Top of the big era

Chapter 2590 Creating a new era of movies

The film industry is nothing like the commercial market, especially art films, like Chief Giacomo's films, where the lens language and performance form are particularly casual.

If you have a weak understanding of film majors, you may feel that Chief Jia’s film techniques are not good enough, and the images, shots, and performances are not precise enough. It's not like a Hollywood blockbuster, every picture is so pleasing to the eye, like stepping on the aesthetics of every viewer.

But in fact, Section Chief Jia is a school of neorealism.

Just like the Salon School, some paintings look like photographs and are perfect.

But what's the point?

It’s just a shallow layer without a sublimated theme.

The chaotic and foggy styles of Impressionism and Postmodernism are far away from the public, but they have gradually become the consensus of artists.

In short, it is more "casual" in art films.

A Hollywood blockbuster requires an investment of US$200 million. Such a large-scale production requires huge risks. Once it fails... the producer and director may lose their jobs, and the vice president of project approval may be fired. , the male protagonist of the movie will also encounter career failure.

Who dares to be casual about such a big commercial project?

It all has to be about excellence.

In this kind of project, there are almost no unspoken rules. They all choose the most suitable actors to perform and strive to achieve the best effect. If the most suitable actor is not available, the film may be delayed for 2-3 years before restarting.

Don't dare to relax at all.

Art films are different.

The same heroine can be picked over and over again... In fact, they are all the same. Different actors have different styles. This kind of movie has no fixed framework and structure. Wang Jiawei even writes the script while filming the movie. His main purpose is to adjust the chemical reaction in the movie and adjust the plot according to the actor's performance, so as to combine the plot, technique, picture, rhythm and The performances combine and then come together to create a work.

This leaves enough room for casting in literary and artistic films.

Therefore, low-budget movies and literary movies are often areas where hidden rules are most common.

The so-called unspoken rules do not necessarily have to be relationships between men and women.

There are also human connections.

For example, at the outdoor cocktail party at the Cannes seaside hotel tonight, Zhou Buqi saw Léa Seydoux, another heroine of "The Life of Adele".

We met while wearing clothes, but Zhou Buqi still recognized her at a glance.

Because she has acted in many Hollywood movies in later generations, she is relatively famous.

Zhou Buqi is quite strange.

The more outstanding person in "The Life of Adele" is obviously Adele, but after the success of the movie, it was Léa Seydoux who seized the opportunity and gained the favor of Hollywood and got so many acting opportunities.

After a few words of conversation, Léa Seydoux introduced herself to the family.

It turns out to be a related account!

Moreover, he has a close relationship with Zhou Buqi.

Léa Seydoux comes from a film family, and her grandfather was once the boss of EMI Pictures. EMI Pictures was once Europe's largest film company and had a music division called EMI Records.

Later, when Hollywood came to dominate the world, European films declined, including EMI.

On the other hand, backed by strong European music, EMI Records, which was spun off from EMI Pictures, is getting better and better and has become a world-class record company.

A few years ago, due to some capital operations by Zhou Buqi, it was acquired by Ziweixing Global.

The Seydoux family are all involved in movies and have many connections.

This provided many conveniences for her career development.

Zhou Buqi naturally understood what she meant after hearing her talk, and said with a smile: "Universal Pictures has many good projects, and maybe there is a role suitable for you."

Léa Seydoux pursed her lips and smiled, glanced in the direction of the hotel upstairs, and whispered: "Sir, I have a room upstairs. Do you want to have a drink?"

Zhou Buqi was very emotional. As expected, he came from a big family. He was really well-educated, sensible and polite, and could not be compared to those from a small family.

However, he did not come to Cannes to hunt.

This is business.

Some heavyweights came to Ziweixing Global, including the presidents of the film department and copyright purchasing department. They mainly wanted to do something around European films.

The world's richest man has a lot of face.

After a while, everyone gathered together.

There is no stage.

Zhou Buqi stood in the middle, and the other filmmakers surrounded him on three levels inside and outside. "I am a senior movie fan. I have watched at least 1,000 movies, but now I am getting less and less interested." I like watching Hollywood movies. When I came to Cannes this time, I watched two movies, "Destiny" and "Adele's Life", which made me obsessed."

After a pause, Zhou Buqi continued: "This time I came with Universal Pictures' participating film "Life Visa", but this is not the main purpose. I am trying to establish a relationship with European films and find The possibility of diversified development of the film industry. A monopoly in Hollywood does not do the film any good."

At this time, an unknown bearded man suddenly interrupted very rudely, "Special effects movies are not movies, comic movies are more like children's TV series."

Most of the people present were European filmmakers.

There was a roar of laughter.

Somewhat mocking.

It’s not about mocking Zhou Buqi, but it’s about mocking Hollywood’s extreme film business.

Originally, the United States was a cultural desert, and its movies lacked artistry. Now that the superhero comic book movie trend has emerged, it is simply in free fall.

Little did they know that special effects movies were promoted by Boss Zhou and have become the hottest blockbuster trend in Hollywood.

Zhou Buqi pretended not to hear. Without personality, he is no longer an artist. He smiled and said, "So this industry needs more artistic displays and more artists like you."

Only then did the taste of everyone’s smiles change.

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "I know that it is difficult to make independent films and art films. This is a too niche market and there are too many uncertainties in channels. Even many excellent art films will end up being affected by the market. Suffering failure. If a movie fails, it will be difficult to get investment for the next movie. The market is cruel. The market does not look at the content but only the results. This is very unfair to artistic works."

This statement is more likely to resonate with everyone.

There are also some people who look a little confused.

For example, Chief Jia.

English is too poor.

I didn't understand what Mr. Zhou was talking about, so it was a bit embarrassing to stand smoking at a distance.

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Van Gogh is the greatest painter, but when he was alive, the world did not understand his works. This is the tragedy of art, and the impact of the times on Van Gogh." Owe. I don’t want this to happen in the film industry. I hope filmmakers can focus on making the best movies. At least the subsequent commercial promotion, whether it is losing money or making money, does not need to be considered at all. Ziweixing Global is looking for A new way of commercial evaluation for art films. Making money does not mean high value, and losing money does not mean the film is not good. The quality of a movie cannot be measured by whether it makes money! Ziweixing Global has the responsibility and obligation to create Let’s create a movie from a new era and help countless of our filmmakers solve this dilemma!”

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