Top of the big era

Chapter 2502 The importance of 4g network

Everyone can say good things, but Zhou Buqi is not a fool, so he simply said the two most important things.

The first is the neutrality of the Internet.

The second is legality.

The so-called legality means that anything can be done without prohibition by law. As long as it does not violate the law, innovation cannot be restricted. For example, Internet calls like Skype have no legal reference to block them.

Director Wang could only sigh and said that the national conditions were different.

Let’s talk about it more realistically.

What does the operator mean?

An CEO surnamed Liu said: "The situation of WeChat is very complicated, but...but as you said, we have no reason to restrict the development of WeChat. This violates the neutrality of the Internet and has no legal protection." . However, operators can make internal adjustments."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Liu, just say it."

Mr. Liu said: "The business strategy of operators has always been to subsidize data networks through revenue from voice networks. Data networks are used to support the development of the Internet industry. WeChat grew up under this cross-subsidization strategy."

Zhou Buqi laughed and gave him this opportunity to put some money on his face, "That's right, that's right."

Mr. Liu continued: "However, the business development of WeChat has damaged the interests of the voice network and even affected the mobile phone business. If these interests are damaged, subsidies for the data network may have to be reduced."

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi immediately understood what the other party meant, and he was a bit threatening. "Will the cost of data traffic increase?"

Mr. Liu said in a deep voice: "It's possible!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Domestic traffic charges are already relatively high in the world. Compared with several surrounding countries, domestic traffic charges are the highest."

Director Wang had a higher level. When he saw something was wrong, he quickly smiled and said: "It's just a reference opinion. It must be verified by all parties. The increase in traffic fees... This is really not good."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, it's not in line with the latest policy of benefiting the people."

It is impossible to increase the traffic fee.

It's just a test by the operator.

Then, another telecom manager Ying said: "It is indeed inappropriate to increase the traffic tariff price, but the specifications of the package can be improved while keeping the price unchanged. For example, the minimum monthly traffic package is 500M, and each The monthly traffic fee is 50 yuan.”

The more traffic users use and the more traffic fees they spend, the more money the operators will make.

Raising the bar is also a strategy.

That is to cancel those civilian packages. If mobile phone users want to use data networks, the minimum package standard is 50 yuan per month. This way to increase income.

Zhou Buqi knew that this was another tentative suggestion, and said with a smile: "What kind of sales strategy the operator should adopt is an internal matter of the operator, and it is really difficult for Ziweixing to participate. However, as far as the competitiveness of WeChat is concerned, Generally speaking, no matter whether the operator's minimum package is 5 yuan or 50 yuan, it will not have a big impact on WeChat. I am afraid that it will not be too fair to other Internet companies."

"Mr. Zhou is not optimistic?"

“I think the most important thing to solve the problem is to fully take care of the user’s feelings. In terms of user services, we can only do additions, not subtractions. Only when consumers are satisfied can this be a long-term big business; Even a monopolistic industry may have too much revenue if consumers are dissatisfied."

"Yes." Director Wang clapped his hands, "Xiao Zhou said it very well, or he is a world-class entrepreneur, and he summed it up very well!"

Another leader of Gongxinkou is a director named Xu. His idea is more reliable, "I think we should start from the technical level."


Zhou Buqi was very interested, and he thought the same way.

Director Xu said: "The existing mobile communication network architecture does not match the online mode of the mobile Internet. Internet companies are developing too fast, and the communication network architecture of operators is still what it was a few years ago and cannot keep up with the market. development needs. This results in the network being overloaded and the traffic cost being too high."

Zhou Buqi strongly agreed and said with a smile: "It is indeed the case. The mobile Internet will have a certain impact on all walks of life. If many traditional industries do not respond quickly enough, they may not be able to keep up with the new era. Now Europe and the United States Developed countries have widely promoted 4G networks, and the results are very good. The overseas version of WeChat is called Helo. Helo has the same functions as WeChat, and also has voice messages, voice calls and video calls. However, European and American operators do not The interests were damaged due to the impact of Helo."

"Oh?" Director Wang took out a small notebook from his pocket. He probably took a pen to record it out of his work habit, and asked for advice seriously, "Xiao Zhou, please tell me carefully! This is Why? Our operators are all state-owned enterprises, so we should have greater advantages!"

Zhou Buqi said: "It really has to do with technology. The traffic consumption of the 4G network is about 20 times that of the 3G network. This means that operators can obtain more traffic rates from consumers. And Helo consumes traffic An important product that is an important tool to promote the transformation of operators from traditional telephone and voice services to data services."

"Well, transformation!"

Director Wang became cautious and took notes in his notebook.

Zhou Buqi said: "This is the general trend of the times. Gone are the days when operators relied on phone services and SMS services to make money. Let's never think about the comfort of making money relying on monopoly advantages in the past. Days are no longer possible. New production relations have emerged. The great rejuvenation of the nation does not allow us to go back and can only continue to move forward. Domestic operators must also transform and act immediately! Data network services Business should be the most important business for operators in the future."

Director Xu sighed lightly, "The domestic conditions are not sufficient yet. We cannot all compare with developed countries in Europe and the United States. We still need time."

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "It must be fast! The faster, the better! When will the 4G network be fully rolled out in the country, when will the domestic mobile Internet industry reach its peak... This concept of peak, I can Describe it to everyone.”


Everyone was very serious.

Including Guo Pengfei and Meng Houkun who came with him, you must know that Boss Zhou almost never misses his big judgment on future trends.

Zhou Buqi said: "In the PC Internet era, we have been plagiarizing and imitating the Silicon Valley of the United States. In the mobile Internet era, domestic Internet companies will lead the innovation wave of the global Internet industry! my country's technology industry, along with Compared with developed countries in Europe and the United States, they have always been lagging behind and following the trend. Only the Internet can break through! I’m talking about the mobile Internet!”

Director Wang looked at him blankly.

Somewhat incredible.

He came here on behalf of a higher-level person, so he had to take full notes and report tomorrow, so he said seriously: "Xiao Zhou, have I written down your judgment?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Of course, a manly man, spitting foam and nails!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

I feel that although Comrade Xiao Zhou has made astonishing achievements in the business market, he is still a young man, full of energy and sharpness.

However, no one dares to underestimate his ability and judgment.

Zhou Buqi said: "All of this depends on the 4G network. Once the 4G network is laid, it can greatly ease the conflicts between operators and Internet companies. At the same time, it is also the biggest impact on the development of the domestic Internet industry towards the mobile terminal. Support! The 4G network must be implemented as soon as possible, the sooner the better! If it is slower, I am afraid that it will be left behind by the technology giants of Silicon Valley like it was in the PC Internet era. The backwardness of the industry cannot be caused by the backwardness of the infrastructure. , this is a pity, and it is a waste of so many IT engineers trained in the country."

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