Top of the big era

Chapter 2500 Traffic Fee

Zhou Buqi did not think this was a correct reason and said: "Consumption of too much traffic? This logic makes no sense. In fact, even if Ziweixing accounts for 90% of the traffic, the operator cannot restrict it in the name of occupying too much traffic. Because this does not violate the business model of traffic – users have paid for traffic.”

Guo Pengfei said: "Users are users, and enterprises are enterprises. After all, logically speaking, if an Internet company consumes 30% of the operator's traffic, it should bring 30% of the operator's revenue; if it consumes 50% of the traffic, it It should bring 50% of revenue to operators."

Meng Houkun disagreed, "How can this be true? Users have already paid, and the traffic purchased by users can be spent wherever they want. This is the consumer's choice! You can't guide consumers and say it is I make too little money with this product, so you should try not to use it; with that product, we can make a lot of money, so hurry up and use it."

Guo Pengfei said helplessly: "But in fact, operators can't earn much traffic fees at all. Users online more often use WiFi."

“Don’t you also have to pay for WiFi broadband?”

"But that's a buyout system."


Zhou Buqi seemed to understand what he meant.

Guo Pengfei continued: "From an enterprise perspective, all traffic consumption we use is also subject to a buyout system, which has become a huge operational burden for operators."

"It makes sense."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

In this way, there is indeed some truth.

WeChat consumes traffic at both ends. WeChat messages sent between users must be processed by Ziweixing's server, and the server has a receiving and sending process during the service process.

For example, user A sends a message with a size of 1KB and consumes 1KB of traffic.

The server received the 1KB content and sent the 1KB content to B. User B receives 1KB of content and consumes 1KB of traffic.

In this process, user A consumed 1KB of traffic, user B consumed 1KB of traffic, and the two of them completed the transmission of 1KB content.

As a service provider, Ziweixing consumed 1KB of traffic each during the receiving and sending processes, and a total of 2KB of traffic was consumed.

All traffic is provided by operators, and all traffic has costs.

Data is transmitted over the Internet, just like trucks transporting goods on the highway. There are driver fees, service fees, tolls, fuel fees and car damage.

In this process, even if User A and User B purchase both the operator's traffic packages...the operator earns traffic fees through this.

But the bigger one is Ziweixing.

The combined traffic consumption of A and B is the same as that of Ziweixing.

But Ziweixing is a company, and the buyout system is adopted here. That is, no matter how much traffic the company consumes, the fee paid is fixed.

This is very unfair to the operators. They have to work for excellent large-scale Internet companies. The subsidies for their own internal voice networks and data networks end up being subsidized to the Internet giants.

For example, some companies pay a buyout fee of 100 yuan to the operator.

However, the company's products are not very popular in the market. The usage rate is not high and the market share is very low. As a result, the company's products consume very little traffic, maybe only 1MB.

Similarly, Ziweixing also paid a buyout fee of 100 yuan to the operator, but the product was so good and so popular in the market that Ziweixing's traffic consumption may have reached 1GB!

The income is only 100 yuan, but the data services the operator needs to provide for Ziweixing are 1,000 times that of other small companies.

This becomes a huge burden and imbalance.

However, you cannot look at the problem from just one perspective.

Everyone has his or her own opinion on this matter.

Meng Houkun also understood, but felt that such an angle was inexplicable, and snorted coldly: "Making money is more important than principles? In terms of making money alone, Ziweixing has caused some troubles and consumed too many resources, but failed to provide operations. It has brought enough revenue to the business. However, Ziweixing did not break the principles, and these principles were formulated by the operators themselves. The principles they set themselves, and now they find that they are not making money, they do not reflect on themselves, but they break the rules and sanction Ziweixing MSI? How can this be true?"

Guo Pengfei said angrily: "What's the use of telling me? That's the way it is! They are state-owned enterprises, and what you are talking about are all the rules of the market economy. Their state-owned enterprises are playing a semi-market economy."

Meng Houkun said: "It doesn't make sense. Don't forget that the Internet is neutral! Operators cannot treat them differently. They cannot be extra harsh just because Ziweixing is a big company. Companies big and small must be treated equally."

Zhou Buqi said: "These are all trivial matters. In the final analysis, the current traffic costs of operators are too high. Why are the traffic costs high? Because amortization is low. First, smartphones are not popular enough and there are not enough users. Second The second is that the operator’s network is not good, and the technology needs to be improved, and the 4G network must be laid out, and many problems will be solved.”

After a pause, Zhou Buqi continued: "The operator's traffic revenue is too little. Because the revenue is too small, it can only raise the traffic fee. But if the traffic fee is high, there will be fewer users, which creates a It’s a vicious cycle. It’s the wrong business model.”

When it comes to business models, Boss Zhou is very powerful and intimidating. Meng Houkun asked: "What should we do?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Small profits but quick turnover, we need to greatly reduce the traffic fee. Only when the traffic fee is reduced, more mobile phone users will buy data packages and there will be more income. This is the business method of the Internet. I’m afraid that those state-owned enterprise executives who aim to be officials may not understand.”

Guo Pengfei smiled, "It is indeed an Internet game."

This is not only a matter of small profits but quick turnover, but also a matter of user habits.

In the past, operators' strategy was to increase the cost of use for a single user.

It's just a pile of wool caught in a pile.

Can consumers not complain?

The key is that the interests of consumers have been harmed, and operators have been scolded, but they have not made much money yet. This business strategy is completely reversed.

It is not surprising at all that operators have been beaten down by Internet companies based on this traditional business idea.

This is a dimensionality reduction attack by more advanced business models on traditional low-end models.

A better model must be to reduce prices.

Only when traffic fees are significantly reduced will it win the favor of consumers. When traffic charges are lowered, the cost per consumer is lowered, the operator's reputation will be improved, and the user base will be larger.

The most important thing is that when users use cheap data... they slowly form a habit!

This is the most important.

It is also the essence of Internet business strategy - cultivating users and cultivating users into what I want them to be.

Today's smartphone users, even if they are wealthy, go to hotels, cafes and other public places, the first thing they do is ask for WiFi passwords to bypass traffic charges and use WiFi to surf the Internet.

This is very painful for operators.

But if the traffic fee is low enough, users will get used to using data to surf the Internet, and they will slowly become accustomed to using data... After going to many public places, there is no need to connect to public WiFi.

In this way, consumers will use more traffic, and operators will have a larger traffic revenue pool. And once consumers' habits are formed, this is a long-term and sustainable business. This is much better than the high-priced traffic fees that operators used to damage reputation. It can not only make money, but also build reputation, and cultivate user habits. It achieves multiple goals with one stone.

Guo Pengfei said: "The 3G network still has too many restrictions."

Zhou Buqi said: "So the 4G network must be launched as soon as possible. The construction of business models cannot be separated from basic technical support. The 4G network is not such a high-end technology. Europe and the United States have established relevant standards and regulations many years ago. The technical direction has been announced. Another point is that WeChat takes up a lot of traffic, why is it so much? Because the country now has a 3G network, which seriously restricts the development of many Internet products."

3G network is most suitable for text messages.

This general environment determines that WeChat and Weibo are the apps that consume the most traffic at the moment, because they are the most important tools for text information exchange.

Why does WeChat consume more data than video websites like Youku?

It stands to reason that videos consume more data.

Because users use the buyout WiFi network to watch Youku, they will never use the 3G network to watch Youku!

This is the core of the problem.

Once the domestic 4G network system is established and the network speed is fast enough, the function of watching videos online will be perfected... Only streaming media, live broadcast industry, and high-definition short videos will usher in big trends.

And these industries are the bulk of traffic consumption.

Operators want to make more money in terms of traffic, and this is the area they should focus on.

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