Top of the big era

Chapter 2579 Sales Share

The IP copyright of "Disney Princess" was licensed to Chaowan Commune in a "guaranteed + unlimited period" model, so there is no doubt that the copyright of "Star Wars" will also be licensed to Disney in a similar model.

This is a mainstream approach in Hollywood.

For example, Universal Studios’ “Transformers” requires Universal Studios to pay a licensing fee to Paramount every year. If "Transformers" consumer products sell more, Paramount gets a big cut of it, and everyone is happy.

If "Transformers" consumer products sell poorly at Universal Studios and Paramount gains little, then a guarantee clause is needed. Universal Studios must pay Paramount a guaranteed fee. If not, Paramount can take back the copyright and license it to other amusement parks.

For example, DreamWorks Animation authorized the copyright of "Kung Fu Panda" to Universal Studios, and Warner authorized the copyright of "Harry Potter" to Universal Studios, which are also similar models.

However, it is difficult for non-Hollywood amusement parks to have such an "indefinite" clause.

For example, Wanda is doing amusement park business in China.

It is impossible for them to obtain the copyrights of "Jurassic Park", "Batman", and "Godzilla". If they want to obtain them, they must have a limited-term contract.

For example, 5-year contract, 10-year contract, 15-year contract.

This is too unfriendly to the playground.

It is difficult to accept such a plan.

The amusement park spent huge sums of money to create a series of entertainment projects based on an IP. However, after 10 or 20 years, the copyright expired and the copyright was taken back... All these huge investments were wasted.

There are still many companies in the amusement park business around the world, such as Disneyland, Merlin Entertainments, Universal Studios, OCT, Warner World, Huaqiang Fantawild, Sea World, Reunion Park, etc.

In non-Hollywood amusement parks, you can hardly see the first-line IP elements of Hollywood. This thing is too risky, and you are afraid of being cheated by Hollywood.

If there are, they are small projects with little investment, or some relatively marginal second- and third-tier brands, such as "Peppa Pig" and "SpongeBob SquarePants."

Robert Iger was most concerned about the copyright of "Star Wars". He smiled and said, "I don't think we should bid. We will settle this matter today!"

Zhou Buqi said cheerfully, "Okay! How much is the guarantee?"

Egger said: "It's still the last offer, 20 million US dollars."

"Wasn't this plan rejected?" Zhou Buqi frowned slightly and looked at it in confusion, "The guarantee provided by Universal Studios is 25 million US dollars."

Iger said: "But Disney gives a 20% share of consumer product sales."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Universal Studios gives a 30% share."

Iger was a little helpless, "I think this is enough. Although Disney's quotation is low, the real realization may not be bad. The annual number of visitors to Disneyland is more than three times that of Universal Studios. Moreover, Disneyland's The retail system is much stronger than that of Universal Studios, and our sales are more than 10 times that of Universal Studios."

This is true.

Ticket prices at Universal Studios are lower than those at Disneyland, and the prices and sales of consumer goods are not as good as those at Disneyland. Although Disneyland’s share of consumer goods is only 20%, its expected future revenue may be much higher than Universal Studios’ 30% revenue share.

Egger said bluntly: "I talked to your company's senior management a few times in the past, and they...I think they care too much about the terms. They seem to just want to sign a beautiful agreement to gain performance, rather than calculating the future through statistical models. The actual income. Moreover, I think many people still have a biased mentality towards Universal Pictures and are not objective enough. I don’t think this is a good thing.”

Zhou Buqi knew that this was his own mismanagement.

But there is no way.

He simply can't spare so much time to take care of Ziweixing Global's affairs. Things are developing very well now... that's about it. Some personal discords and small thoughts are ignored.

Hollywood's corporate system is inherently much darker than that of Silicon Valley, with all kinds of tricks, gray areas that wander on the edge of the law, and black areas that cross the border.

If this were done elsewhere, they would have been prosecuted long ago.

But Hollywood is different.

The White House has to coax Hollywood.

Hollywood is full of big stars, and they all have a great emotional influence on the people... If the big stars stand up to support or oppose someone, this can have a huge impact on the presidential election.

Politicians will not offend Hollywood unless absolutely necessary, leaving Hollywood with many cross-border operations.

Zhou Buqi explained with a smile, "It's understandable. Universal Studios was originally split from Universal Pictures. Both parties were colleagues before, so it's normal to have some tendencies."

Robert Egger said: "But this is not in the interests of Ziweixing Global."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "So I decided to take over the case personally. Regarding the IP authorization of the amusement park, this case has been discussed for almost a year, right?"

"Well, it's been 10 months."

"It's time to finish."

"Are you leaning more towards Disney?"

Egg's eyes lit up, and he obviously heard what the other party meant.

Zhou Buqi said frankly: "The reason why I split Universal Studios off and gave it to Comcast is because I don't think anyone can compete with Disney."

Robert Iger laughed and said, "Thanks for the support!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Since we can't beat them, it's better to go back and cooperate. This is the most realistic choice and the direction that is most conducive to the long-term interests of Ziweixing Global."

Iger was Jobs' confidant.

After Jobs passed away, he gave up his seat on Apple's board of directors to him.

At this time, Iger was sitting opposite Zhou Buqi, and he had the illusion that he was facing Steve Jobs. The two sides had a high degree of similarity in cognition, "In my opinion, Universal Studios is a thing of the past. Without the support of Universal Pictures and movies, the gap between Universal Pictures and Disneyland will only become wider and wider."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "I think so too."

Iger continued: "Furthermore, in terms of cooperation, Disney is also a better partner than Comcast. Comcast does have strong channel capabilities that can help monetize Ziweixing Universal's high-quality content, but Disney does What is more important is globalization. Disney’s brand can become stronger and stronger, but Comcast has always been just a domestic brand in the United States. At the same time, Disney has more advantages in consumer products and amusement park business.”

Zhou Buqi is now basically not involved in specific business negotiations.

Bargaining is a bit demeaning.

The management also did not recommend him to come forward for business negotiations.

However, the amusement park IP licensing matter has been delayed for 10 months.

Zhou Buqi was a little dissatisfied with the management of Ziweixing Global and was fed up with their extremely low efficiency and slow work pace, so he simply stood up.

Fortunately, Robert Egger is not an ordinary person, and his identity matches.

This doesn't require too many twists and turns.

Zhou Buqi said: "They have offered me several options, all of which are leaning towards Universal Studios. I have not agreed to any of them. Bob, I agree with everything you said. If I were asked to choose, I would only choose Disney. Even ...To tell you the truth, even if I make less money if I license the copyright to Disney, I will still choose Disney."

Robert Iger laughed and said: "No! Absolutely not! If you cooperate with Disney, you will definitely make more money than if you cooperate with Universal Studios!"

Zhou Buqi said: "'Star Wars' is the largest IP in the United States, with unprecedented influence. If a Star Wars theme park is developed, I'm afraid that Universal Studios will ruin this brand."

"Well said!" Iger felt very happy, "That's the truth. Only Disneyland can support a brand like 'Star Wars'."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

Iger tentatively said: "Then it's settled, a guarantee of US$20 million and a 20% sales share?"

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is it a garden?"

Iger said with a smile: "Of course, one park! If Disney wants to open a second Star Wars theme park in the future, the two parties can continue this clause, or sit down and renegotiate."

"Star Wars" is the number one IP in the United States, and it is almost meaningless outside the United States.

When I went to Asia, almost no one recognized me.

Therefore, the "Star Wars" theme park must be built in the United States and cater to American tourists. With the construction costs and work efficiency of the United States, and the fact that it has to meet the status of an IP like "Star Wars", the investment is huge.

According to previous plans given by Disney, they will invest US$3.2 billion to build this "Star Wars" theme park.

Even Disney is excited about such a large investment.

It would be nice to build a garden.

No matter how good the income of this park is, it will not be possible to start a second park within more than ten years.

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay, it's settled. As long as both parties are honest enough and don't set traps on the terms, we can sign the contract tomorrow. The 20% sales share is a bit low, but it shows what I expect from Disney." !”

Chaowan Commune’s Disney Princess blind box is 25% of the sales share to Disney.

The same is the sales share, and there is a difference between self-operated and third-party.

For example, the wholesale price of a blind box is $5 and the retail price is $10.

If you sell 10,000 blinds in your own retail store, the sales volume is US$100,000, and you will have to give Disney US$25,000. If you wholesale to other shopping malls, such third-party shopping malls sell 10,000 blinds in their own stores. box, the sales volume is US$100,000... This is different, the sales volume of US$100,000 is from third-party shopping malls. The sales that really fell on Chaowan Commune were actually 10,000 blind boxes calculated at a wholesale price of $5. The sales were $50,000, and $12,500 was allocated to Disney.

Most of Chaowan Commune’s blind boxes are sold through third-party stores. Third parties cannot calculate based on retail prices, but based on wholesale prices. Self-operated stores only calculate based on retail prices.

Most of Disney's consumer products are sold in its own Disney retail stores. They are calculated based on retail prices and are directly divided by retail revenue.

The 20% sales share offered by Disney is not only not shabby, but also full of sincerity.

In the past few years, the two sides had conflicts.

After a few fights, we found that they were not very good to each other.

In particular, Zhou Buqi asked Universal Pictures to imitate Disney and develop feminine princess movies to compete with Disney. As a result, the annual return rate of the first movie was less than 2%. It would be better not to invest in movies and just deposit the money in the bank. Earn interest there. The second movie was even worse, losing $170 million.

Universal Pictures abandoned the plan.

It’s time for Zhou Buqi to cooperate with Disney honestly.

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