Top of the big era

Chapter 254 Free is the Soul of the Internet

IT companies start out by playing hooligans.

Among them, the most famous one is the 3721 of the leader in red. He can be called a peerless hooligan. In the 1980s, he could be directly shot for hooliganism.

Ranked second is undoubtedly Taobao.

Netizens nowadays have given Taobao a nickname, "Nvzhinv", because "no matter which window you appear in, Taobao's advertisements will always be waiting for you under the window."

This is not a simple advertisement promotion, but a plug-in is forced to be installed on the user's computer through background downloading. As soon as the user opens the IE browser, no matter what page it is, a Taobao product link advertisement will pop up.

Some users can't do anything even if they reinstall the computer 5 times a month, even with anti-virus software, sometimes hundreds of windows pop up, which is even more crazy than viruses.

It can be said that Sun Tongyu made great contributions to Taobao by relying on this trick, and forcibly uploaded it to thousands of households, which became an important means to defeat eBay.

After eBay was defeated, the boss of Alima dominated the domestic e-commerce market. If he wanted to wash his hands, he had to give up this rogue method, which resulted in a sharp decline in PV and performance.

Sun Tongyu wanted to continue the previous model, and had a huge disagreement with Boss Ma. Under the dispute, the No. 2 employee of Eighteen Arhats, the founder and president of Taobao, announced his resignation.

There is no way, in order to survive, if you play hooligans, just play hooligans.

As long as it becomes bigger in the future, it can be washed white.

As everyone knows, Boss Penguin Ma is no longer plagiarizing, and Boss Ali Ma has become a godfather. Only Baidu boss Li still stubbornly played with his bidding ranking, ruining both fame and fortune.

It is now mid-July 2005.

3721 is dying, and Taobao has already gained momentum.

To say that the most rogue IT company in China is Thousand Oaks Interactive.

Thousand Oaks Interactive is rich.

Otherwise, they would not attempt to acquire After the acquisition failed, they would easily acquire

Thousand Oaks gets its money from hooliganism.

According to the official statement, the main business of Thousand Oaks Interactive is the value-added service of the Internet, and it makes money by relying on the dudu network and desktop communication network under Mopu.

How to make money?

When users download and use free software, a software called "dudu download accelerator" will be bundled. This software claims to increase the download speed and guarantees that it will not save, track, or leak the user's personal information.

If the user accidentally downloads and installs it, it will be miserable.

The dudu download accelerator will be installed on the user's computer at the same time as dmcast (a desktop software), and one of the installation clauses is particularly scary: "If the user wants to give up using this software for any reason after installing it, all consequences caused by the uninstallation shall be borne by the user. Users are responsible."

Next, when the user is using the computer, whether it is IE, or MSN, or QQ, video, listening to music... the advertisements of Thousand Oaks Interactive will pop up like a shadow.

Relying on rogue bundles and being unable to uninstall, dudu and dmcast accounted for 30% of the country's installed capacity, and pushed various advertisements to users crazily every day.

The advertising effect is comparable to 10 ace navigation websites like hao123!

Relying on these two pieces of software, Thousand Oaks Interactive can earn hundreds of millions in advertising revenue every year, which can be called arrogance.

Thousand Oaks Interactive is not ashamed of such hooliganism, but is proud of it. It shows the results of their work to advertisers and investors, hoping to have more cooperation——

Peak number of online users: 900,000; terminal desktop users: 30 million; daily login users: 13 million; daily new users: 250,000; page views: 80 million PV/day; advertising click conversion rate: 5%-20%... …

You know, usually the conversion of online ad clicks is between 3% and 5%.

It can be seen that Thousand Oaks Interactive has achieved "excellent" performance in this value-added business.

But it brought unimaginable harm to netizens across the country.

It can be called abhorrent.

Zhou Buqi is determined to be safe. On the one hand, he is seriously dissatisfied with the domestic antivirus industry and wants to improve the atmosphere;

Wu Hanqing has already led a team to develop security guards.

When the development is successful, the first thing to do is to kill the two rogue software of Thousand Oaks Interactive!

How shameless!

On Ji Zian's side, he started acquisition negotiations with Dongfang Weidian.

Negotiations have gone through two rounds.

Liu Yu put forward ten demands one after another——

First, we must help Dongfang Weidian safely through this crisis and obtain the sales license smoothly;

Second, he will continue to serve as the general manager of Dongfang Weidian;

3. He personally wants to keep 25% of the shares of Dongfang Micropoint, and the team needs to keep 5% of the shares, and has the right to make decisions on the company;

Fourth, his team must be reserved;

Fifth, Micropoint antivirus is his lifelong painstaking effort, and the name cannot be changed;

Sixth, he personally wants to maintain the patent right for the active defense technology in Micropoint Antivirus;

Seventh, thoroughly investigate the real culprit behind the incident;

Eight, to...

There are so many things to ask for.

Zhou Buqi was a little irritable, and really didn't want to grind anymore.

It's mid-July, and the new semester will start in one and a half months!

He also thought about giving a big gift to college students across the country at the beginning of the new semester!

Can't wait any longer!

Zhou Buqi went out of the mountain in person, went to have a meeting with Liu Yu, and asked for 20 million yuan!

Although Liu Yu is famous, he really doesn't have much money.

When he founded Dongfang Weidian at the beginning of the year, he scraped together, borrowed money from relatives and friends, mortgaged his house and car, and managed to get together 10 million yuan.

Now that something happened to the company, the bank has already started calling for the loan.

Of course, there are many harsh conditions for such a high price.

First, Ziweixing Technology will wholly-owned Dongfang Micropoint;

Second, Liu Yu can no longer serve as the general manager of Dongfang Weidian;

Third, the patent right of active defense belongs to the company.

In addition, Micropoint Antivirus will not change the name, the real culprit behind the scenes will be thoroughly investigated, the R\u0026D team will be retained, and the sales license will be successfully obtained...


Liu Yu sighed heavily.

During this period of time, he no longer kept his ears to the outside world, and only focused on antivirus research and development. He checked the background of Ziweixing Technology. It has three major websites,, and Among them, the mobile phone group buying activity operated by can be regarded as a model of Internet marketing.

This new company founded by college students is really rich!

"Mr. Liu, 20 million, is this sincerity enough?"

Zhou Buqi sat on the sofa, drinking coffee leisurely, without even looking at Liu Yu and his vice presidents who were opposite.

"Enough is enough..."

Liu Yu looked embarrassed, and said with a bitter face: "Mr. Zhou, after all, Dongfang Weidian is the hard work of our brothers. You must leave some shares for our team?"

Zhou Buqi couldn't help being amused, and shook his head: "Mr. Liu, it's not that I'm greedy, but that you may not be able to afford this share."


Liu Yu's complexion changed slightly, feeling humiliated.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and quickly explained: "Mr. Liu, let's put it this way, in the next two years, I plan to inject at least 100 million yuan into Dongfang Weidian. Even if I give you 20% of the shares in this team, you may not be able to... ..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yu interrupted immediately, and said disapprovingly: "Mr. Zhou, you may not understand the antivirus software market. Rising is the industry leader in my hands, and I have far less confidence in Micropoint Antivirus. It is better than the original Rising. As long as we can successfully obtain the sales license, with the quality of our products, it is not a problem to sell one or two million sets a year."

The vice president next to him explained: "Yes, plus related value-added services, relying on this anti-virus software alone, there will be a conservative income of 20 million a year. Dongfang Weidian is not short of money, and does not need such a large capital injection. "

Several other vice presidents also nodded frequently.

Injecting 100 million yuan, this kind of talk is too nonsense.

Zhou Buqi remained calm and said calmly: "Ziweixing Technology is an Internet company, Mr. Liu, and the bosses, do you know what the core attributes of the Internet are?"

This question is a bit too big for anyone to answer.

"It's free."

Sitting next to Zhou Buqi, Ji Zian helped them answer with a smile.


Liu Yu and several other vice presidents of Dongfang Weidian were all stunned.

I didn't react for a while.

Zhou Buqi said: "After Ziweixing took over Dongfang Microdian, the new company is not allowed to make a profit within three years! The market for antivirus software is too smoky, and you can see what happened this time. Pattern. QQ registration fee, almost completely dead; Taobao main free, which beat eBay. Free, is the soul of the Internet.”

Liu Yu couldn't believe it, and swallowed hard, "Mr. Zhou, you mean that there is no charge for Micropoint antivirus, and it will be used by users all over the country for free?"

"Only in this way can we completely rewrite the pattern of the anti-software market!" Zhou Buqi's voice was firm, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Mr. Liu, I heard that you still have 30% of the shares in Rising? Could it be that you are worried about Rising?" , just hinder the rise of Dongfang Weidian?"

Liu Yu smiled self-deprecatingly, "I have completely severed the relationship with them, and they have taken back my shares. I am going to the government to claim it back. It is not certain whether it will be successful."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "That's fine, just focus on Dongfang Weidian. Whether Rising or Jiangmin, including Kingsoft Antivirus, their operating models lack Internet thinking. This is our Weidian Antivirus , an opportunity that soars into the sky!"

Liu Yu was still a little uncertain, hesitantly asked: "But how does free anti-virus make money?"

"I said, within three years, no profit will be considered!"

Zhou Buqi's tone was indifferent.

However, he had a complete plan in mind.

The so-called three-year non-profit and 100 million capital injection are just negotiating words.

"What about three years from now?"

"we'll talk about it then."


Liu Yu and several vice presidents looked at each other, all smiling wryly.

Is this college student reliable?

Zhou Buqi saw their doubts on their faces, and said strangely: "Several bosses, as I said just now, I will offer 20 million yuan to buy the shares in your hands. Isn't this money enough for you to unload your burden?"

Liu Yu sighed, "I'm worried about the company's future..."

The meaning revealed in the words is obvious, he is worried that you, a whimsical college student, will kill the company.

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