Top of the big era

Chapter 2588 The burden of family inheritance

Tang Binchen had to catch a flight, so he didn't say much, but he also made a suggestion, "You can contact Zuckerberg."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Why contact him?"

Tang Binchen said: "Last time, we grabbed mobile payment orders from Facebook and Orange. This time we took the initiative to show our goodwill and gave them the cooperation opportunity of the video website, which can also ease the relationship."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What's the point of easing this? The conflict has been settled long ago! Otherwise, do you think he can just send the money over so easily and let you buy a building in central London?"

Tang Binchen nodded, "I think we should inform you. We have refused to cooperate with Orange this time, and they will definitely look for other large Silicon Valley companies to seek cooperation in the future. However, the last order made Orange also reluctant Sorry, they may not notify Zuckerberg. Let's relay the news, which can be regarded as a mediator, which is good for both parties."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, I understand."

"Then I'm leaving..." Tang Binchen was about to get in the car and go to the airport. He didn't have a private plane and had to catch a flight. "Where are you? Where are you going next?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Let's go to Cannes first, and then go to Rennes. After the things in France are over, I will go to London."

"Ren?" Tang Binchen was very curious, "Why are you going to Renn?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Hart's request is that he wants me to go to Ubisoft."

This Hart's full name is Joel Hart, and he is the president of the interactive entertainment and game department of Ziweixing International.

Even though Ziweixing International packaged and sold all its game divisions to Changyou, it actually still has some platform-type assets left.

Mainly just two pieces.

One is the game platform Steam, and the other is the game video website Twitch.

The two businesses have a strong business relationship.

Players play games on Steam and then put exciting game videos on Twitch for other players to watch. They can even live broadcast on Twitch while playing games. Twitch is equivalent to Steam's advertising channel, which can attract more players to participate.

Although Twitch is a video website, it is in the gaming business and has extremely high advertising revenue.

In the first quarter of this year, revenue was US$85 million and net profit exceeded US$10 million. It is one of the few video websites with healthy development that can generate profits.

Zhou Buqi has too many companies in his hands.

There are several listed companies and companies about to be listed, and the worst ones have a market value of tens of billions of dollars.

This can easily lead to conflicts in work arrangements.

For example, Changyou's business arrangements require the chairman to do something. At the same time, Ziweixing Global may have another demand that needs to be handled by the chairman.

Zhou Buqi definitely cannot cover everything, he can only make choices based on trade-offs.

A centralized approach was adopted.

For example, when Zhou Buqi comes to France for a business trip this time, he will send a notice to all his companies, saying that the big boss is going to France for a business trip. If he needs anything, he can ask for it.

Each company will take action to see what is needed in the French market and where the chairman can be used.

It's impossible not to mention it.

The chairman is the richest man in the world and the hottest and most popular entrepreneur in the world today. No matter what type of project it is, as long as the chairman comes forward to go to that station, it can have a positive bonus effect on the development of the project like a halo.

You must apply quickly!

After summarizing the applications, Ning Yaxian or Sun Wanran will screen them, remove some that are obviously inappropriate, and then hand them over to Zhou Buqi.

Zhou Buqi checked a few more and confirmed them.

The secretary's office will coordinate his schedule and contact with different companies according to his check-box, and do a good job in docking work.

This business trip to Europe lasts for five days.

On the first day, I went to Cannes to attend the film festival, and then went to Paris to meet Tang Binchen;

The next day, I went to Mrs. Laurent’s house to stand up for the collection, then met with the French President and Minister of Commerce to discuss economic cooperation in France, and then went to Cannes and then the Film Festival;

On the third day, I went to the headquarters of the game company Ubisoft in Rennes in the morning, went to London in the afternoon to participate in the building purchase transaction with Tang Binchen, and attended a cocktail party for the British royal family in the evening;

On the fourth day, I continued to deal with the cooperation between Ziweixing Digital Media and the Royal Family, and at the same time went to Spotify to learn about their new round of financing plan;

On the fifth day, I participated in a discussion on the Premier League's new reform plan and Manchester City's financial irregularities, and went to Manchester to watch a football match in the afternoon.

Zhou Buqi had a meeting with several French bureaucrats, and a group of media reporters were taking photos. It was inevitable that he would use his identity to promote the situation for a while.

The world's richest man is optimistic about France, and his confidence in the French economy will always be boosted.

In fact, Zhou Buqi really doesn't know any good new projects in France to invest in, even if it's buying a house... He is also worried that there are too many black brothers in France, and they will encounter burglaries after buying a house.

Fortunately, buying art is also an investment.

This is much easier to handle.

Zhou Buqi got on the plane with Wu Yu and Ning Yaxian to go to Cannes. There is an event at the Cannes Film Festival at the seaside tonight. I heard that the scenery is particularly beautiful, so go and experience it.

After Wu Yu heard about it, he also wanted to follow.

After the domestic experts arrive, they will first conduct an appraisal and make an overall assessment, and then discuss the price with Madame Laurent.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "By the way, their commerce minister also said that if you encounter any trouble in art investment, you can ask him for help. My... this business card, if you encounter trouble then, give it to When he called, he said you were Mrs. Zhou and asked him to help make peace."

"What if you still don't agree?"

"Then scare them!"


Wu Yu laughed heartlessly.

Zhou Buqi snorted: "It is originally something that belongs to our country. It was stolen from the Old Summer Palace by the British and French forces. We respect the laws of modern civilization and use money to redeem it. If they still don't sell it, it would be too immoral. Let's just do it directly Report it to the newspaper! Then I will definitely find a reporter from the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times to do an exclusive interview and talk about it."

Wu Yu was startled, "Really or not?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Don't worry, they will agree. Madame Laurent is a typical French aristocrat with a typical moral vanity. She will sell it. If there is really pressure from public opinion, she will not be able to do it by then. You have to donate all the artworks, and you won’t get a penny. The routines are similar all over the world, and donation is the most important means to resolve the crisis of public opinion.”

Wu Yu said "Oh", "I hope the price is not too expensive."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not that high. The bidding price is too high. Just say that I'm unhappy and want to find reporters to expose it."


Wu Yu laughed again.

Zhou Buqi said: "I have contacted New York. The deal is done. I will take you to New York and let's talk about big business!"

"What big deal?"

"Negotiate with the Rockefellers. Isn't their family the largest collector in the world? It is said that the collection has hundreds of thousands of items."

"Real or fake?" Wu Yu was stunned, "Can they sell it?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Why don't you sell it? Why don't you sell it if you give me money? As the old saying goes, you can't get rich for more than three generations. Rockefeller has passed down to the sixth or seventh generation, and his family fortune has been completely ruined long ago. "

Wu Yu tilted her head and looked at him, "Mobil Oil is a big company. Two years ago, Apple became the world's largest market capitalization, surpassing Mobil. How could a company with such a huge fortune fail?"

Zhou Buqi said: "That's only a matter of time ago. Rockefeller was very powerful back then. It is said that he controlled more than 90% of the world's oil industry. Later, a series of anti-monopoly policies were implemented, coupled with the unscrupulousness of future generations, he began to rely on He makes a living by selling stocks in the family business. The more stocks he sells, the less control he has over the family business."

Wu Yu was curious, "Really?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The Rockefellers have fewer and fewer shares, and their right to speak over the company is very weak. In the 1980s, there were huge differences between the Rockefellers and other shareholders regarding Mobil's strategic choices. They completely lost their right to speak. In the 1990s, Mobil Oil merged with Exxon Oil to form Exxon Mobil Oil Group, and a new board of directors was established...The Rockefeller family completely lost power and was cleared from the board of directors."

This was what Carl Icahn told him.

This guy is a god of speculation in capital operations.

How could the merger of Mobil and Exxon, a major project of the century, not include his shadow? It can be said that Carl Icahn has always been on the front line in liquidating Rockefeller.

Wu Yu sighed softly, "What a pity. The Rockefeller Building is still a landmark building in Manhattan. It is the most expensive office building with the highest rent. Now it only has one name left."

Zhou Buqi said nonchalantly: "Isn't this normal? How many big families don't all have one name left? Does DuPont know about it? It's the largest genetically modified company. Hasn't the DuPont family lost control of DuPont a long time ago? , there is only one director seat reserved for the DuPont family on the board of directors, and they serve as mascots. Rockefeller and DuPont are pretty good, at least they can leave their names. What about Warner? What about 20th Century Fox? How many people are there? Do you know that it was Old Fox who founded Twentieth Century Fox, and that it was the three brothers Michael Kors and Plum who founded MGM? Isn’t that what the times are like, so many great stories have been lost in the dust of history.”

Wu Yu was worried, "Husband, what will happen to our family? Our generation has worked so hard, but what if future generations fail to use it?"

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "That's why we need to have more children."


“When you have more children, you can select the best ones to inherit the family business.”


Wu Yu hesitated a little.

She thought her husband wanted her to get pregnant and have a baby again, but she still didn't think about it. It was tiring to take care of a baby, and she hadn't had enough fun yet.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Buqi's next sentence made her feel more at ease. He sighed and said, "If you want to have more children, you need more women. In order to inherit the family, you have to have more wives and work harder!"

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