Top of the big era

Chapter 2556 Follower

Zhou Buqi talked with the telecommunications giant Steven Richard for more than half an hour, which was actually a bit embarrassing.

This guy doesn't understand the internet at all.

Many unrealistic and ridiculous ideas were proposed.

For example, you can watch Orange’s TV programs through mobile phones, tablets and other terminal devices. Orange is a giant operator that not only operates mobile networks, but also broadband networks and cable TV networks.

But the problem is that we are no longer in the TV era. There are so many interesting and fun apps on tablets and smartphones, and countless Internet companies are racking their brains to compete for users' time.

Why can the TV station beat them?

They also said that they have developed a search technology that can aggregate reports from many different media from various angles when searching for news reports about an event through their search platform...

This is even more difficult to understand.

The user is not a media person.

When users watch the news, they only need to know what is happening. Especially people in developed countries such as Europe and the United States do not care about international current affairs at all.

Who would read all the media reports for a piece of news, and then compare, testify, and refer to each other?

This approach can indeed avoid being misled by fake news to the greatest extent, and can allow media from multiple platforms and different countries to verify each other to determine what is true and what is false.

But ordinary people are just a bunch of people. How many people will go through a lot of news sources to find out whether something is true or false? It's nothing more than following the crowd.

In modern society, many truths will bring pain, and living among lies often brings a sense of happiness that integrates with society.

This is why Zhou Buqi wants to revamp Yahoo and launch the Yahoo App, a platform-based news product.

Zhou Buqi really had nothing in common with this person.

Fortunately, the cooperation was relatively smooth.

This Richard has a typical European mentality and values ​​"old friends".

This is one of the reasons why Ziweixing International was able to snatch Orange's order from Facebook this time. As early as two years ago, when Ziweixing International was working on the "Instructions" project, it cooperated with Orange, and the cooperation was very pleasant.

Having had such cooperation experience, they are more inclined to cooperate with Ziweixing.

Boss Zhou has shown up, and the other party has to give face.

It said that it will promote cooperation in the British market next. Just like the French market, the two parties will also cooperate in the form of joint development of shared voice networks and payment tools.

Next, he went to the Netherlands, Switzerland and Ireland.

This trip was mainly about tax avoidance.

These three countries are the destination countries for the tax avoidance process commonly used by Silicon Valley giants.

Ziweixing International does not need it at the moment.

Still in a state of losing money and burning money.

However, you can explore the road first, understand the situation, and prepare for the future. The United States imposes global taxes, and if you don't take some tax avoidance measures, you will be cheated by them.

Four days later, Zhou Buqi finally flew back to the United States.

Arriving in New York first.

Boss Ma is here, interviewing a senior executive of American Express.

After meeting, Zhou Buqi never mentioned the interview.

Boss Ma said angrily: "PayPal is your company, but you don't care about anything, and you don't even go to the interview? I told you, I talked to that person, and I think it's OK. We can chat with him. He knows martial arts."

"What? Martial arts?"

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled.

Boss Ma said: "He admires Chinese martial arts very much and even hired a martial arts teacher to learn from him. I think this person is good and can be the CEO of PayPal."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "That's it? He likes martial arts, so he can become a CEO?"

Boss Ma said helplessly: "Then what do you want me to judge? To discuss business with him? To discuss the understanding of Internet finance?"

"Uh..." Zhou Buqi nodded, "It makes sense. If we talk about it, you may not understand it. It would be embarrassing to try to do what you do best."

Boss Ma said angrily: "There is no need to talk about business at all. I have studied his resume. He worked in mobile Internet operation services. It was a startup project and was later sold to the operator giant Sprint for more than 400 million US dollars. . Later he switched jobs and joined American Express, and also worked on a new project, which was very successful. In terms of business capabilities, it was not a problem at all. In terms of resume, he has worked in many fields such as the Internet, operators, and finance, and has followed PayPal’s business lines are also a good fit.”

Recruiting a CEO is different from recruiting some middle-level managers.

No examination is required in terms of ability.

Just looking at the resume is enough.

At this level, the level and ability are not too bad.

The key is to look at the person's business philosophy.

The purpose of the interview is to see if this person is consistent with your business philosophy.

Zhou Buqi said: "If you look at it this way, it is quite appropriate... Respecting Chinese martial arts will make him less arrogant towards Chinese civilization. When he imitates Alipay, he will not have any resistance."

Boss Ma said: "But he is a little hesitant now. The situation at PayPal is more complicated, and he seems unwilling to come at this stage."

"What?" Zhou Buqi was very dissatisfied, "Didn't you say you like traditional martial arts? Why are you a coward?"

Boss Ma said: "I am doing well at American Express. I am the senior vice president. I have made a new credit card, blue card, etc., which is also online and offline cooperation. It has been so successful. If I can stay at American Express steadily, , it is not impossible to be promoted to president or CEO in a few years. He is currently the most popular executive within American Express and is highly trusted by the board of directors."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Are you qualified to be the CEO of American Express? That's good. Your level must be enough."

"Will you go and meet me?"

"Don't worry, I'll take you to meet someone first."


"Steve Sinofsky, do you know?"

"Huh?" Boss Ma thought it sounded familiar, "I think I've heard of it, who is it?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's the core executive who was fired by Microsoft last year, the father of win8."

"Oh, him!" Boss Ma suddenly realized, "Is he the one you called over and wanted to start a business with you?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, that's him. It's been almost half a year since we had the plan to start a business together, and he finally set up a team. Let's go and have a look."

Boss Ma was a little surprised, "In New York? Isn't it a technology company?"

Zhou Buqi said: "New York has a more artistic atmosphere and is more influenced by various ideas. This entrepreneurial project is an online design tool and a project that serves the creative industry. There are more advantages to starting a business in New York. I think Good."

"What's your name?"


"what does it mean?"

"Hmm..." Zhou Buqi was also a little embarrassed, "I'm not sure about the details, but he gave the name. It seems to be a concept introduced from science and engineering, related to probability. It's not important, you come with me , to see what the entrepreneurial atmosphere is like there and what needs to be improved.”

Boss Ma said angrily: "Trick me to come to the United States and work as your follower?"

"What's this?" Zhou Buqi said seriously, "You are an expert in entrepreneurship. I am asking you for advice."

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