Top of the big era

Chapter 2596 Get the copyright first

The "Assassin's Creed" movie series is a grand plan for Ubisoft.

"X-Men" can be made into a series of movies, why not "Assassin's Creed"? In terms of story alone, "Assassin's Creed" is much better than the messy and illogical "X-Men" comics.

Now, Boss Zhou has agreed to let Universal Pictures come forward to help them make movies. This is undoubtedly the biggest favor for Ubisoft.

The next cooperation will be a matter of course.

In fact, there is a larger hidden element.

They are both French companies. Vivendi has been coveting Ubisoft for many years and has quietly bought a lot of shares. Now that Ubisoft's stock price has plummeted, Vivendi may launch a vicious acquisition at any time and privatize Ubisoft.

This scares Ubisoft.

It also worries game fans around the world.

The media giant Vivendi is a game graveyard. It has ruined many excellent game companies. Its reputation is even worse than that of EA.

The most distressing case was Vivendi's acquisition of Blizzard a few years ago.

Then Blizzard encountered a series of troubles.

Fortunately, Blizzard's management and employees rebelled internally, carried out some operations, and successfully separated from Vivendi, merged with Activision, and formed Activision Blizzard to be listed separately.

There are too many negative cases.

Ubisoft said there was nothing it could do to let Vivendi take control.

what to do?

The best way is to introduce other shareholders to dilute Vivendi's shares.

In a previous life, Ubisoft even approached Penguin for help in order to solve this dilemma. This life is completely unnecessary. Is there anyone with thicker thighs than Boss Zhou?

Zhou Buqi only said one sentence, "Weixing International invested 300 million euros, holds 10% of Ubisoft's shares, and has a director seat on the board of directors."

Mr. Guillermotte is the founder, chairman and CEO of Ubisoft, and he has more say. He immediately approved the plan, "I will deal with the board of directors! I can give a reply within three days at the fastest! If they don't Promise, I will no longer be the CEO!”

As for the membership service that Steam will launch next, this will be even easier.

Give some outdated games a new exposure to the market.

This is equivalent to creating a new business growth point for Ubisoft, and there is no reason not to agree.

At noon, Zhou Buqi accepted Guillermotte's hospitality and had lunch in Rennes.

Rennes is special here.

France is most famous for its wine, which is world-renowned. But wine is not popular here in Rennes. What is popular here is cider, which is made according to the process of making wine.

When I drink tastes really fresh, but the tannins are a bit strong.

During lunch, Mr. Guillermotte focused on the hateful Vivendi and wanted to scold their eight generations of ancestors.

Zhou Buqi also has a common language on this topic.

Universal Pictures was once bought by Vivendi.

Yes, Universal Pictures and Blizzard used to be one family.

Fortunately, after some operations later, Blizzard became independent, and Universal Pictures was also acquired by Zhou Buqi. However, another core asset, Universal Music, is still in the hands of Vivendi, which is unwilling to sell it life or death.

There was no other choice. In order to fill the gap in the music industry, Zhou Buqi had no choice but to go to the UK and acquire EMI Records.

Zhou Buqi also made a solemn promise, "As long as I am here, Ubisoft will never be hostilely acquired by Vivendi!"

After lunch, Zhou Buqi and his party set off for London.

Joel Hart will discuss with them specific cooperation plans for Steam membership packages and exclusive modes. We need to make this case into a template and then promote it to more game manufacturers.

"Hey, let me go. I almost cursed someone during dinner!"

After getting on the plane, Zhou Buqi couldn't help but complain.

Sun Wanran was accompanying him. There were only two of them. He was more casual and said with a smile: "What's wrong? I saw that you were very happy during the meal. Guillermotte's beautiful female assistant was making flirtatious looks one after another. I’m going to Wushan Yunyu with you!”

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "That's her!"

"What's up with her?"

"Under the table, she hooked me with her feet."


Sun Wanran was shocked.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Oh, luckily I have strong determination, otherwise I must have fallen into their beauty trap!"

Sun Wanran laughed and said: "I want to date you, so there is no honey trap. Mr. Guillermotte's cooperation intention is so sincere. If he has any thoughts, it is his female assistant who has some personal thoughts about you."

"Yes, I was really afraid that she would get under the table and crawl over to eat me without eating. Then I would really not be able to get off the table." Zhou Buqi still looked frightened, "It's too scary, look. The look in her eyes makes her want to eat me."

Sun Wanran rolled his eyes, thinking that you have grown up a bit in the past few years and have become relatively mature.

A few years ago.

Today's flight will definitely have to be rescheduled, so I can't guarantee that I will drag the beautiful French female assistant to the hotel to have sex in the afternoon.

Faced with a honey trap, what Zhou is best at is taking advantage of the trap.

Nowadays, I see more beautiful women and play with them more. When I encounter similar situations, I have indeed made great progress.

Sun Wanran thought of something, "By the way, do you really want to cooperate with them to make "Assassin's Creed"?"


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Sun Wanran said strangely: "Aren't you not optimistic about it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm not very optimistic about it. The greater their ambition, the lower the probability of a successful movie adaptation, and they will definitely lose money in the end."

Sun Wanran tilted her head and looked at him, "Then you want Universal Pictures to come forward to participate in this project? Go and introduce it to your peers. Blizzard's "Warcraft" was also developed over and over again, but no one wanted it, and finally Legendary Pictures took over. "

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Universal Pictures is a Hollywood giant. It can't lose money on itself. At most, it just formed an extra team and wasted some energy."

"What's the meaning?"

"In terms of financing, Universal Pictures won't provide any money...or just a small part of the money. This is Ubisoft's project, and they will definitely get the majority of the production fee. If we find some other investment institutions to participate, the risk will be It’s resolved. The distribution channel is in the hands of Universal Pictures again, and the income from distribution is enough to make up for the loss in content. Other investors can lose money, but Universal Pictures cannot.”

"Yes, there is also copyright."

Sun Wanran blinked his eyes, which were shining brightly.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, the copyright will eventually fall into the hands of Universal Pictures. This movie may not have much success in the market, but it can still be very attractive when placed on a streaming media platform. "

If you want to cooperate with Hollywood giants, you must accept the overlord's terms.

I want Universal Pictures to produce this movie... Hum, even if Universal Pictures only invests 10%, it still needs to have 100% copyright control.

Universal Pictures and Ubisoft are cooperating to make the "Assassin's Creed" movie. If they want to make a second movie in the future... then Universal Pictures also has the right to speak. If Universal Pictures doesn't want to make it, Ubisoft can't do it unilaterally. start up.

Just like the "007" series.

This is a British film series, telling the story of a British secret agent. During production, the British company approached United Artists Pictures, one of the eight major Hollywood studios, to cooperate. As a result of this cooperation, the British film company suffered heavy losses, and the copyright fell into the hands of United Artists.

Later, MGM acquired United Artists.

Later, MSI Universal acquired MGM.

"007" has become the trump card series in the hands of Boss Zhou.

Zhou Buqi is not optimistic about "Assassin's Creed".

However, it doesn't necessarily mean it won't work.

In the previous life of "Assassin's Creed," Ubisoft collaborated with 20th Century Fox to produce this movie. Twentieth Century Fox's production capabilities are obviously not as strong as Universal Pictures.

Maybe the producers at Universal Pictures have excellent standards, and after some exquisite design and marketing operations, they can really make this project come true...

No matter what, "Assassin's Creed" is a very strong brand and one of the most well-known game brands in Europe.

Let’s get the film and television rights first!

If the movie doesn’t get made, that’s okay!

After the streaming media platform is launched, it will be possible to produce the entire series of American TV series "Assassin's Creed".

If it were made into an American TV series, it would have more time to tell the story and more elements and characters to foreshadow. Then the complex story and grand narrative of "Assassin's Creed" could be fully reflected in the picture. Once it is presented, there is a great possibility of success.

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