Top of the big era

Chapter 2592 Traffic Movie

Zhou Buqi mainly expounded a concept, constructed a blueprint, and drew a big pie.

The specific implementation remains to be discussed.

After the cocktail party, he called the two company vice presidents present, Joshua Carey and Andy Hopkins, to further explain the idea of ​​​​the matter.

"The data from Netflix has proven that although many movies have poor box office and DVD sales, they still have a large audience. This requires scientific algorithms."

Zhou Buqi originally wanted to say some traffic thinking.

But both of them are making movies, so they are probably playing the piano to each other.

Whether it is Netflix or the streaming media platform that Ziweixing Global will launch in the future, these are long-form video platforms, mainly based on members’ subscription income.

Capturing traffic is what this type of website should pay most attention to.

Content is king.

Content that can capture traffic is the king of kings.

If a product like Netflix is ​​not open to the public for free, traffic will be very low. Only when the traffic is high can we attract more people and obtain more paying users.

How to get higher traffic?

This requires external cooperation.

By cooperating with high-traffic platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Helo, Yahoo, and AOL, we can display enough Netflix content with gimmicks and attractiveness through these platforms.

This completes the diversion of Netflix.

If you want to create a gimmick, you must have a sense of freshness.

Unless it is a film and television work of the level of "The Godfather" or "Titanic", it can last forever, never become outdated, and can always become the biggest gimmick to attract traffic.

Most old movies don't have this kind of magic.

Once you’ve seen it, you’ve seen it.

I haven’t even watched it, because many people will lose interest as they get older.

Even more attractive is the unknown world.

It's a new movie!

Even if the new movie is bad, but it is unknown, it can arouse the curiosity of the audience, so they subscribe to the membership and want to see the whole thing.

If it were a film with gray edges such as pornography, gambling, drugs, violence, religion, ethics, etc., it would be more attractive and more gimmicky.

Hollywood commercial blockbusters must be at least PG13, which can only be watched by 13-year-old children. It is difficult to meet these factors.

If you want to display these elements that reflect the underlying needs of human nature, the best way is to wear the cloak of "art."

Art is always avant-garde, thrilling, and jaw-dropping.

Just like the two movies "Destiny" and "Adele's Life" that Zhou Buqi came to watch this time, regardless of how well the movies were shot, cutting out some of the shocking shots and posting them on social networks can create It is as popular and popular as a Hollywood blockbuster.

But the cost is different.

The cost of a Hollywood blockbuster is US$200 million, and the cost of an art film...€2 million is considered a huge budget.

So why focus on European movies?

First of all, Ziweixing Global has already solved the film industry in the United States, China, Japan and South Korea, and Europe is the last piece of the puzzle.

The second is the consideration of cost.

This year, Netflix’s board of directors approved this year’s budget plan, which includes US$2.05 billion in investment in self-produced dramas.

And this budget will increase dramatically every year.

As a streaming media platform in the future, MSI Global cannot compete head-on with Netflix in terms of self-produced dramas, even if it can compete, it cannot compete. For Zhou Buqi, isn't this a fight between the left hand and the right hand?

So what he has to do is supplement the business.

By doing something that Netflix has not done, growing together through mutual business complementarity, and engaging in as little direct competition as possible.

European art cinema is the solution.

However, these traffic thinking are not very reliable for these filmmakers.

I'd better write an email later and explain the matter to CEO Jason Kilar.

Zhou Buqi said: "We want to help these European filmmakers for three main purposes. First, to solve the channel problems for art films that are struggling to survive. This is the responsibility of Ziweixing Universal; second, we should fully We will fully leverage the channel advantages that only Hollywood giants have, as well as the influence formed by our current great success in content, to complete our dominance of the European film market."

Andy Hopkins is an executive promoted by Zhou Buqi.

At the beginning, he was just the leader of the purchasing department.

In recent years, due to strategic tilt, Ziweixing Global has spent tens of billions of dollars to purchase film and television rights around the world. As the project leader, he has grown rapidly and is already the company's vice president.

Andy smiled and said: "Not only the dominance of the market, but also the dominance of film talent."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, no matter what business you are doing, talent is always more important than the market. With talent, there will be a market. If there is a market but no talent, the existing market will be gained and lost."

Andy said: "I think this idea is very good. It can light up a light for these European filmmakers who are frustrated or even have difficulty surviving, and create hope for these lost filmmakers to look for lighthouses and find light."

Zhou Buqi laughed dumbly.

This is one of Andy's characteristics. His copyright procurement goes smoothly. The most important thing is that he is eloquent, eloquent and has high emotional intelligence.

Zhou Buqi continued: "The third point is particularly important. In the past two or three years, Ziweixing Global has been particularly outstanding in the field of commercial blockbusters. We account for half of the film industry. However, with more profits, criticism has also come. . Many people say that Ziweixing Universal is making capital movies, and everything is centered on making money. It has produced many movies that are not movies to collect box office, which will lead the movie industry in the wrong direction. This has caused harm to the company's brand This huge influence has also made many successful and famous producers and directors be particularly cautious when cooperating with us, for fear that our commercial scissors will interfere with their creations. Ziweixing Universal must be in the field of independent films and art films. It will make a major breakthrough in the field, restore its reputation, and let filmmakers around the world have a correct understanding of Ziweixing Global! We are not a company that makes money by making special effects popcorn movies, we are a company that has the highest pursuit of film art."

Andy added: "Another point is that we can purchase film and television copyrights in the upstream of the industry chain. With the rise of the streaming media industry, the price of global film and television copyrights has increased significantly. If we purchase copyrights in the downstream of the channel, the cost It’s just too high.”

Zhou Buqi praised: "That's right! That's the idea!"

Andy was encouraged and said: "I think we should start an investment fund for art films. The company will invest US$200 million every year to support the development of art films. In fact, it is to participate in the early projects of European art films. , obtain the copyright through upstream.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "How much does a European art film cost?"

Andy smiled and said: "Very few. The average cost of each film is about 1 million euros. With 200 million US dollars, we can almost sponsor 200 art films every year."

Netflix has invested US$2 billion in self-produced dramas this year, and plans to produce 15 TV series and 5 movies.

But if you cooperate with European filmmakers, you can get almost 200 new movies with US$200 million!

This input-output ratio is so gratifying.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, there can be various ways of cooperation. It doesn't have to be an investment model, it can also be a buyout. For example, if a director comes over with a project, we can provide 1 million for the project. With a budget of 500,000 euros and a salary of 500,000 euros, the director can make the film he wants without any interference. It can also be a cooperative production with a budget of 1 million euros. All box office profits belong to the director, and subsequent profits belong to us; It can also be a share-sharing system, and the revenue will be divided according to the number of on-demand views on the streaming media platform after the film is completed. The specific plan will be discussed later. "


Andy Hopkins was very moved.

He is vice president for purchasing.

But now the copyright purchasing business no longer has a strategic tilt, and the copyright prices for new films on the market are too expensive.

This is a new business developed by Boss Zhou.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "You are responsible for this."

Andy took a deep breath and immediately cheered up, "Okay! I promise to complete the task!"

Joshua is a little worried, "The number of movies produced in Europe every year may reach 10,000. The budget of US$200 million means that we can only participate in 200 of them."

Zhou Buqi said: "So we have to focus on something, and we have to grasp a general direction. We need to have the traffic thinking of the Internet. Those dramas that depict the elderly are meaningless. Films like "Adele's Life" that depict young people are boring. People...especially movies about beautiful girls having sex scenes should be the focus."


Joshua was stunned.

Depend on!

How can this be said to be artistic?

It was a good thing at first, but after hearing what the big boss said, it suddenly seemed vulgar.

Zhou Buqi said: "Streaming media is an Internet platform, so we must understand the idea of ​​​​the Internet. I have written two books on the Internet. I will organize the management later, and together with Kilar, we will work together to develop the idea of ​​​​this traffic movie. Let me summarize."

Andy Hopkins is already half a direct descendant, "Well, it should be. We have to support art films, but we have to support the art films that we need."

Joshua hesitated and shook his head, "In fact, most European movies have nudity scenes. However, the market performance is not that good. After many large-scale movies are produced, there will still be no market. People care.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is the advantage of the streaming media platform, it is a membership subscription system."


“The monthly membership system will provide users with more choices than the single product purchase system!”

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