Top of the big era

Chapter 2525 Li Family

In overseas markets, Helo must provide users with the highest quality Internet video phone services. Only in this way can it maintain its advantage in the industry in the long term.

Apple's side is fine.

No matter how good FaceTime is, it will never be a competitor to Helo.

But once Facebook enters the scene, it will be different.

This is what Lu Qi is concerned about.

While Facebook and French operator Orange have not yet signed a contract, Ziweixing International must act decisively and get the order first!

However, Lu Qi was only concerned about OTT phone services. After hearing what he said, Zhou Buqi became interested in a new business - mobile payment.

If you push it with both hands, it's inevitable.

"Such a great opportunity, take action!" Zhou Buqi made the decision without hesitation, "We must help Orange escape from the sea of ​​suffering."

This is the main reason why Lu Qi came to report to Boss Zhou today, "This matter is really important. We not only have Helo, but also Snapchat. We must not let Facebook take advantage of this opportunity."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "We must pay special attention to the European market."

Lu Qi said: "I'm afraid this will offend Facebook."

Zhou Buqi said nonchalantly: "It's market competition. Facebook has suffered too much. This is treating the operators like fools. For the jointly developed payment tool, Orange only has 30% profit."

Orange has a large user base in France and the UK.

Most smartphones in Europe are sold by operators, and most of them are customized machines with built-in payment systems from operators.

In other words, the payment system of European operators is more important than that of China and the United States.

In China, there are WeChat Pay and Alipay, in the United States, there are PayPal, Square, and Amazon Pay, but in Europe there are many different types.

Zhou Buqi doesn't care much about whether he makes money or not, and what he cares about is gaining market share in the payment system of this part of the operator.

Lu Qi smiled and said, "There is also a voice network."

Zhou Buqi asked curiously: "Is Orange sharing their voice network with Facebook for free?"

Lu Qi said: "It seems to be free. I guess there should be a free quota, and you will be charged after it exceeds the limit. But even if there are some additional conditions, the overall price will be very low. It will definitely be better than renting and buying Apple's FaceTime app." Dedicated Internet lines are much more cost-effective.”

Zhou Buqi nodded and said: "Then we have to fight for it. It's best... it's best to make this case beautiful. It can be used as a demonstration case to promote further cooperation with other operators."

Lu Qi asked: "What are the terms of our cooperation?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The voice network must win over. It's best to copy Facebook's terms with them and extend them. As for the payment tools... give them 30% of the profits. This is too bullying. Let them take it. Big head, let’s get the small head!”

Lu Qi smiled and said, "I think so too."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said proudly: "If the negotiation is difficult, we can further show our sincerity and we will not take all the profits! We only have one request, that the tools we develop must be added to the Helo payment platform. "

These foreign operators are really easy to deal with.

Domestically, MSI wants to help China Unicom develop their WoPay service, but it really won’t get any benefit at all. The so-called increase in the revenue share of phone calls from WeChat mini-games is useless.

I really didn’t expect that by helping operators develop payment tools abroad, I could still get profits from this payment tool in the future.

No wonder the technology giants in Silicon Valley are so willing to lend their shoulders.

There is profit behind this.

The vigilance of all walks of life in the country often lies in the fact that there are too many robberies, and they stand on your shoulders forcibly, and deal with you if you don't let them stand.

However, the small commission generated by the payment tool is nothing compared to Ziweixing International’s product line strategy.

Lu Qi continued: "If necessary, you can contact the Li family on Hong Kong Island."

"Li family?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "The richest man in China?"

Lu Qi smiled and said, "You are the richest man now, but it's just his family. His family has a lot of influence in the European telecommunications industry, especially Orange."

Zhou Buqi was very curious, "How do you say it?"

Lu Qi simply explained: "Orange is a French operator. In the early 1990s, it wanted to enter the British market, but they lacked funds and industry resources. At this time, Li Chaoren took action and spent several billion Hong Kong dollars. , acquired a majority stake in Orange and promoted Orange's entry into the British market. The operation was very successful, and Orange was listed in the UK three years later. Not long after, the German telecommunications giant Mannesmann acquired Orange, and Li Chaoren Owning 10% of Mannesmann's shares was equivalent to earning HK$50 billion. Not long after, he pushed the British telecom giant Vodafone to acquire the German telecom giant Mannesmann, and he turned around and became Vodafone’s largest individual shareholder. After several capital operations, the Orange project earned him US$20 billion, and he also entered the board of directors of the world’s largest telecommunications operator.”

Zhou Buqi then remembered, "By the way, the Li family is very influential in the British telecommunications industry."

Lu Ji said: "Yes, it's because of Vodafone. He has a strong say in Vodafone. From 2g to 3g, and then to the latest 4g, the Li family has been a promoter of European Internet infrastructure services."

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes, "Orange is a subsidiary of Vodafone."

"Yes." This was Lu Qi's final move. "If Orange has already reached a verbal commitment with Facebook, or is unwilling to talk to us, then it would be best for the Li family to operate it."

"This..." Zhou Buqi suddenly realized, "How do I remember that the Li family also has a lot of shares in Facebook? The cooperation between Facebook and Orange, the Li family is not the leader behind this, right? Otherwise, how could Facebook do it? You went to France and found such a good entry point?"

"Ah?" Lu Qi was slightly startled, a little unexpected, "No way?"

Zhou Buqi called Senior Sister Zhen Yu and asked about it.

Senior Sister Zhen Yu affirmed.

The Li family did invest in Facebook in the early stages and followed the investment many times... However, the current shareholding is not high, only about 2.4% of the total shares, and the current market value is about US$2.8 billion. The Li family invested a total of approximately US$400 million in Facebook, which is now worth US$2.8 billion. This investment was successful enough.

After Zhou Buqi heard this, he felt relieved and told Lu Qi to proceed as planned!

Lu Qi asked tentatively: "What about the Li family?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I will give the Li family an opportunity to invest in Ziweixing International, provided that they sell off all Facebook shares."

This is unusual for Vodafone.

This is the world's largest telecommunications operator.

The Li family has such a strong influence in the European telecommunications industry, so there will be many opportunities to come into contact with it in the future, especially Aisda's smartphone business.

Zhou Buqi is not sure what the nationality of Li Chaoren is, but his business layout in the UK is getting more and more important, especially after he gradually withdraws from the mainland market.

Ziweixing International must pay special attention to the European market, and the United Kingdom is the European headquarters of Ziweixing International. If you want to achieve greater and more stable development in your business, it is best to establish an interest relationship based on shares.

Lu Qi was very excited when he heard this, "This is better! If the relationship between the Li family and Facebook is cut off, their development in Europe will not go smoothly."

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