Top of the big era

Chapter 2496 The core position of data applications

Promoting the cooperation between Alipay and PayPal has been discussed for a long time.

Boss Ma is very interested in this.

However, he was still full of doubts about whether it could be done, and he didn't think Zhou Buqi could really do it.

Unexpectedly, in the past few months, Zhou Buqi actually sent an invitation, and invited him to join the board of directors of PayPal. This is amazing.

Boss Ma was very surprised, "Really? Has PayPal been spun off?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's almost confirmed. The listing approval has been passed. The next step is to go through the process. It is estimated that the IPO will be completed in June."


Boss Ma still couldn't believe it.

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "What's true or false? I'm joking with you when I have time? Of course it's true. When this matter is settled, you will go to the United States with me to choose a new PayPal Board of Directors."

Boss Ma was in a very complicated mood, even a little bit envious, "What you did now is just like a joke. Others have worked hard all their lives, and it is considered a huge success to be able to run a company and go public." It succeeded. You are so good. Every few months, a company goes for IPO. How many times has this happened?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "How do I know this? I'm not a math major, so I can't count them."

Boss Ma sighed, "I'm convinced!"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him with a half-smile, "When you join the board of directors of PayPal, don't hide it. Alipay's big moves and important innovations should also be brought out to remind PayPal."

Boss Ma smiled and said: "What innovation can Alipay bring?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The times have changed. In the past, it was Copy_to_China, and in the future it will be Copy_from_China. I am counting on Alipay for any innovative achievements in the Internet financial industry in the future."

Boss Ma thought he was joking and waved his hand, "I also have a headache here. The financial industry is no more sensitive than other industries. The slightest innovation is fatal."

But Zhou Buqi is very serious, "Rather than letting outsiders copy it, it's better to let PayPal do it. At least I can still have some control."

Boss Ma doesn’t want to say too much yet.

Yu'e Bao is a highly confidential matter.

If you talk too much, this guy will smell something bad.

We will wait until the current troubles are over and the Prime Minister's Office has really implemented major policies such as comprehensive opening up, strong delegation of power, unswerving support for the development of the Internet industry, and active benefits to the private sector, and then the Yu'E Bao project will be implemented.

"Don't think so far ahead, first think about how to get over the current crisis."

"How about we find a few more people in the industry and come together?"

"Don't, it's like forcing you to go to the palace." Boss Ma is experienced in this, "Don't find so many people, just go by yourself, meet privately, and talk briefly. Even if you want to organize a meeting with multiple people , they are the ones organizing it, it’s not your turn yet.”

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "What about you?"

Boss Ma said: "I've been there. If you go again, I think it's almost the same. The Yangtze River is rolling forward. This is the general trend. It can never go back."

Zhou Buqi really lacks experience in dealing with these matters.

I can only listen to Boss Ma’s advice.

The effect is quite good.

Two days later, Zhou Buqi had a private meeting.

Then, I heard that Boss Ma went over to talk again.

Five days later, the authorities indeed organized a symposium on the Internet industry. Some well-known domestic Internet entrepreneurs were present and talked about the development of the domestic Internet industry and the comparison and competition with the Internet giants in Silicon Valley.

A total of more than a dozen industry insiders attended the meeting.

Zhou Buqi is the youngest.

But he is also the one who is most respected by everyone and has the most say.

No prior consultation is required.

If Zhou Buqi said something, even if it was not accurate enough, his colleagues would immediately explain and supplement it instead of standing up to make trouble.

In this situation, private Internet entrepreneurs are just grasshoppers on a rope.

Policy trends are related to everyone's practical interests.

The signals are out.

The sign is good.

Coupled with some of the advantages of foresight, Zhou Buqi is not too worried here. In Ziweixing's internal meeting, it mainly focused on Zheng Xiaoli's ideas to comprehensively promote the domestic development team to go on overseas business trips as a whole. project.

At many critical times, outsiders really can’t count on you.

Or is the domestic team more capable of execution?

He Yang had a statistics on this, and then said very optimistically: "The rise of the domestic Internet industry is destined. Talent is the key to the industry, and domestic talents are the most...well, of course not the top Talents, in fact, you don’t need too many top talents to do the Internet.”

Guo Pengfei said: "Yes, they are all very basic things. It is really difficult to lead the industry in Internet technology. Even if you can do it...just like Google, the effect may not be good. This is also related to the enterprise. culture."

This topic is huge.

Zhang Yiming agreed very much and said: "For large companies, choosing a good corporate culture is even more important than corporate strategy. The strategy must be chosen in accordance with the corporate culture. Google's technology is the best in the world, which we all recognize . But it’s also true that a lot of Google’s new products are becoming more and more junk. This is the paradox of corporate culture.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "How to say?"

Zhang Yiming said: "Google has the best technology in the world. Why? Because Google has the best scientists in the industry. Why are the top scientists in the industry willing to join Google? Because Google pursues an engineer culture. All Google products are It is led by engineers. And the products designed by engineers will definitely be rigid, rigid, and technologically niche."

This is where the contradiction lies.

Google's engineering culture has attracted the best industry scientists in the world to Google. But also because of the engineering culture, it is difficult for Google to develop any new top-level Internet products.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Google's products are pretty bad, but their engineers have developed an invincible Android system. They also rely on the Android system to bundle a lot of Google apps."

Guo Pengfei hummed: "If Google does this, it will be a monopoly lawsuit sooner or later."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Where is Ziweixing? What kind of culture do we have?"

He Yang smiled and said: "You created the product manager culture. Who doesn't know that your boss Zhou is the chief product manager of Ziweixing?"

Some companies are led by engineers, some are led by designers, some are led by marketing... Most Internet companies are led by product managers.

This is actually a shortcut.

There is no cutting-edge technology.

But we can develop the best products.

The so-called product manager does not necessarily have to have a technical background, but he must understand more or less some technologies, have some understanding of product design, have certain judgments about market trends, and have unique insights into user preferences.

Just like Zhou Buqi.

Ziweixing's Internet products are all led by product managers. Scientist-level architects, front-end engineers, back-end engineers, designers, marketing departments, middle office departments, etc., everything must work around the product managers.

To put it bluntly, it is power.

If engineers hold the power of the project, it is an engineer culture; if designers hold the power of the project, it is a designer culture.

Ziweixing's Internet projects are all controlled by product managers. People like Zhou Buqi, Zhang Yiming, and Guo Pengfei actually play the role of product managers.

However, now there is a new important indicator for product managers.

"The product manager responsibility system has always been Ziweixing's tradition, and we must stick to it. Market competition is not about showing off skills, and it is not about whose technology is better." Zhou Buqi made a summary, "However, product managers in the past... Including me, the understanding and application of data are not in place. We shout about data all day long and discuss the importance of big data, but we still don’t pay enough attention to data in the product process.”

Zhang Yiming understood what he meant immediately, "Well, Zheng Xiaoli's materials have been sent back. Data application should play a more important role in the innovative design and development and operation of products. We have already had five or six meetings about this." discuss."

Zhou Buqi said: "This is a new idea. The Internet originated in the United States, and the past ideas...whether it was the engineer culture, designer culture or product manager culture, actually came from Silicon Valley. If we just learn from Silicon Valley, so what? To surpass them? Data application provides us with a brand new idea!"

"That's right, data!"

Zhang Yiming himself is a data controller.

In the previous life, domestic emerging Internet giants such as ByteDance, Meituan, Didi, and Pinduoduo were able to fight their way out of the Red Sea and grow up in the cracks. The core reason was that they maximized data applications.

This was the secret magic weapon for later domestic Internet products to spread all over the world.

Data is the most intuitive and naked feedback of reality.

The inspiration and aesthetic cognition of designers, the technology and idealism of engineers... are all castles in the air in the face of data!

What users like is a product they like.

Data is the true reflection of user preference.

Of course, domestic advantages in data application are not only conceptual, but also determined by objective circumstances.

The number of Internet engineers in China ranks first in the world!

Takes up half of the world!

The number of Internet engineers in the United States may not even be one-tenth of that in the country. Many times, even if Silicon Valley giants want to do something, they don't have the manpower to support it.

Domestically, it is possible.

If you want to do data analysis, you must have a large number of data analysts who stare at the data and do various statistics every day. After statistics and analysis, it will be handed over to the product team for further analysis, and then submitted to the development department for product fine-tuning and correction.

Domestic Internet products are all developed through fine-tuning and fine-grinding like embroidery.

This is absolute excellence.

Silicon Valley companies can only develop products in broad strokes.

To do the same thing, domestic product teams can subdivide thousands of branches based on data and reference... The workload may be a hundred or a thousand times that of the product teams of Silicon Valley technology companies.

After so much effort, it is not surprising that apps developed in China are better and smoother than those in the United States, and the product design is friendlier and closer to users.

The idea of ​​data application proposed by Zheng Xiaoli will become the core idea of ​​Ziweixing's next product development!

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