Top of the big era

Chapter 2577 IP Authorization

With Zhou Buqi's intervention, Disney in this life is obviously not as powerful as the previous one. The two most important events are that Disney failed to acquire Marvel and Lucasfilm, and was instead intercepted by Ziweixing Universal.

This means that Disney's film production capabilities have not made a qualitative leap, and they are still stuck in the strategic stage of relying on cartoons to contribute value.

Movies are the leading source of entertainment.

It can affect the income of the entire entertainment industry ecology.

Such as Disneyland.

For example, IP licensing income.

Disneyland is the world's most popular amusement park, but the park's growth rate mainly comes from the attraction of movies. The data shows it very clearly. When Disney's cartoons are particularly good in a certain year and are welcomed all over the world, the number of visitors to Disneyland will increase significantly.

This is even more true for IP licensing income.

The better the movie, the more popular it is in the market, and the more licensing revenue it can earn.

But for the current Disney, both roads have encountered bottlenecks.

what to do?

Of course, find someone to help!

Just like in the 1990s, Disney's cartoons lost their magic and were no longer popular in the market, causing Disney's entire industry line to shrink in revenue.

what to do?

At that time, Jobs was asked to help, and Pixar was asked to produce high-quality animated films for Disney that they could not produce. Relying on Pixar's cartoon characters, Disney Park has regained its popularity and opened up new growth points for Disney's IP licensing business.

Zhou Buqi was naturally willing to talk to him and made an appointment the next day.

Robert Egger came to visit.

"What an enviable office." Iger couldn't help but admire after entering the spacious and bright office of Boss Zhou. He walked to the window and overlooked the entire Hollywood. "This is the best location in Hollywood."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "These are all the assets of MGM."

Iger said sincerely: "Only people like you can make such a big deal. When MGM was in crisis a few years ago, I also had the idea of ​​​​acquiring MGM. But MGM has resisted for decades. The repeated business situation has made the board of directors very worried. Looking at it now... I realize that you are right. MGM's film business is not important at all. This real estate business alone can make back its capital if it is run well. "

Ige and Zhou Buqi stood by the window and looked out.

This is the heart of Hollywood.

It is where MGM Studios and sound stages once stood.

Now, the old factories have been demolished.

If we get into the real estate business... In a place like this where land is so valuable, you can make a lot of money by switching to real estate.

Iger pointed to an unorganized piece of land in the northeast and said with a smile: "If a five-star hotel is built there, it might be comparable to the Hilton Hotel."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "If we don't do real estate business, there will be a retail store and a museum."

There is no need for a photo studio.

California taxes are too high.

Hollywood giants are all about globalization, and they will go wherever taxes are low and subsidies are high. Even "Star Wars", a representative of American culture, went to British studios to shoot.

But as part of history and culture, it must be passed down.

This requires a museum.

Use the museum to record this part of history.

This was the condition that Ziweixing Global reached with the authorities when the old studio was demolished.

It’s impossible not to agree.

In the past few decades, MGM has been really unlucky and has completely become a money-making tool in the hands of capitalists.

Some capitalists acquired MGM, then stripped off a piece of MGM's overseas studios, then turned around and sold MGM. They got the land, demolished the studio, and started real estate construction... They even opened a casino under the "MGM" brand. The famous MGM Grand Hotel even opened branches in Macau.

It did great harm to MGM.

The authorities were also afraid of Zhou Buqi's mischief and did not allow him to use the original Hollywood factory site to engage in real estate business.

This building has 30 floors.

Zhou Buqi's office was on the top floor. Iger stood by the window with him and briefly explained the layout and design ideas of the headquarters park.

The park has not yet been fully completed, and there are still 13 large and small projects under construction.

"By the way, I saw a set of data recently." Zhou Buqi chatted with him for a while and then got down to business, "In the past year, the total revenue of global consumer goods was 240 billion US dollars, of which entertainment and cartoon characters Related revenue reached $100 billion. Entertainment and cartoon character licensing fees were $6 billion."

Robert Iger nodded, sat down on the sofa by the window with him, and sighed: "Yes, there are only 6 billion US dollars. If the whole world can effectively protect intellectual property rights, I think this number can reach $15 billion."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Always consider those less developed areas."

"Huh?" Iger was slightly startled, a little surprised by such remarks, "I also read some materials. Ziweixing International's IP licensing revenue in the past year seems to have reached 2 billion US dollars?"

Zhou Buqi said "hmm", "I guess so."

There are mainly four major parts.

The largest one is Marvel's superheroes, which are currently in full swing, with licensing revenue of US$930 million; followed by DreamWorks Animation, with licensing revenue of US$450 million.

The third piece is "Star Wars".

Although the new "Star Wars" movie has not yet been released, it is the largest IP in the United States, and countless consumer products with "Star Wars" elements are launched every year.

In the past year, IP licensing revenue reached US$340 million.

The fourth block is Illumination Entertainment, a newly established animation studio under Universal Pictures.

The launch of the "Minions" cartoon series immediately detonated the market and became the most popular cartoon image in the world, with licensing revenue of US$320 million.

A total of US$2.04 billion.

In addition, there are other bits and pieces, which add up to US$2.08 billion.

This is truly a world first.

Disney is also a listed company, and their IP licensing revenue seems to be less than US$1 billion, which is less than half of that of Ziweixing Universal. You know, even two years ago, Disney was still the world's number one in this field.

Iger said with a smile: "When it comes to IP licensing business, Disney seems to be better at it. We have an amusement park business, a consumer products business, and an online media business."

This is talking about Disney's four major business segments.

Film, amusement park, consumer products and media businesses.

The so-called media business is the ABC television network and the famous sports television station ESPN. Disney's consumer products business is not only IP licensing, they also have dedicated Disney retail stores.

Jobs built Apple retail stores that shocked the world... He actually learned it from Disney.

Zhou Buqi sensed the other party's sincere intention to cooperate and smiled: "By the way, Chaowan Commune should have contacted you, right? They want to develop a blind box for the Disney Princess series."

"Yeah, I know, we should cooperate."

Iger had known about this for a long time, and was even a little embarrassed.

He originally wanted Disney to create blind boxes for Disney princesses, but it didn't work out. Because of this, Zhou Buqi was still very angry and decided to make his own fairy tale princess movie to fight Disney. However, after making two movies, they were not very successful, so the plan was abandoned.

Fighting independently will not work, so cooperation is the only option.

Zhou Buqi said: "How do you think about the number of years of cooperation? I think there should be no time limit, just like Marvel has with the copyright of "X-Men" authorized by 20th Century Fox."

"Really?" Iger wasn't sure, "What kind of authorization model is it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "20th Century Fox must release a blockbuster movie in the "X-Men" series at least every five years. If it cannot do so, Marvel will automatically take back the copyright."

Shi Jinglin and Wu Yu's ambitions are still small, and they think it is enough to obtain the copyright of "Disney Princess" for ten years.

Boss Zhou is not satisfied.

Iger smiled and said, "This seems to be similar to the "Star Wars" related licensing we negotiated between the two parties."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said, "I don't know the specific situation. I just heard that your talks didn't seem to go well."

Egger said: "I hope it will be an in-depth, comprehensive and comprehensive strategic cooperation. As far as I know, when you formed Ziweixing Global, you divested many media and interactive entertainment businesses, including Universal Studios. This will To a certain extent, this has caused the absence of Ziweixing Global’s entertainment industry ecosystem. Although you have the best movies and the most high-quality IP, you lack the channels to fully realize these assets.”

Then, he pointed to his chest and said confidently: "Disney has it!"

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