Top of the big era

Chapter 2548 The building is a face

"Going to the UK? Okay, take action now!" Zuckerberg was shocked when he heard the news that Zhou Buqi had gone to the UK. "Comfort him immediately, I want to meet Marcus!"

A rare opportunity.

While Zhou Buqi is away, he must quickly meet with David Marcus, the current CEO of PayPal, and then try every means to persuade him to join Facebook to take charge of Facebook Messenger business.

This not only weakens rival PayPal, but also strengthens its own payment business.

It was even more eye drops for Zhou Buqi.

Kill three birds with one stone.

After he traveled around Europe and came back... hum, the day lilies were even cold!

Assistant Kapinski was a little worried, "We are still doing a big deal with Ziweixing International, and this deal will last for half a year. If it is not handled well, the other party may terminate the deal at any time, which is very harmful to us." The stock price will have a big impact.”

He was talking about buying back shares from Ziweixing International.

The case is basically finalized, and the total buyback value is US$6.5 billion.

With such a high transaction volume, it would be very risky to find a financial institution to take over the transaction, and many institutions are very worried. But Zuckerberg was fed up with Zhou Buqi's restraint, and was determined to get the matter done at any cost.

He has to set an example and make a commitment to the financial institution that takes over.

The buyback is carried out in 7 tranches.

The first phase of the buyback was on April 25 and was personally funded by Zuckerberg; the second phase of the buyback was on May 25 and was also funded by Facebook.

This is Zuckerberg's determination.

The first two repurchases were done by him, and he even used his own money to launch the first phase of repurchases. Use this as an example to give financial institutions confidence and call on them to take over the remaining stocks.

Even this isn't enough.

The current social market structure is very clear. Ziweixing International and Facebook have already started fighting. Google has also announced that it has completed the integration of Twitter and will launch a series of new social industry layouts...

In short, Facebook is still very dangerous.

The stock price is still very high.

In order to persuade financial institutions to take over, Zuckerberg also made a promise. All stock repurchase transactions will be settled based on the closing price on March 25. If the stock price in the future repurchase periods such as June 25, July 25, August 25, September 25, etc. is higher than the price on March 25, then the financial institution will use the price on March 25. If the stock price is lower than the price on March 25, the financial institution will trade at the current stock price, and he will make up the difference.

He believes Facebook’s stock price will not fall!

The current technology environment is so good, and the stocks of almost all technology companies are in a rising stage. The stock market is recovering, and technology stocks are leading the way. Don’t worry about Facebook’s stock price!

With such a commitment, Zuckerberg finally finalized the stock buyback.

There is also a chance to get rid of Zhou Buqi completely.

If Zhou Buqi offends Zhou Buqi this time and regrets it, insisting on selling the stock on the secondary market, then all the previous efforts will be in vain.

Zuckerberg is also worried about this, but he is very firm in his other belief, "We must dig David Marcus into Facebook!"

Kapinski suggested: "Then there needs to be a deterministic repurchase agreement to eliminate such risks."

Zuckerberg nodded, "You go contact Marcus and I'll take care of Zhou Buqi!"

At this time, Zhou Buqi, together with Tang Binchen, were in the center of London - the Holborn Center where every inch of land was at a premium.

The transportation here is extremely developed, and there are many prestigious schools nearby. UAL is a 6-minute walk away, and LSE is a 10-minute walk away. It is close to the Thames River and the Royal Courts of Justice. There are also world-class buildings such as the British Museum, Aldwych Theater and Somerset House nearby, and it is close to London's core financial district.

This time I came here to look at the house.

Tang Binchen took a fancy to the office building on Lot 33, which is now the headquarters of British supermarket giant Sainsbury’s.

"This supermarket is quite powerful in the UK, but it has not been managed well in the past few years. It has been working hard to reduce costs and increase efficiency." Tang Binchen pointed to the more than ten-story office building. "They want to sell this place and then go to the suburbs to replace it." A new cheap headquarters building.”

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Do you really want to buy it?"

Tang Binchen said seriously: "I have thought about it carefully and I should buy it."

"Don't we have a headquarters area in the UK, over there in Little Silicon Valley?"

"It's too remote there."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Buqi didn't quite understand, "Aren't the British branches of Google, Amazon, and Microsoft all over there?"

"It means that it is not popular." Tang Binchen stared at the building and already regarded it as his own. "I can already feel it. From top to bottom, there is still a legacy of the British Empire in the UK. Arrogant pride.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Isn't this strange? We don't boast about five thousand years of context every day."

Tang Binchen said: "The United Kingdom is now the follower of the United States, but they look down on the United States at all. The planned Silicon Valley is so remote. It used to be where the lowest-level poor people were. It was a garbage dump, a slum, and a crematorium. The place."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It's inevitable in a big city."

"Even Google and Amazon, the technology giants in Silicon Valley, are hard to be looked down upon by many people in the UK." Tang Binchen was sitting in an old coffee shop with a history of more than 150 years, looking at the building in the distance. Office buildings, "If it's a C-side business, it's okay to say that many young people don't have this kind of prejudice now, and they don't have any aversion to the suburbs. But many older guys still sneer at the mention of the suburbs. Ridiculous attitude.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "It's the same as in our capital. Young people earn hundreds of thousands a year. It's a blessing to be able to buy an apartment in the Fourth Ring Road. Many people who live in the Second Ring Road only earn thousands of yuan a month." The wages are high, but they look down on this one and that one, and feel that everyone outside Zhengyangmen is inferior to others."

"Yes, that's almost the feeling." Tang Binchen smiled, "But one thing is different. The people who dominate the capital in China are all outsiders, while the people in London are locals. They are rich, powerful and influential. A local snake is also a dragon across the river. These big companies in the central area are basically in the hands of local Londoners."


“The B-side business mainly involves dealing with these people.”

"Zi Weiyun?"

Zhou Buqi understood what he meant immediately.

Tang Binchen said: "Yes, buy this building, move Ziweiyun's London headquarters here, and then renovate it... There are architectural monuments nearby, full of history, but lacking a sense of technology. Let's put this By buying a building, the company's image has moved from the edge to the center, and it has entered their circle. In the future, when promoting Ziwei Cloud services, outsourcing services, and AI services to local Londoners, it will move from the city center to the city. If we are in the center, there will be less prejudice, and the sense of identity will be higher.”

Zhou Buqi tilted his head and looked at the building outside, "Well, it can enhance the company's brand image and social status."

Tang Binchen said: "Americans are uneducated and don't pay much attention to historical heritage. If Ziweiyun's London headquarters is here, it can integrate the sense of history here and bring amazing technology to this area. No. Speaking of other things, when I promoted Weishu to those companies, I told them that our headquarters is at No. 33, Holborn, which was the headquarters of the former supermarket giant Sainsbury's, so that's all there is to it."

There is a big difference between personal business and enterprise-level business.

Personal business is for every ordinary person. The key is to make good products and do marketing well.

Enterprise business is different.

Marketing is almost meaningless.

It mainly depends on the connection between people.

If you sell goods on the street in shorts and slippers, many passers-by will buy them; if you go to a company to sell goods in shorts and slippers, people will kick you out.

To do enterprise-level business, you must wear a suit and leather shoes and be dressed appropriately.

I want to drive a Mercedes-Benz with a beautiful secretary by my side.

This business negotiation has a higher probability of success.

Tang Binchen wants to buy this building. This is a typical Chinese thinking. I will give you face and you will give me lizi. Silicon Valley giants will not consider this aspect at all.

Zhou Buqi knew this was a bit troublesome.

But even if it is difficult, we must fully support our direct line officials.

Tang Binchen said: "Purchasing real estate in a core location, even if there is no other additional meaning, is a very cost-effective deal as a pure investment. Now that Sainsbury's supermarket is out of business, such an opportunity to enter the city center finally appeared. I think we should catch it.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Let's go in and take a look!"

Tang Binchen looked surprised, then a little embarrassed, "I told Lu Qi, but he didn't agree. It seems that the company's finances are under some pressure."

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "No pressure! Let's go!"

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