is the big show, the highlight.

Since then, Ziweixing Technology has added a heavyweight business - network security.

Ji Zian took up his post and became the new general manager of Dongfang Weidian.

The original Yian Technology team led by Wu Hanqing was also successfully merged into the Oriental Micropoint, and cooperated with Micropoint Antivirus to develop Micropoint Security Guard.

Determined to remove all rogue software, plug-ins and Trojan horse programs with backdoors on the market.

Also a healthy and good Internet environment for the people of the whole country.

It's exhilarating to think about.

However, as soon as the news of Ziweixing Technology's acquisition of Dongfang Weidian came out, the security circle immediately exploded.

Rising even sent a stern warning letter to Xiaonei.

It means that Micropoint Antivirus has illegally used multiple patents belonging to Rising, and if it is forced to go public, it will definitely be prosecuted. Moreover, Dongfang Micropoint is also suspected of manufacturing and disseminating network viruses, causing huge economic losses to many companies. The police are still investigating this matter, you college students are ignorant, don't get involved blindly.

Not to mention Rising, even Lei Jun called Zhou Buqi himself.

"Xiao Zhou, you bought Dongfang Weidian?"

Lei Jun's voice revealed unconcealable astonishment, and even a bit of dissatisfaction.

At this time, Zhou Buqi was drinking tea in Liu Qiangdong's office. When he received this call, he was very unhappy, and said lightly, "Yes, is there a problem?"

Lei Jun seemed to care about him very much, and warned him earnestly and earnestly with the gesture of a senior: "Xiao Zhou, the matter of Dongfang Weidian is very complicated!"

"I know, it's just involved in the case."

"Then you still dare to participate?"

"Mr. Lei, your source of information may be a little behind. I was able to buy Dongfang Weidian. Of course, the misunderstanding has been clarified and the case has been closed."


Lei Jun was silent for a while, pondering over his words.

As a person in the circle, he had heard about Dongfang Weidian's incident a long time ago, and he sympathized with it, but he would not participate. For this kind of thing, he can try his best not to do evil, but saving people is unnecessary.

In any case, Micropoint Antivirus can be regarded as a competitor of Kingsoft Antivirus.

But it never occurred to me that a college student would dare to wade into such muddy water.

Courage is fat enough!

Not to mention, this kid actually managed to do it.

After a while, Lei Jun couldn't suppress his shock, and asked, "Xiao Zhou, what happened to Dongfang settled it?"

"Believe in judicial justice, Dongfang Weidian is innocent."

Zhou Buqi replied vaguely, which was a tacit agreement.

Lei Jun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "So, are you going to enter the antivirus software market?"



"The antivirus software market is too chaotic. Rising even sent us a warning, saying that Weidian Antivirus is suspected of using the patented technology of Rising Antivirus. I am in a formal business, and I will not do anything illegal."

Zhou Buqi said righteous words.

Lei Jun didn't believe a word.

The biggest asset of Dongfang Micropoint is Micropoint antivirus. If you don’t enter the antivirus market, why should you buy Dongfang Micropoint? What about playing around? !

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "Nowadays Internet users basically play games and chat on QQ online, and they have too little knowledge of the Internet. The antivirus software in the world includes Kingsoft Antivirus, Rising Antivirus, Kaspersky, and WeChat. It’s too cumbersome to operate anti-virus. Let alone ordinary people, even if I use it, it will take a while to study.”

Lei Jun asked, "Then what do you mean?"

"Do you know 5Q Campus Internet Cafe?"

"The one that was just acquired by Thousand Oaks Interactive?"

"Yes, that's the one." Zhou Buqi sighed, complaining, "Qianoak Interactive is a big company, with annual revenue of several hundred million. The big boss Chen Yizhou is also the number one person on campus social networking in China. He founded it many years ago. After Chinaren, I am under a lot of pressure now!"

Lei Jun couldn't help laughing, "Are you still afraid?"

"Of course I'm afraid." Zhou Buqi snorted, and said coldly, "Xiaonei is my base camp, and Qiano Interactive wants to blow up my base camp, do you think I can bear it?"

Lei Jun said in disbelief: "You bought Dongfang Weidian to deal with Thousand Oaks Interactive?"

"That's right!"

"How to deal with it?"

"The biggest profit point of Thousand Oaks Interactive is the two rogue software dudu and dmcast, which forcefully push advertisements to users and earn huge advertising fees. What I want to do is not anti-virus software, but a product that kills rogue software. Thousand Oaks If Oak Interactive dares to attack my base camp, I will cut off his old tree roots!"

Zhou Buqi was murderous, and he made no secret of his revenge.

Lei Jun was silent for a long time, and couldn't help asking again: "Xiao Zhou, tell me the truth, you really don't plan to do anti-virus?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What should I do? is still promoting Kingsoft Antivirus. Mr. Lei, please relax and don't feel pressured. Kingsoft's opponent is not Ziweixing."

"Okay, that's it, I wish you success."


After the call ended, Zhou Buqi curled his lips again and again.

Liu Qiangdong looked at him intently, "You didn't tell the truth, did you?"

Zhou Buqi stretched his waist, and said lightly: "Why tell the truth to him? What he did in Dongfang Weidian was dishonest, and he was suspected of helping the evildoers. Besides, everyone will make anti-virus software in the future, just Competitors are gone, so there is no need to actually pay."

Liu Qiangdong shook his head and persuaded him: "He is the general manager of Jinshan in his twenties, and he has much more experience than us. Don't play tricks with such a person."

"That's right, you're right, he probably knows that I'm lying to him." Zhou Buqi laughed, and then his face changed, and he said arrogantly: "But it doesn't matter, if you know it, you know it. An upright battlefield Order troops, he is not my opponent!"


"He is passive defense, I am active defense; he is paid antivirus, I am free software; he is a software company with traditional thinking, and I am an Internet company in the new era. From any point of view, he has no possibility of winning at all. .”

"How does free antivirus make money?"

Liu Qiangdong asked a question, his expression was modest, and he meant to learn from the past.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said: "Let's not think about profit for now, let's talk about the product first. The biggest difference between Internet thinking and traditional thinking is that the Internet first captures users, provides the best service, and then thinks about making money; The traditional way of thinking is to first consider making money and surviving, and then continue to improve products and serve users. The former is burning money, but it is easier to become bigger and stronger, and then consider realizing it after having a huge user base. The latter is stable , does not require additional financing, and develops slowly.”

Liu Qiangdong thought it was right, and then said with a smile: " is going to start financing."

"Oh? Good thing, what's the valuation?"

"I don't know, I won't talk about it if it's less than 200 million U.S. dollars."


Zhou Buqi couldn't help but calculate.

Polaris Venture Capital owns 25% of's shares. If the valuation is 200 million U.S. dollars... that's 50 million U.S. dollars, which is more than 400 million yuan in Huaxia coins!

It's such a comfortable money to earn.

Sure enough, it is what the capital circles say is good, only small businesses and hawkers sell products, and big businessmen buy and sell shares.

"By the way, how is the member purchase test going?"

"It should be okay, it will definitely be launched on JD Multimedia this month."

"Cough...Brother Qiang, let me give you a suggestion, change the name. What Jingdong Multimedia Network? It's nondescript, since it's an e-commerce company, let's just call it Jingdong Mall!"

"Jingdong Mall……"

Liu Qiangdong has gained weight in the past two months, his face is chubby, after a while, he smiled and said, "I think it's okay."

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