Top of the big era

Chapter 2521 Gathering the world’s heroes for my use

Zhou Buqi said: "The human heart is full of flesh. If you continue to help others, you will naturally have many friends. You try every means to curb the development of others. When others develop, it would be strange not to hate you. .Ziweixing must avoid this old path."

Cheng Binghao took a deep breath, "Ziweixing Engineering Institute should not only make money through outsourcing projects, but also promote the technological development of the industry, especially to gain recognition from peers!"

Zhou Buqi sighed, "I have meant this for a long time, but your attitude has always been too cautious. It was okay in the past few years, but not anymore. The wave of mobile Internet is booming. It is important to promote and help the development of this industry. The general trend is; to contain and limit the development of our peers is to swim against the current."

Zhang Yiming nodded, "In addition to individual subdivisions such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing, most other applications must be liberalized to provide basic support for the growth of the industry."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It should have been like this a long time ago. There are so many IT engineers in the country that we can't limit them even if we want to. This talks about the dangers of excessive self-research. If we don't let go, our Internet colleagues will have no choice but to Doing some basic development and doing repetitive work over and over again not only restricts the industry, but also restricts ourselves."

Just like WeChat Pay.

WeChat payment has done very well now, but it is still not enough. Many technologies are still immature, such as QR code payment. This technology still has great hidden dangers.

The only ones in China that have the ability to do this now are Alipay and WeChat Pay.

As for other companies...

They don't even understand the payment process, so how can they develop higher-level products?

If WeChat Pay is opened up and provides domestic colleagues with an opportunity to stand on the shoulders of WeChat Pay and do extended development, then all mobile payment teams across the country can rush forward and try to solve the second problem. Technical problems with QR code payment, or innovating a new and more interesting payment solution.

Innovation must first have a foundation.

Just like the innovation of cross talk, cross talk in the new era must of course innovate and keep pace with the times. The premise is that you must learn traditional cross talk well and have this cornerstone.

Dr. Wang Jian also understood Boss Zhou's thinking, "The steps are climbed step by step. No one can climb from the tenth floor on the ground. Those who can are either liars or liars. Ziweixing Engineering Institute should Domestic counterparts provide a more complete development platform."

He Yang said: "If we don't provide it, they will find a solution on their own, either vicious poaching or commercial theft, or go to Silicon Valley to buy. Any choice is not beneficial to the industry. If Ziweixing Engineering Institute It provides an opportunity, which is a good thing.”

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "It not only solves the hidden dangers of the industry, but also meets the market demand. It also improves Ziweixing's reputation in the industry and can even make enough money through outsourcing services."

Zhou Buqi said: "The most important thing is to prevent excessive self-research, which can even form industry habits. Open source products are doing so well in the United States. When Google launches an open source product, technology companies around the world will quickly follow. You can continue to develop by standing on Google's shoulders. In this way, developers around the world will unite to solve problems and correct errors for this open source product, and this open source product can grow rapidly."

Android is.

Apple and Microsoft are both companies that have been operating operating systems for decades. How can Android catch up quickly and even be better than the products made by operating system giant Microsoft?

Because this is an open source product.

It’s developers all over the world working together.

A French developer discovered a bug, and Google quickly corrected it; a Korean developer found a better implementation, and Google quickly upgraded.

Everyone works together to make Android grow at an incredible speed, and it is constantly being improved and improved in all aspects.

As for whether developers will use the open source Android system to do things that threaten Google...risks and benefits are inherently twin brothers.

Google has gathered the best Internet scientists in the world, and they are confident enough.

Zhou Buqi also has this kind of confidence.

In other words, Ziweixing is also available in the domestic market, and its confidence is even stronger. Because Ziweixing not only has technical advantages, but also boss Zhou’s own foresight.

Zhang Yiming acknowledged: "As far as current payment product solutions are concerned, WeChat Pay is worse than Alipay. If we open the bottom layer of WeChat Pay to domestic peers through Ziweixing Engineering Institute..."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "The core framework of the domestic mobile payment system will revolve around WeChat payment. Whether it is China Unicom's Wopay, mobile Hepay, or any other payment method, it may all use WeChat payment. The underlying architecture is built. By then, whoever does it well, the follow-up and upgrade of WeChat payment will be more convenient."

Zhang Yiming felt that what he said was a bit amateurish, and said with a smile: "This is the general idea."

He Yang said: "In this way, most of the domestic mobile payment industry revolves around WeChat payment, and this core position has been established. This is equivalent to an external ally. At the same time, it can also greatly reduce the number of people in the industry. Continuous and repetitive development of payment products involves excessive self-research.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, this is the most critical point. Why excessive self-research? It is because the domestic market does not provide solutions, so they can only do self-research. Over time, they will form a habit."

Zhang Yiming said: "There is another point, which is mutual distrust."

"Why don't you trust? A very important point is that many companies were suppressed by giants during their growth, which gave them a very bad impression." Zhou Buqi paused, "So, this is the Ziweixing Engineering Academy's Meaning, it is necessary to cultivate recognition in the industry. Payment tools are still a rare thing. If WeChat Pay is liberalized and other peers in the industry who are not strong enough are allowed to use the bottom layer of WeChat Pay to develop their own payment products, it will It can be a model.”

Zhang Yiming said thoughtfully, "This is mutual trust."

He Yang said excitedly: "If you demonstrate well, you can build mutual trust. Over time, you can form a habit."

Dr. Wang Jian said: "Yes, habits. A very important reason why the domestic open source community is not doing well is the lack of this habit. This is the key! Baidu launched an open source product for AI dialogue last year, but its domestic peers They will not participate at all, and no one will help Baidu train models. They are all used to being bullied by Baidu and are so angry. How can they go to Baidu's development platform to contribute to Baidu's open source products? Google is there It’s different now. It has a better social reputation and industry reputation. Once Google launches an open source product, developers around the world will be willing to try it.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, with the development of the mobile Internet industry, this trend will only get stronger and stronger. By then, even if large companies realize their own shortcomings and continue to contribute open source products to society, it will be difficult to You have gained recognition from others. This is the saddest thing. You have obviously contributed your shoulders and invited others to step on them, but they don’t believe you. They would rather start from scratch and research by yourself. This will lead to domestic Most of our research and development can only stay at the basic level, and big companies provide shoulders but are unwilling to stand on them.”

Zhang Yiming finally understood the big boss's intention.

This is really far-sighted.

Set a good example first to form a trusting relationship, and then develop industry habits.

This will encourage domestic Internet industry developers to actively participate in the overall development of Ziweixing and look for more opportunities to develop products on Ziweixing's shoulders.

In this way, I can truly bring together the world's heroes for my use.

The domestic Internet industry has encountered such a dilemma in previous lives.

All companies have their own share.

They are doing many similar things repeatedly, spending countless money and training countless IT scientists, but they cannot develop any Internet products with world-class technology.

It’s too scattered!

The power was not concentrated at all.

The vicious competition among peers is too fierce, and they are not willing to stand on each other's shoulders. They all want to fight independently and develop a product alone to surpass everyone else.

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